Wednesday, August 10, 2022




Newspaper life of citizens, read most,

Essays, poems, write up decorated,

Peaceful landscape, political analysis,

Inspiring youth, media valuable,

Local languages got encouraged,

Newspapers color custom, culture,

Widely cover festivals, functions,

People prefer posting family matters,

A decent time existing, mother tongue,

Socked people train accident, fire,

Perennial flood, drought, typhoon,

Widely covered spreading affected,

Limited to the morning paper day starts,

Changing phenomenal, a dimension,

Newspaper, television channel, internet,

Local, national news, English, Hindi,

The local television channel, mother tongue,

A plethora of subject variety in color,

News circulated in digital media instantly,

Text, sound, video, picture mediums,

Circulate mobile, laptop, channels,

Unimaginable details, variety, speed,

Contacts worldwide, influencing too,

Pouring out international news instantly,

Forest fire, hurricane, draughts,

Affects people, citizens' views,

In video, pictures, details in the text,

War in foreign countries reaching,

The horror of human crime intimates,

People's news channels make aware,

Doomsday is nearer for the earth, human,

Pollution destroyed nature most,

Depleting forest green house true,

Warns old, youth, and children profusely,

Planting trees, conserving water detail,

Media plays a role in the survival of the world,

Focusing on vanishing species so fast,

Great, my country never lacks news,

Freedom for expression, publishing,

No restriction, democracy marvels,

Mighty the media can criticize,

Fears administration, leader, public,

Media controls discipline, decency,

Exposing arson, looting, violence,

Unbiased, fortunate people, indebted,

Remarks comment observation public,

Digital platform widely circulated,

Newspaper Television hosts discussions,

Host open criticism of wrong policies,

Expose directly corrupt leaders, crime,

Match modern time unthinkable service,

Fullmoon shine dispels darkness,

Moon is dark invisible, yet exists,

The media spreads misinformation, lies,

Tries best to mold the public in the wrong way,

Conscience obliterated, Spread hatred,

Preach sectarian mind sugarcoated,

Spoiling budding youth-adult motivate,

Capture educated illiterate equally,

The digital world's sharp edge knife cuts deep,

Media playing havoc, causing arson,

Killing innocent, media damaging,

Test of democratic country, freedom,

Screening, punishment ban circulation,

Slipping news hideously poisons the mind,

Obscene undesirable for children,

Mobile, internet, media fail protection,

Hurting decency, youth corrupt,

Vulgar expose exhibiting openly fearless,

Equality for women folk show, vulgar,

Magazine, media clips, television shows,

Parents switch off the television, net locked,

The digital world's failed protection spoils most,

Incredulous, our generation perplexed,

Avoid daily news, cultural exhibition,

Avoid venom in guise, presentation,

Incredulous, public, senior citizens, women,

Helpless, think democracy is on the wrong side.


@ Bijayananda Mishra.






Tuesday, August 9, 2022





Wait for golden-era arrives impatient,

Peasant community happy got owner,

Owner of their land now reality free,

Never require to share output anymore,

Father forefathers bonded got little,

Handed over grains to landlords owner,

Hard labor yearlong, pittance to survive,

Destined to be poor, live in a mud house,

Few cows, vegetable garden, off-time job,

Serving rich, powerful, fetching sustenance,

Traveling to towns, often sell village products,

Weaving cotton, wooden kits, iron tools,

Earthen potteries, bangles, domestic needs,

Maintaining life, making money few,

Independence has brought freedom,

Cultivate land own, dream of getting rich,

Landless get lands, a plot for the house,

Farmers got assistance, land, irrigated,

Population curse of land youth idle,

Depleted meager earnings so quickly,

Youth jobless, village touts,

Peace getting destroyed, poverty cruel,

Migration starts youth search for jobs,

Exploited by contractors, industry,

Children dropping out from school work,

Feeding old and sick parents,

Extreme poverty, forced parent inhuman,

Selling tiny kids to child labor,

Modernity sweet face cruel intention,

Stole small children for a domestic servant,

Child laborer washes dishes, serve food,

Collecting forest wood industrial laborer,

Growing to youth stage homeless,

Growing street life, beggary, coolie,

Sick, alone, growing children for them,

Uncertain future of child illiterate,

Crime, drug pedaling, cheating, violence,

Dream of captives on freedom shattered,

Disturbed society, walled, aloof,

The class of rich got richer, poor to the poorest,

Never country seen disaster, exploding,

Democracy played a miracle, time change,

Technology, science, business factor,

Growing education, finance, help,

Food, shelter, cloth means to work,

Modernity, making inroads into rural,

Scope for working hard to maintain life,

Demanding products output increase,

Export, widening business, travel,

Communication instant, life informed,

Unbelievable, people escaped from morasses,

Peasant productive, youth innovative,

Children completing education,

Skill touchstone opening avenues,

Unthinkable yesterday, reality easy,

Happy, peaceful society helping others,

Free meals for the poor, free medical checkup,

Adopting poor children help till young,

Shelter home for destitute, old,

Voluntary service is astonishing inspiring,

Corona come migrant got jobless,

A massive population got homeless suddenly,

Specter of return sight, horror,

Walking miles with belonging,

Stupefied worker community hopeless,

Things change migrant returns,

The village scene is never happier,

Stupefied life getting courage, strength,

Searching a golden day, misty, radiating,

Moving en mass to bustling cities,

A democratic republic assures, honestly.


