Saturday, August 26, 2023






Confess life counts number,

Seasons move ahead, flutter,

Incessant motion changes lit,

Blossom colorful dried intuit,(1)


Verdure green now brownish,

Dry leaves to the ground unleash,

Violent wind lifted leaves high,

Detached from the trees sign, (2)


Misses identity past is dreamy,

Dried petal dusts accompany,

Wind motion induces summer,

Leaves petals dry seeds wear, (3)


The whirlwind afternoon time,

Lifted from the ground, moved fine,

The different realms amaze me,

Rain comes drifting lives trim, (4)


Leave petals changed to dust,

The soil germinated, its host,

Stood speechless, silent watch,

Dry leaves green leaves catch, (5)


Look at heaven nectar pour,

Magic wand sprouts life hour,

Moisture heavy breeze tends,

Beneath the soil, the root extends, (6)


Life cycle heart emotional wet,

The tree missed, but to resurrect,

A hundred miles away, designed,

Implanted at fertile soil signed, (7)


A bush mesmerized to identify,

Long stem branching out high,

Years after flower fragrant link,

Different time season bud wink, (viii)


Smiled the young growth green,

Not a dry leaf sway stems clean,

Rest under the tree, shaded, well,

Inclined to the trunk, soul swell, (9)


Myriad thoughts introspect life,

Time plays germinator to strife,

Acts as terminator dried leaves,

Inflame wildfires burn, believes, (10)


The key lies in propagation here,

A gust of wind, playing like a savior,

Whisked away dry seeds further,

Forest rain generates if superior, (11)


Smiled at wrinkled skins mine,

Shriveled life age indicates, define,

Human limb resembling a dry leaf,

Fallen to the ground mix belief, (12)


Petal humans wear nature well,

Flowers indwelling love prevail,

Bear the seed, human his attribute,

Fallen leaf fallen shriveled flute, (13)


Swan songs of life flute played,

Shriveled human frame relayed,

Soul resemblance seed travel,

Time like winds womb unravel, (14)


It is evening back home reveal,

Plant life or human shrivel reel.

Procreation propagation wind,

Greens dry shriveled remind. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Shriveled

Themes: Keys to the propagation of life

Written: 26th August 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite 



Friday, August 25, 2023






Probes life contemplate, retired,

Creator His gift to life inspired,

Surprises, the master to choose,

The womb, His decision infuse,(1)


Discovers time newborn share,

If silver spoon, if not gold stare,

Loud cries but pleasures visible, tell,

By birth, inherit millions, detail, (2)


Wait two generations, desperate,

The clan, inheritance, intimate,

Easier life grows phenomenally,

Aristocracy inborn no anomaly, (3)


Same, the second, at a different place,

A mud cottage, a birth interlace,

The womb of a sick mother risk,

Birth of a child, her hand frisk, (4)


Relived, breaths her son thinks,

Baby is a son, not daughter links,

Her aspirations ambit limitless,

Dreaming on a sickbed impress, (5)


Her poverty community inherited,

Child and womb identified, super hit,

The silver spoon or golden exists,

Mediocre life, lazy, luxurious list, (6)


Enjoys life flattens less worries,

Unknown to him, lack miseries,

Plays well, sleep well, food tasty,

Marriage in time children hasty, (7)


Birth, wedding, and death news,

People gather to observe to diffuse,

The child in the cottage develops,

Grew to be the leader time hopes, (viii)


A leader of the country popular,

From peasant rises spectacularly,

The sick mother got well watch,

People treat her son the match, (9)


Match with divine grace a birth,

supersede a silver spoon worth,

Illiterate rustic mother cradled,

Creator liked her son, saddled, (10)


The seat is not on horse country,

Destined to mantle quick entry,

Rose from a root ground phoenix,

Ordinary farmer a time transfix, (11)


In contrast to luxury comfort gold,

His lifestyle is simple to service bold,

Service to the sick, poor, and needy,

Creator cast a spell less greedy, (12)


No interest in family life, single,

Service to the country is simple,

Magnetic charms electric word,

Inflames million heart forward, (13)


Symbol of prosperity, boldness,

Decisions, out of the blue, impress,

Child with silver, golden spoon,

His name fades, in memory soon, (14)


The second his birth was recognized,

Nation remembers the date prized,

Legacy eternal memory lane lit,

Immensity Lord's intention tilt. (15) 


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Immensity

Themes: Divine power changes immensely

Written: 25th August 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite







Thursday, August 24, 2023






Fag end of the generation noted,

Born after the nation is liberated,

Colonial rulers quit long shores,

Less chain centuries-old allures, (1)


