Thursday, December 14, 2023





Where O human proceeds ponder,

Your u-turn hairpin bend blunder,

Watch mountain roads sharp rise,

Directions change, horizontal, wise, ( 1)


Moving ahead, challenging a steep,

Hairpin bends driving, bus sweep,

Parched lip, throat dry heart trick,

Humans ride over mountain peaks, (2)


Death lurks at every U-turn steep,

Human life matchless fears, creep,

The dare do share benefit develop,

Travel diary dirty history cover-up, (3)


How many lives met death written,

Challenge height by road, smitten,

Accidents sudden traces forgotten,

Stories of lost families sad burden, (4)


Tearful yet smiled, children waving,

Picnic bus rising Ghat road smiling,

The mountain top scenic beauty lit,

Panoramic paradise below to excite, (5)


Beautiful houses, roads, lifeline love,

Thin air bird's eye view dream solve,

The megapolis and million lives toil,

Invisible, their bitter fight fume boil, (6)


The strikes, angry protests, u-turn fit,

And proclaimed brotherhood defeat,

Suspicious distrust ruled life fights,

Invisible at great heights, scenic sight, (7)


The differences, quarrel, conflict, stay,

Hairpin bend life discard, unite way,

I stood with schoolchildren, thank,

Children's innocent future they rank, (viii)


Society down the hill of animosity,

Face the U-turns hairpin adversity,

It will be disaster-prone, dangerous,

Children have education cautious, (9)


Find the bearing accelerator brake,

To guide their bus efficiency shake,

Mountain road steep, paths future,

Blessed a few children to me allure, (10)


The teacher to them, I get impressed,

Travesty to future time suppressed,

Exemplary driving caliber children,

They discussed on the hilltop, trained, (11)


Enjoying the views, river bridge, like,

Dreamed railroads industry dislike,

Talking about fresh air, clean water, health,

They discuss their future, nature, wealth, (12)


I closed my eyes and prayed no travesty,

Vanish turncoats ruler life modesty,

Serve and love a selfless bus society,

Moving down the hill smoothly, similarity, (13)


Full stop to my thoughts tearful left,

Life as a teacher travesty evil felt,

Let the student be truthful, straight drive,

U-turn hairpin beds fearful survive, (14)


Travesty of human life uphill exists,

Honesty and modesty youth resists,

Pride of my life, my students dared,

Hate travesty of mind loved cared. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Travesty

Themes: Turncoats U-turn ghat roads

Written: 14th December 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Wednesday, December 13, 2023





Attitude my life adopted adhered to,

Attenuated habit years ago hired,

Lived happily, loved everybody fit,

Whenever meet greet in discreetly, (1)


Irreverent you ask me what I get,

Welcoming strangers and forgetting,

Neither remember faces, voice nit,

Not discussed in detail, love to greet, (2)


Dawn break hours, I wished a lot,

Prayed for a beautiful day, effort,

Peace bliss may receive stranger,

Every morning, emails, challengers, (3)


Prepare flower post including wish,

Love sending my goodwill relish,

It has been for decade countless,

Not that I send messages to impress, (4)


Replies I get ignored are immaterial,

My love greets people in life, formal,

The secrecy in the core of my heart,

Unknown people, the Lord reacts, (5)


A few greet me or bless express,

To me, warm tears of love impress,

A million greetings in years I send,

Think message to the Lord bend, (6)


Less look at the face male-female,

Less look at youth elders in my mail,

The same is the intensity of love,

Every morn mails, at night quell, (7)


My friends were never seen in life mix,

Cyberspace I greet, to me Lord fix,

Treat me as breeze touch distant,

My love, little prayer heals instant, (viii)


Stays my faith belief religion live,

Friend reply or ignore, I do believe,

No askance, no gratefulness remit,

I acted for a decade regular ambit, (9)


Knows some day to quit the world,

Afterlife, if to exist or not, try emerald,

Meet this boundless love rebound,

Listen to the greeting corner resound, (10)


Subtle Lord's play His game love,

Love everybody, everyday resolve,

The more I play His game, He likes lit,

His grace afterlife if I exist depict, (11)


Wholesome attitude, nature-loving,

Frankly confess posses belonging,

The love I got from an unknown person,

Some call papa, dad, uncle, earn, (12)


Why I cry hot tears trickle loving,

Fountain of love strangers spring,

My life, seven decades of encounters,

Enumerate good morning regular, (13)


Not a day miss even if sick wish,

Link Lord gets my message, bliss,

Wholesome existence, divine grace,

Loving friend liking message trace. (14)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Wholesome

