Showing posts with label STUPEFIED. Show all posts
Showing posts with label STUPEFIED. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 9, 2022





Wait for golden-era arrives impatient,

Peasant community happy got owner,

Owner of their land now reality free,

Never require to share output anymore,

Father forefathers bonded got little,

Handed over grains to landlords owner,

Hard labor yearlong, pittance to survive,

Destined to be poor, live in a mud house,

Few cows, vegetable garden, off-time job,

Serving rich, powerful, fetching sustenance,

Traveling to towns, often sell village products,

Weaving cotton, wooden kits, iron tools,

Earthen potteries, bangles, domestic needs,

Maintaining life, making money few,

Independence has brought freedom,

Cultivate land own, dream of getting rich,

Landless get lands, a plot for the house,

Farmers got assistance, land, irrigated,

Population curse of land youth idle,

Depleted meager earnings so quickly,

Youth jobless, village touts,

Peace getting destroyed, poverty cruel,

Migration starts youth search for jobs,

Exploited by contractors, industry,

Children dropping out from school work,

Feeding old and sick parents,

Extreme poverty, forced parent inhuman,

Selling tiny kids to child labor,

Modernity sweet face cruel intention,

Stole small children for a domestic servant,

Child laborer washes dishes, serve food,

Collecting forest wood industrial laborer,

Growing to youth stage homeless,

Growing street life, beggary, coolie,

Sick, alone, growing children for them,

Uncertain future of child illiterate,

Crime, drug pedaling, cheating, violence,

Dream of captives on freedom shattered,

Disturbed society, walled, aloof,

The class of rich got richer, poor to the poorest,

Never country seen disaster, exploding,

Democracy played a miracle, time change,

Technology, science, business factor,

Growing education, finance, help,

Food, shelter, cloth means to work,

Modernity, making inroads into rural,

Scope for working hard to maintain life,

Demanding products output increase,

Export, widening business, travel,

Communication instant, life informed,

Unbelievable, people escaped from morasses,

Peasant productive, youth innovative,

Children completing education,

Skill touchstone opening avenues,

Unthinkable yesterday, reality easy,

Happy, peaceful society helping others,

Free meals for the poor, free medical checkup,

Adopting poor children help till young,

Shelter home for destitute, old,

Voluntary service is astonishing inspiring,

Corona come migrant got jobless,

A massive population got homeless suddenly,

Specter of return sight, horror,

Walking miles with belonging,

Stupefied worker community hopeless,

Things change migrant returns,

The village scene is never happier,

Stupefied life getting courage, strength,

Searching a golden day, misty, radiating,

Moving en mass to bustling cities,

A democratic republic assures, honestly.


@ Bijayananda Mishra