Sunday, August 14, 2022





At first sight in life felt dumbstruck,

Surprised to disbelieve the monster moving,

Black smokes shooting in a gush,

Steam hissing out of wheels, horn,

Blaring, shaking me in fear,

Railway coaches, wooden chair rows,

Glass window big enough for view,

Travel on a train as a child etched,

Memory mixture of thrill, pleasure,

Rolling wheels in rhythmic noise,

Music to me at age floats sweetly,

Visiting summer vacation from school,

To maternal grandfather’s house,

A hundred kilometers away from home,

Boarding morning train witness scene,

Running past slowly villages town,

Crossing rivers iron bridge sound,

Middle of a forest, tearing mountain,

Vendors with mixture cake sweets,

Pleasant travel at an early age is memorable,

Grew up studying in a college far city,

Easier to travel by train journey restful,

Empty stations, few vendors shouting,

Fewer crowds watching countryside best,

Poor villagers, suitcases, bags carrying,

Village products, wood for cooking,

Selling in the cities, they used to return to villages,

The train is their lifeline, picturesque attire,

Turban, dirty cloths, chapel, chew beetle,

Smoking near doors sitting on the floor,

Women with bangles vermilion on foreheads,

Shy, face covered with saree, sit aloof,

Gradually changing, people noticed,

Traveling on train shirt pant dresses,

Clean saree females freely mixing,

Talking on trains indulging in gossip,

Beetle, a constant friend, chewing a lot,

Children playing in the corridor smartly,

Coal engines no more diesel engines faster,

Wooden benches changed to cushions,

Longer the train, fast travel crowded,

Marked villages and towns getting bigger,

Getting better, look modern, traffic,

Vehicles, bikes, roads crowded intersect,

Vanishing bullock carts, speeding cars,

Moving trains, I glued to landscape,

The country is now prosperous, populated,

Stations with shops, retiring room facility,

Cement benches, lighted at night, clean,

No more traveling in train twilight years,

Confined to home watching the news,

Bullet trains offing trains gleaming,

Faster travel, air-conditioned coaches,

Serving breakfast, lunch, dinners on board,

Long distance travel thousand miles,

Passing hundreds of station amenities,

Online booking travel got modern,

Million daily travel, business vacation,

Pilgrimage, studies, crowded station,

Coolies in red cloth badge peruse,

Carry baggage on the head, unload from a train,

Platform mile long several platform links,

Life becomes complex, crowded, restless,

Running life trains day and night noisy,

Mile-long bridge, tunnels, crisscross,

Weaving country spider web network,

After independence, travels phenomenal,

Seven decades after, I remember the difference,

Coal engine of my childhood, discernible,

Museum pieces at places steam engines,

Reminisce, our land got freedom,

Cherishing iron cartwheel no more,

Generation metamorphoses, scenes, discernible.


@ Bijayananda Mishra








Saturday, August 13, 2022




Trickling tears running down,

Oozes smile, eyes outpouring,

Evident happiness and joyous,

Countryside panoramic dance,


Receding floods, rain, thunder,

Yellowing green paddy fields,

Spring arriving messages crisp,

Happy land today, freedom live,


Fear was stalking, vast country,

Stitched lips, horror was visible,

Imprisoned groundless shifted,

Black waters, island, confined,


Lost trace of name missing a lot,

Hanged for flying tricolor singing,

Singing glorious nation chained,

Dedicate life land to be liberated,


Do or die, fight slavery, serfdom,

Aware of darkness melting earn,

Fear of death no more horrible,

Moving to gallows n discernible,


Ghost of past simmering remind,

Generations missing time erased,

Simple orthodox pure life wished,

Children in land free democratic,


Visible prosperity unity fraternity,

Cementing growth, industrious lot,

Bountiful grain output farming nit,

Peasant once poor flourishing well,


Girl child no more school dropout,

Healthy, life hygienic get educated,

Equal rights, no dowry, bride burning,

Self-respect due claim responsibility,


Honorable judge apex-court deserve,

Highest-post in the country, president,

A leading force in defense sports merit,

Strengthening motherland fearless,


Youth now brick of achieving nation,

Omen of future illustrative inspiring,

Shining glory scholars are developing,

Nation, today mightier bold secure,


Winning gold in sport, art, science,

Illustrative engineering technology,

Medicine Yoga iconic unicorn a lot,

Rising population youth monument,


Assures great democracy flag bearer,

Fight capable on every front fearless,

Twilight years of life, I feel happy tears,

Mellowing emotive years solace wins,


Once young deprived of modern tools,

Unbelievable in our time skilled now,

Internet, cyberspace, online works,

Miniaturized mobile transforms life,


Frontline my land stands admirable,

Economic growth silver line glowing,

Highways, rail lines, communication,

Air travel is busiest at present growing,


Green energy to cottage industry hot,

Forests water conservation forefront,

Clean air, water, checking pollution,

Building new cities light imagination,


Plurality in language culture customs,

Cemented by constitution n equality,

Democracy preserves religions plural,

Practicing jovially poetic lives, cultural,


Never touch hatred brewing hideous,

Evil still exist once caused partition,

Violent community fighting bloodier,

Forgetting all sacrifices of forefathers,  


United they fought, won the battle lit,

Their spirit crying blowing wind sings,

Countryside mellow sacred moment,

Ishwar Allah Tera Naam is reminiscent,


Hay Ram, fallen Bapu once again feel,

Lift His immortal spirit, unite to kneel,

Land first faith personal later promise,

Tricolor flutters a beautiful mellow rise.