Themes: Friendly and happy life 

Written: 13th December 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite




Tuesday, December 12, 2023





Essays human heart, not turbid,

Acts blunder, conscience forbid,

Conflicts human heart, mind hit,

Strive human knowledge bright, (1)


He feel, sense, realize, remember,

She loves, takes care of acts, mother,

Infinite social pictures recollect,

In my life, I served deprived, effect, (2)


Noticed discrimination hurt, tears,

Tender-aged children, silent fear,

Preferred silence, lost parents,

Noticed, socked to several incidents, (3)


The scorn frown looks down upon,

Child faced in life no one mourn,

Shelter homes brutalized torture,

Child labor exists, human failure, (4)


Humanity speaks a lot, does little,

Human life, tender age, faces fragile,

Love them, show care, tenderness,

Support a child touch impresses, (5)


Select a birth date an orphanage,

Visits distribute sweets arrange,

Supported their study higher fit,

A few children linked with me lit, (6)


Synchronized their lifestyles, love,

Accept human life, face, resolve,

Undiluted love, care, adorations,

Abundant patronage or cautions, (7)


Today, a few children grew up top,

Linked to my heart help grew up,

It was my birthday, and both attended,

Recollected childhood it branded, (viii)


Illegitimate and street child cried,

Accused their parent societies of denying,

Shelter home hellish it atrocious,

Illiteracy child labor life ferocious, (9)


I was listening to them and had tears,

Looked at them, both noticed, in fear,

Failed to match with my eyes shy,

My challenges to them deeds verify, (10)


Failed both of them, touched feet,

The boundless love they got neat,

Recalled their past, unbelievably,

Today, established, flourished able, (11)


Looked up to me on my birthday,

Asked my wishes, desires, dismay, 

Convey to both of them to choose,

Find unfortunate child love muse, (12)


Support lifelong erase poverty fit,

Impact of infinite love care delight,

Imprint into inner consciousness,

Forget a child, hurt, once depressed, (13)


Forgets a scorn, look down upon,

Forget cruel words, discrimination,

Forget parents left once at the street,

Impact loves unconditional greet, (14)


Humans brutalize children's hearts lit,

Humans create, impact, protect, a feat,

Child abuse, future infuse, is divine,

Lord is great, impact created, define. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Impact

Themes: Infinite love and care imprinted in mind

Written: 12th December 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite 




Monday, December 11, 2023





Lament heart spontaneous missed,

Prayer unheard, sadly hope extinguished,

How many oil-lit lamps burn for life,

Sickbed months in hospital in strife, (1)


Fights, weak body, countless defects,

Doctors test, instrument it detects,

Monitors every second minute hour,

Fighting to survive if invisible power, (2)


Lifelong, I probed why humans fear,

Someday, one has to leave not near,

Every day, we see nearer one depart,

Distant lands, city job, future impact, (3)


Leave never to return again happily,

Sickbed patient dies, ailments early,

No reason no direct effect surfaces,

Suddenly disease noticed life traces, (4)


We cry, get sad, pray a lot, get hurt,

Lord is not merciless deeds escort,

Looked at the seed, then the tree, fruits,

Relationship of seed to fruit mutes, (5)


Who knows what someone does evil,

Payback sickness suffers, acts devil,

How many times warned the gardener,

Poor man drinking warned, sterner, (6)


His wife and children are a few burdens,

Works in the park got sick suddenly,

I liked the man, simplicity, God-loving,

Helped him on treatments solving, (7)


Found drinking damaged his body,

Dark clouds I cloud notice custody,

Kept the family on leave for a month,

He got treatment medicine warmth, (viii)


My protection, warning, he realized,

His children and wife loved prized,

Uncle, uncle, every moment uttered,

I looked at and questioned, furthered, (9)


Realized his mistake, cried, kneeled,

Hold my leg, begged mercy wheeled,

Helping me, sir, no relationship to me,

Helping, own accord, sheltering me, (10)


The seed story I detailed and fruit,

The wine, untimely death, he mute,

It was the end of the story, a few years,

Knocked on my door his child, in tears, (11)


Sir, my son became an engineer,

The daughter graduated, now a manager,

I retired years ago, told have a home,

Life after retirement garden none, (12)


Revived from addictions seed heard,

Socked, I loved my family, I dared,

It was a battle for months, I won,

Left wine not seen sickness learn, (13)


Life was by profession a gardener I tend,

Revived through your divine hand did mend,

Suicidal addiction vanished with effort

Revived my life once again, my rapport. (14)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Revived

Themes: Realized and survived

Written: 11th December 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite