Friday, August 12, 2022



Awareness came to me n sensed,

Childhood, a tender age, innocent,

Love all, unpolluted mind, gentle,

Sweet friendliness, charming smiles,


Hooked friend circle, little examine,

Trusting heart embraced people met,

Open-minded like behavior, opinion,

Least analyzed pros and cons in detail,


Never could occur the concept of a foe,

Differentiated friends on caste creed,

Less talked on faith religion practice,

Study books, topic rest, less touched,


Grew touched youth college life new,

Discovered khadi-clad people visiting,

Forming groups, gossiping hideously,

Secretive look, suspecting vogue smiles,


Astonished found friends talking a lot,

Word Hindu, Muslim, Christian free,

Campus divided by religion, castes,

Hindus further upper cast or others,


Detected animosity, aloofness clean,

Distancing friend circle wide further,

Hateful accusation on a trivial matter,

Quarrel, bitter fight, violence, injury,


At short notice, white-clad people seen,

Grouping students openly discussing,

Poisoned their mind, threatened to look,

Found my countryside colors varied,


Not for beauty but plurality mutilated,

Adulthood forced us into a dogmatic wall,

Hate rest; love your cast, family, faith,

A nation I saw fractured segmented fail,


Failing khadi essence of purity freedom,

Viewed shape of corruption of heart life,

Dividing people, instilling suspicion nit,

Applauding a group, condemning others,


Seven decades of my life twilight years,

The enemy is Khadi-clad people, I fear,

Entered to education, altered history,

Dividing even now people to rule them,


Made citizens poor, fighting, laughing,

Minted money grabbed power, ruling,

Without shame singing praises land,

Making a farce of democracy freedom,


Protects communal, criminal most,

Big scams, elections, money plays well,

Bribing poor, waving rich n elected,

Pretension unlimited patriotic souls,


Failure to grab power, streets in flame,

Arson, killing innocent, angry shouts,

Names constitution violator question,

Questions institution army sovereign,


For years, observing my beloved country,

Plead current generation sense venom,

Venom in air, water, earth, the people,

For cow prophet can kill people boast,


Not faith, not caste creed custom matter,

Shattered population adhere tricolor,

Be proud only once, mingle with lives,

Blindly hug love serve society dedicate,


Banish dogma for good, promise to self,

Dedicate your life for the land, be honest,

Love, countrymen, women, children, old,

Little dogmatic at heart serves all bold.


@ Bijayananda Mishra.



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