Showing posts with label DISCOLORED SKIES. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DISCOLORED SKIES. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 17, 2021






Lamp lighten dark room feels comfort,

Fears stalk mind fade instantly effort,

Thought mischief monger create well,

Vogue horror hunt weaken heart nail, (1)


Darkness adds color opaque suspicion,

Predator prowls terrorize imagination,

Ultimate fear death lurks exhibit neat,

Confusion cripples courage hell excite, (2)


Close chamber widows shut create all,

Fresh winds light obstruct captive roll,

Deprive vibrant nature aroma of earth,

Life perish in dungeon customs worth, (3)


Imprisons female n domestic creature,

Menial work grow children, live secure,

Behind curtains soul resists exposure,

Rule restriction break punish harsher, (4)


Close educations higher school, college,

Colorful birds in cage food water craze,

Realities of modern society disbelieve all,

Equality of women at par with men tall, (5)


Beat male scholars in studies research,

Sport, career leadership quality search,

Female education skills exception often,

Industry corporate business life glisten, (6)


Ever such free birds thought fly higher,

Colorful sky cloud performance glamor,

Nation feels proud female front runner,

Strongest country, women wear armor, (7)


Army navy air-force, spacecraft service,

No more restriction examples to novice,

Huge n free democratic nations prosper,

Brick of strength castle females secure, (viii)


Breeds quality life of children duly lead,

Fortify new generation conviction plead,

Bring notice ghastly dungeon exists well,

Million-women linger rotten perish trail, (9)


Futile gather courage to protest practice,

Community segregates n boycott service,

Branded convict commit sacrilege worst,

Family suffers, get tortures freedom cost, (10)


Close society even exist continents wide,

Humanity does repent requests override,

Rarely, society reforms, freedom associate,

Liberation for womanhood ensure, relate, (11)


Lamp lighten darkness recede fears fade,

Ocean of hope tidal wave tsunami invade,

Windows open, bright sunshine creep nit,

Spread happiness desires colleges admit, (12)


Veils vanish quickly, glint eyes bright wit,

Heartfelt laughter cherish nation explicit,

Glamorous dress ornate angelic figure all,

Happy bird fly gaily spell charms enthrall, (13)


Not at all fiction reality exist notion belies,

Bird in cage cries silently discolored skies.

Extinguishes candle of life smokes spread,

Discolor skies dark smoke spirits tirade. (14)