@ Bijayananda Mishra








Friday, August 12, 2022



Awareness came to me n sensed,

Childhood, a tender age, innocent,

Love all, unpolluted mind, gentle,

Sweet friendliness, charming smiles,


Hooked friend circle, little examine,

Trusting heart embraced people met,

Open-minded like behavior, opinion,

Least analyzed pros and cons in detail,


Never could occur the concept of a foe,

Differentiated friends on caste creed,

Less talked on faith religion practice,

Study books, topic rest, less touched,


Grew touched youth college life new,

Discovered khadi-clad people visiting,

Forming groups, gossiping hideously,

Secretive look, suspecting vogue smiles,


Astonished found friends talking a lot,

Word Hindu, Muslim, Christian free,

Campus divided by religion, castes,

Hindus further upper cast or others,


Detected animosity, aloofness clean,

Distancing friend circle wide further,

Hateful accusation on a trivial matter,

Quarrel, bitter fight, violence, injury,


At short notice, white-clad people seen,

Grouping students openly discussing,

Poisoned their mind, threatened to look,

Found my countryside colors varied,


Not for beauty but plurality mutilated,

Adulthood forced us into a dogmatic wall,

Hate rest; love your cast, family, faith,

A nation I saw fractured segmented fail,


Failing khadi essence of purity freedom,

Viewed shape of corruption of heart life,

Dividing people, instilling suspicion nit,

Applauding a group, condemning others,


Seven decades of my life twilight years,

The enemy is Khadi-clad people, I fear,

Entered to education, altered history,

Dividing even now people to rule them,


Made citizens poor, fighting, laughing,

Minted money grabbed power, ruling,

Without shame singing praises land,

Making a farce of democracy freedom,


Protects communal, criminal most,

Big scams, elections, money plays well,

Bribing poor, waving rich n elected,

Pretension unlimited patriotic souls,


Failure to grab power, streets in flame,

Arson, killing innocent, angry shouts,

Names constitution violator question,

Questions institution army sovereign,


For years, observing my beloved country,

Plead current generation sense venom,

Venom in air, water, earth, the people,

For cow prophet can kill people boast,


Not faith, not caste creed custom matter,

Shattered population adhere tricolor,

Be proud only once, mingle with lives,

Blindly hug love serve society dedicate,


Banish dogma for good, promise to self,

Dedicate your life for the land, be honest,

Love, countrymen, women, children, old,

Little dogmatic at heart serves all bold.


@ Bijayananda Mishra.



Thursday, August 11, 2022





Born after independence, lucky,

Came to know much later the past,

Chained ancient land once rich,

Prosperous in cultural traditions,

Temples, festivals, celebrations,

Tying the country huge with its signature,

Devastated for millennia in fight rivalry,

Culminated with Muslim invasion,

Rulers mutilated ancient faith,

Destroyed temples, universities, customs,

Converted rest killed, people in fear,

Perpetual Zen lost for good, life in slavery,

Mercilessly exploited changed times,

Mughal under the grave, colonial rule expand,

The subject of an island people bled,

Scrapped to bone skeletal existence,

Famished a people unable to fight,

Land of Buddha lost Zen lacking sadly,

In my childhood, we sang the anthem proudly,

Loving the tricolor symbol of independence,

Symbol of freedom, land liberated,

Chains of slavery dismantled, reality,

Youth adulthood time witness Zen,

Confidence in equal rights, free people’s voices,

Exchanged opinion of parent grandparent,

Valuable than diamond liberty, visible,

Peaceful the nation growing faster,

Removing age-old miseries, evil practices,

Reformation took place, education linking,

Rustic life saw knowledge unfolding,

School, college, hospitals, village roads,

Industries visible expanding city-wide,

Automobile, radio, then television reality,

Twilight years, I watch the digital age,

Surprised, artificial intelligence in action,

Changing cyberspace, mobile technology,

Life performing online executes jobs,

Phenomenal transport, travel fast,

Highrise towers, underground rail,

Flyover highways over buildings, busy,

Railways spider net covers country,

Media unimaginable magnitude reality,

Instantly travels the globe, rich remote,

Phenomenal modernization, paradigm change,

Zen is missing, a mind materialistic,

Seeking physical pleasure, luxury,

Definition of comfort lives changing,

Hungry for resources of the earth, vanishing,

Vanished forests, green hills mined,

Fertile lands changed to arid sandy soil,

Water air is polluted, poisonous,

Sick present generation virus newborn,

Killing the entire globe, mutating fast,

Fails immunity, the world confined,

Under quarantine, compulsory mask,

Fearful life fears death lurking invisible,

Evil zeitgeist, breeding terror, jihad,

Kill innocent, unaware gun blazing,

Bursting mortar, grenade, slitting the throat,

Human believes invisible God is direct,

Kill, kill the human race, eliminate cruelly,

A byproduct of the modern age, Zen is missing,

A ringing bell reminds Hiroshima Nagasaki

The silent human race nation asks for Zen.


@ Bijayananda Mishra

Picture: Courtesy, Google