The wind water granaries forest,

Rivers fertile soil habitation test,

Free is the country in front stare,

Poverty, illiteracy, divisive life hire, (2)


Fractured the unity, futile fought,

Divided a country, stays distrust,

Female feticides child marriages,

Encounter bride burning phases, (3)


A generation from coin or lantern,

Bullock cart thatched roofs learn,

Late came radio free newspaper,

Road or train bus towns prosper, (4)


Growing population education lit,

Higher education is cheaper hit,

The assets of the nation, literacy,

Country forgot serfdom prophecy, (5)


Dreamed of bringing a golden era, 

Population growing industry aura,

Communication to infrastructure,

Seven decades, our twilight year, (6)


Disbelieve revolutionized decade,

Gadget electronic wireless invade,

Intelligent-machine, the computer,

Marvelous invention space secure, (7)


Unthinkable, scientist job achieve,

Challenges complex tests survive,

Looked aghast, never life believed,

Man and moon, machine thrived, (viii)


Moving to the moon, journey trail,

Astronomical distance cover well,

Soft landed, rock-strewn craters,

Dusty less gravity, atmospheres, (9)


Hostile moon surface land tackle,

Science & Technology did simple,

Astonished, a billion-plus people,

Glued to television sight miracle, (10)


The computerized screen, dictate,

Thousand miles to communicate,

The Moon Lander obeys correctly,

Gradual descent, automatically, (11)


The fuel, ignition, engine control,

Rotate the Lander, a vertical fall,

These moments for a touchdown,

People, the world fear, breakdown, (12)


Failure several earlier happened,

Correct a soft landing gladdened,

Overjoyed across all ages, gender,

Numbed breathtaking encounter, (13)


People, breathless for a split second,

Touchdown, distant moon commend,

News, the success spread a wildfire,

Dreams seven decades to inspire, (14)


Space travel reality a country boasts,

Momentous lived-to-the-day hosts,

Tearful, overjoyed land and future,

My prayer for children study sure. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Momentous

Themes: Significantly, the moon is not far

Written: 24th August 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Wednesday, August 23, 2023





Eons human heart found love,

Miseries, pain, sadness absolve,

The depth, bottomless, magical,

Tearful eyes infected, enthrall, (1)


Infectious not disease but love,

Fixed eyes, ears, solitudes solve,

Occupied mind no more lonely,

Intoxicated joyous handsomely, (2)


Dance madly on the road, sing,

Looked at nowhere a wild king,

Plays instruments, lovelorn lit,

In Bus train flight forget greet, (3)


Plays, overwhelms, music mild,

Now tearful, next laughs child,

Auburn hair, curly, torn clothes,

Playing in dusk in park moths, (4)


Fireflies lighting, a hundred stars,

Fullmoon night, single-life scars,

No one in front, behind, tragic,

Milling crowds city lives magic, (5)


Lonely spirit survives eloquent,

Orphan, lost parent, consequent,

Loves strangers, the city people,

Compassionate lives gift simple, (6)


Love children listen to him play,

Laugh at him, cheer steps sway,

Poor, destitute, homeless spirit,

Wait till a full moon, date bright, (7)


Watch the moon silvery, enjoys,

Automatic his songs, playboys,

His dating with the moon is romantic,

Circulates poems song ecstatic, (viii)


His relationship, the moon link,

People record his song yet blink,

Illiterate youth song meaningful,

Thousand poems town watchful, (9)


Quickly published his songs well,

Recordings of his music life hail,

Relate to the moon, lovelorn discreet,

His songs address the moon, hit, (10)


Epitomized as a fairy angelic lit,

Enamored with a single life, explicit,

Washed moonbeams, if abashed,

Love stories moon encompassed, (11)


Inspired people flames spread,

Flame of love moon living read,

Imaginary concept people hate,

Believe his songs, musical date, (12)


Dating moon full moon nights,

Cities broadcast song delights,

News spread Moon Lander irked,

Wild youth crying news pricked, (13)


Shouting plead don't touch my love,

Orbiter on the moon hopes to dissolve,

Existing today the moon source,

Dating moon lovelorn, of course, (14)


Horrified at the scarred surface,

Rock-strewn lifeless to disgrace,

Craters, a dark lunar landscape,

Silent mute his life and sadly escape. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Dating Moon

Themes: Moon landing wrecked love

Written: 23rd August 2023, Cuttack

Note: Dedicated to Chandrayan 3 (fiction)

@ Copywrite