Tuesday, July 25, 2023





Let me escape from prison,

Captured my life dumped locked,

Impossible to escape getting liberty,

Attractive, my home is luxurious,

Provides every conceivable comfort,

My wife and son are realistic,

Quiet, and both move with time, 

Faced unexpected disasters met,

Withered troubles threats stood,

Restless, angry at my fate mood,

Little harmed anyone in life wished,

Caused breaking lives of other fished,

In the dream wished anyone suffer,

On my account ruined cursing me,

Stolen happiness left a river of tears,

Surprised it was beyond conceived,

Prayed for others along with family,

Expected clearly, their comfort and safety,

Life accustomed, friendly, loving,

An inkling of revenge dared to touch,

Not pious passionate to care,

Healing touch assuages hurt,

Why then suffer alone less speak,

Buckles spines experience weak,

Bright the bedroom bed, soft clean,

Feel restless pensive wrecked thin,

Drained marrows fibers loose,

Fickle nerves frighten spirit soon,

Achieved everything life snatched,

Not letting down others by wisdom,

Why now suffer in mind blanked,

Covers a darkness unknown grip,

Frustration from nowhere burns,

Loving family care failing reasons,

Sobbed by now aware of an end,

Contradicts reality less possible,

A confused animal lost its sense tense,

Cried out alone, hot tear pretense,

Found well the fact families knew,

Have children, grandchildren view,

No way a simple matter their link,

Extended their root images click,

Three generations behind existing,

Smiling long mustache well fling,

Exist today, tomorrow, century after,

Won over physical death blood allure,

Looked at me in the mirror and found,

Root after my son lost profound,

Visible his single life, he decided,

Failed plainly to force him, denied,

If not today or after a few years,

Know distinctly my blood fears,

Erased without a trace clarity stare,

Lord has given everything life dare,

Never conceived the fact root is lost,

Many ancestral families faced the worst,

I am not the first person to experience this,

Broken hundreds of couple intense,

Lord never bestowed to their wombs,

Died childless, crying before Lord,

Quiet now. wiped out tears, looked at,

The face of the Lord smiling at my start,

It is my world, I play, O human think,

Don't pretend to be the master sink,

Reconciled to my command time obeys,

Reconcile your dogma wrongly dismays.


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Reconciled

Themes: The infinite pain of a discontinued root

Written: 25th July 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite



Saturday, July 22, 2023






A bond connects soul, heart enamor,

Enchanting beauty, feminine allure,

Touches every nerve of a man numb,

Electric sensations transmit aplomb, (1)


Paralyzed self-control decency, evoke,

Minute contours speechless revoke,

Socked mind switch off control hell,

Pictures mind imagine starts, swell, (2)


Eyes sparkle, locked male heart click,

A million words transmitted felt sick,

Uneasiness, unmindful, irresistible,

Endless search to match unstable, (3)


Impossible damsel seductive smile,

Shark attack marks heart juvenile,

Spellbound little fear to encounter,

Few words melodious voice feature, (4)


Soothing soft feathery touch trail,

Images attenuate infectious frail,

Scintillates wavy long black hair,

Intentionally swaying stolen care, (5)


Lost conserved frame of mind lit,

Voluptuous slender frame tells wit,

Not innocent, well-aware presence.

Awestruck, a male crowd in intense, (6)


Perspire, recklessly sweating a few,

Magnetic under light stares renew,

Unabashed sways the frame poetic,

secure creeper-like hands rhythmic, (7)


Long fingers narrow waistline stay,

Knowingly visible navel lo dismay,

Alacrity spread through the stage,

Maddening-crowd lost reason haze, (viii)


What charmer sizzling sanctified,

Polished reputed civilized life fried,

Lost daytime night at a bar or club,

In college, office, gossips disturb, (9)


Captured a population converted,

Ardent fans mindless be portrayed,

The landscape with poster blast,

Boundary wall signboards are last, (10)


Bus move on the street, eyes glued,

Semantics fail semaphores viewed,

Exchanges, stealing eyes fixed savor,

Senior persons' eyeglasses, restore, (11)


Opened jaws look intensely moving,

Turning head back, dislike missing,

Rubs his long mustache boy smile,

Threshold of adulthood, sees senile, (12)


Winks pass speedily, surprised now,

The side of poster windows bestows,

A group of side passengers twisted,

Age no bar male ego failed rested, (13)


A poster, a picture of her attack rile,

A toothpaste dresses jewelry style,

Minted a seductress million traps,

A few second pseudo advice claps, (14)


Styles to project, cosmetic, imagine,

Melancholic pretty girls magazine,

Support an enchantress seductive,

Spread to rural interior productive, (15)


Industry marketing finds boon,

Foolish people, a seductress loom,

From rags to rich an unknown face,

Loot consumer products, surface, (16)


Leave it to a reader, linked business,

Runs havoc country, a seductress! (17)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Seductress

Themes: captures public mind feminine tricks

Written: 21s July 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Friday, July 21, 2023