@ Bijayananda Mishra





Saturday, August 6, 2022




Black hole vast country resembling,

Darkness perpetual it seemed in the pit,

In-surmountable poverty, illness, illiteracy,

Slavery only means working for rulers,

Kings, Mughal emperor, British rule,

Flourished with resources land rich,

Exploited, sucked to bone marrow,

Lacking energy, courage to revolt,

Never could perceive freedom of life,

What does it mean to stand on feet,

Dreams of the birthright of human equality,

King subject at par, rulers serve people,

Unaware of human dignity, beg mercy,

Not decades, a millennium visible,

People in the morass seemingly inescapable,

Hunger perennial, die early, sick,

Malnutrition, stigmatized color, race, faith,

Curse of the land caste, untouchable class,

Despicable women, grown up under veil,

Deprived freedom of the worst kind, hell,

Living within four walls, disallowed travel,

Inter-caste marriage banned, ostracized,

Ban water fire from community, function,

Temples blocked from lower castes,

Inauspicious, looked down upon, aloof,

A community to serve upper caste,

No wage, benefit, cultivate, produce,

Landlords plunder everything merciless,

In this pitch-dark human society, a lamp,

Burning bright, the teacher, scholar,

Knowledgeable in culture, literature, ethics,

Scripts of the book of knowledge conversant,

Oratory skill, organized, disciplined,

Teaching pupils truth, courage, struggle,

Schools in a cottage, then college, spread,

Removing illiteracy, giving tongue voice,

Life understanding to write, letters,

Letter crossed the length n breadth of the nation,

Mother tongues marveled, books many,

Reading educated society get enlightened,

Mass movement, people learned,

Communicate with communities far-flung,

Quickly light spread entire nation, bright,

Obscure village teacher now professor,

Teaching science, technology, medical,

Teaching laws of the land right deserved,

Focus, social evil, practices rampant,

Suggested social healing, reforms, fight,

Great teachers, the land is blessed till date,

Coaching youth, tiny children, old alike,

An enormous contribution to independence,

The core strength of struggle, fight to rule,

Blazing fire equivalent poems ignited,

Mass read, agitated, heightened movement,

Sir, only name, simple dress, clean life,

Taught purity, character, freedom, equality,

Sit after seven decades of a free country,

Watch teacher of my nation-leading,

Brightest students dazzle the world,

Teachers stay insignificant, obscure,

Serve society invaluable benefit less,

Indirect builder of the nation, precious,

Teacher’s day, the birthday of the president,

Symbolizing simple teacher magnanimous,

Glorifying art, culture, ancient customs, past,

Lighting lessons, values like gold,

Signifies the enigma, lighthouse in emanation.


@ Bijayananda Mishra




Friday, August 5, 2022




Lethargy overtaking inert body,

Drowsy, dormant sleep covers,

Like darkness, a night under sunshine,

Losing the sound of a neighborhood,

The moving automobiles, horns,

The noise of the crowd, up roaring, shouting,

Comfortable on cozy bed lying,

Windows closed, room air-conditioned,

Sad yesterday, life event disappointing,

Unfulfilled aspirations, I quit from job,

Lost private life, happiness, love,

Busy day and night, traveling for years,

Tired visiting places, meeting people,

Talk convincing, unyielding was a war,

Business, profit, loss, turnover,

Life settles on ifs, dot, but, sure,

Wake up whole night planned and planning,

Making money, life flourishes,

Dreaming of wealth to provide security,

Secured in a beautiful mansion in focus,

Beautiful cars, furniture, gadgets,

Floating pictures of my luxury comfort,

Ended suddenly in loss, demoted,

In shame, quit the job in protest, angry,

I had given life, energy, and passion totally,

Lost family life, parents call for help,

Forgotten anniversary, birthday to greet,

Evaded tearful faces of near ones silent,

Gave dress, goods, costly gifts,

Shouted at them, they rejected all,

Give us time, your love, care,

Not goodies, you are so important to us,

We love you and care for your health rest,

Talk to us about our feelings, emotions,

Forgotten quickly work alcohol in blood,

Drunk was running foolishly, kicked out,

Not worse fate, bad luck, my choosing,

Sleeping alone in a closed room,

Summing up the pros and cons of a journey,

Alone today, lost the sympathy of family,

Parent thinks they have lost me,

Now I find friends tag me selfish,

So sad, felt tortured, gloomy in front,

Searching for escaping route and failing,

Hours passed, I  got up, evening it was,

Came out, breathing the heavily fresh salty air,

Sun below the horizon, street lights on,

Watched my watch jump a step,

It is my birthday, I promised,

Promised to daughter to be with her,

The whole day family must be waiting,

I missed lunch with them,

I drove my car, wishing to be at home,

I need family as never before,

Watched through window, family,

Wife immersive, children silent,

Daughter holding my photo, weeping,

Candles unlit, silent was my house,

Cat’s paw, I silently entered,

Behind the daughter closed her eyes,

She was shaking, uttered Papa,

Knew instantly hugged closely,

Happy birthday Papa, waiting we are,

Brighter becoming light, music playing,

The gleaming face of my wife and children,

They started singing, dancing, clapping,

I was crying happy tears, laughing,

Hugged everybody, kissed profusely,

Felt the spark of life I now get back,

So could get my drear ones.


@ Bijayananda Misha