A time we thought inseparable,

Every moment tortured separation,

Wait for hours, earnestly alert,

Your arrival shriveled every fiber,

Shrinking nerves quivered intensely,

Vanished in a split second, your smiling face,

Hugged united body and soul,

Mingling our minds, thoughts matching,

I loved you, captivated my heart,

Sorry, wrong word, captured willfully,

How come, know my lines on the face,

Not a face reader nearest to my soul,

Instantly understands my desires,

 In seconds, discover my wanting,

In my pain and sorrows presence,

Soothing moonlight or shed of a tree,

Umbrella to my miseries tortured heart,

Fevers came and went your touch,

Socked to see a pale face concerned,

Your healing touch, a magic wand,

Tired from job, ashen face ruffled,

Served you a cup of tea, hugged readily,

The kiss and warmth invigorated you,

How infectious your smile revisit,

Remember our gossip in my lap,

We exchange position, continues,

Knew very well our lives two shores,

The river of blessed union graced,

Tolerated wanting wanton desires,

Failed efforts, aspirations crashed,

You cried on my chest, I bring smiles,

Tickle you for laughter run behind,

Forgotten your agony, you confess,

You loved me, souls linked, too,

Thank Lord for me a husband,

Understanding close a friend too,

No restrictions we confess to each other,

A huge smile followed, wide grin, laughter,

Can't cheat or tell lies, at least to you,

At least to God but not you promise,

Years rolled to five decades a home,

Childless consoled each other, unfortunately,

Both decided not to adopt a child,

You reached a top post and got powerful,

Missing home duty forced irregularly,

Got a divorce letter to sign urgently,

Decided to go abroad overseas mission,

Sarcastically informed get married,

I never remarried, found life mysterious,

Preferred life single to pass silently,

Lost the sweetness of home serenity,

Failed utterly to forget your smell,

Prayed Lord, wherever you stay well,

Not disputed your decision succumbed,

Alone in the large mansion, wondering a life,

Fell ill bedridden for weeks unattended,

A neighbor visited and wrote to you in detail,

Someone is knocking, difficult to stand,

With a stick moved to the door opened,

Never believed you were standing before me,

With your lock stock and barrel,

Confirmed to me you quit the job,

Confessed me never to allow me to die,

Neglected, begged forgiveness, hugged me,

Speechless, spellbound, our life is back,

Never believed I wish to live, to live with you.


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Never Believed

Themes: Reunion of the separated couple

Written: 20th July 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywri

Thursday, July 20, 2023





Uncle invites us to offer a delicious meal,

Favorite dishes Aunty prepares well,

We siblings crowd him to greet him often,

Undoubted grab chocolate gifts a lot,

His children are our closest friends, love,

Uncle was our neighbor, remembered well,

How soon time passed days golden,

The innocent heart pleasure and fun,

Houses adjacent, we mingle frequently,

The higher study, we left our home a future,

Future, we children made, educated,

Destiny dragged us apart far-flung,

Hardly we could meet each other,

Festive occasions, occasional visits,

Visit Uncle and Aunty positively,

The reminiscence gets alive to tear,

We hug our uncle and talk a lot about our lives,

Gossip encircled him, served mixtures,

Intense discussion queries his replies,

Uncle was educated, highly talented,

Had a flourishing business, a bookshop,

Voracious a reader knew the best novels,

Knowledgeable about the globe,

His advice was golden and helped all,

We recount our stories of we benefited,

That was summer heat father was sick,

I had been to visit home to help my dad,

Stayed for a few weeks and treated him,

Gradual and slowly, he was recovering,

Heard uncle is in hospital critical,

Lost his consciousness shifted soon,

Doctors were attending watchful,

Warned for every hour, important,

His survival depends on these hours,

His children have returned home,

Aunty was desperate and worried a lot,

My uncle survived, my father is well,

It has been a month forced me on leave,

The diagnosis of my father and uncle,

Alone sitting in the bedroom reading,

Socked to see the cause ailment of both,

A similar cause for sickness uncle critical,

His heart found to be troubling him,

Fearing a heart attack doctor warned,

My father had kidney trouble cured,

His liver is not now normal in medicine,

Warning for both I got astonished,

Strong warning not to touch alcohol,

Individual doctor for Dad and Uncle,

Both advised me drinks to be stopped,

Advised Uncle, I kept my distance from wine,

I feared Dad never dared to question,

A few investigations I discovered soon,

There is a wine parlor nearer checked,

Dad and uncle's close friends and visiting,

For decades and regular customers,

Checked the log register my fingers trembled,

Came to know now realize a catastrophe,

It stroked both decent retired citizens,

Know could have faced paralysis or death,

Thanked Lord, both survived fate,

Chilled my spine how to control them,

Not children but senior lives respected,

Aunty and Mom took responsibility,

Fearful from that day to wine a monster.    


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Fearful

Themes: Fearful of wine possibly kill

Written: 19th July 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite