Thursday, December 28, 2023





Driven sadly by poverty and hunger,

Union strikes love war-mongers,

Oratory skill inborn gifted ignite,

Campus afire, disturbed respite, (1)


No exam courses now standstill,

Teaching staff angry voice shrill,

The cost of education is prohibitive,

Middle-class poverty line restive, (2)


No action degree exit campuses,

Test time interviews pick buses,

Hours wait to stand no food paper,

A few minutes change life secure, (3)


Disaster strikes, failure happen,

Worry tension line evil sharpen,

Bleak future, no godfather move,

How many jobless, study, prove, (4)


If proven qualification is matchless,

Career competitive job distress,

Plum posts a game of chance hit,

Luck, future, modern life defeat, (5)


The notoriety he gained in university,

Conflict of mind, he passed duty,

Brilliant mind fought and lost,

His history of rebellious life, cost, (6)


Successful in administrative jobs,

He rejected the post, parents sobbed,

Joined political party help children,

Underprivileged children weaken, (7)


Below the poverty line help matter,

His activity great news shatter,

Parody meritorious life reward,

Hawk-eye, he caught the coward, (viii)


Who deserves no reservation,

Society needs competence earn,

Be a doctor, engineer, educator,

Safety security books prosper, (9)


Left his future career to reject life,

Serving people whose strife,

Reach to the help spontaneous,

Such people not a few numerous, (10)


Conflict of class creed divisive,

Hypocrisy blind faiths deceive,

Start fearing corrupt darkness,

Growing youth bold impress, (11)


Their courage, strength of mind,

Detach from the gold past reminder,

United feeling proud, innovative,

Spread over the world addictive, (12)


Of culture and custom remit,

The land is getting richer in height,

Conflict youth today, cab driver,

Manages a canteen, grocery store, (13)


Join the army defense industry well,

Overseas job, qualified life swell,

Looking at the horizon century,

Country youth spread, mercury, (14)


Rose from conflict social status,

A prosperous Diaspora famous,

Rebellious, dauntless, turbulent,

Striking at home abroad is latent. (15)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Conflict

Themes: Indian Youth Future

Written: 28th December 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite 





Wednesday, December 27, 2023






Why I am sitting on the bench,

Marshy grass wet dews stench,

Misty, the morning fresh heavy,

Knocking New Year lives curvy, (1)


The world saw devastation sadden,

Human hope aspires love laden,

Pompous gaiety gathering song,

Migrants at asylum homes long, (2)


Praying for The Lord's peace beacon,

Myriad heart wishes life reckon,

I prayed for the land to develop, secure,

Lord saves all of us by linking nature, (3)


Icy snow cap river forest desert,

Golden Coastline Islands Resort,

The bountiful crop we feed a world,

Andaman Nicobar live emerald, (4)


variety of cultural customs exist,

Religion festivals destiny tryst,

Faced invaders looted plunder,

Rampaged burned let murder, (5)


Colonialists came left skeleton,

Seed bifurcated, got partitioned,

Hundred billion plus people,

The dream New Year possible, (6)


The mightiest country aspires,

Build one earth, race, future,

Spread love and unity, share hope,

Not dreams bomb nuke drop, (7)


Instantly vaporize million evil,

Boasting our self-culture, civil,

Lone negotiation discussions,

Threat turn treaty mansions, (viii)


May the New Year new scope,

Human race bright envelope,

Pray the church is crowded,

The midnight hour is shrouded, (9)


Mass prayer chore moment,

The bell is wringing incident,

The crackers burst aloud,

People visible in the street proud, (10)


Still merged in my prayer lit,

Mercy, O Lord, save humans fit,

Stockpiling nuke bioweapon,

Blind hatred, crucified upon, (11)


They pray and sing but forget life,

Love and serve if butter knife,

I prayed, left the church ringing,

New Year few minutes singing, (12)


Reckon O' Merciful Graceful,

Earth new century, how wonderful,

Let there be peace achieved,

Lord exists among perceived, (13)


We reckon His saying follows,

Life exists tomorrow or hollow,

The transcendental peace night,

Reconcile a grace in front sight. (14)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

 Title of Poem: Reckon

Themes: New Year, trusting Jesus and His love

Written: 27th December 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Sunday, December 24, 2023





Searched perfection defied life,

Sonata, discordant reply strife,

Musical life attuned to noises,

Sad searched life deny poises, (1)


Where happiness begins, ends,

Sadly, trouble starts but bends,

Rejuvenates human life, forget,

Musical, lyrical memory effect, (2)


Astonished mud house cottage,

Serenity matches paradise, village,

Shine love lotus pong buffalos,

Cow dust evening bells hallows, (3)


Sunset cold wind spine chilling,

Year-end December fog ringing,

Temple bell oil lamps lit divinity,

New Year conveys short humanity, (4)


Countless dreams hope dense,

Assure or departure immense,

That visible will vanish quickly,

That wished reality says meekly, (5)


Possible the life flute sings less,

Impressive happenings ingress,

Who plans destabilizes, game on,

I listen to the flute, tunes upon, (6)


The Aghori quit family, society,

His life unparallel tells quality,

He possesses not a home, asset,

Move across the country dissect, (7)


His journey for mingling nature, 

Winter nights sleep open here,

The spirit, fearless, greets a dawn,

Watch death demise less mourn, (viii)


No possession of few clothes, with flute, 

Sit idle at Ghats river bank suit,

A few money, kind pilgrim offer,

Sing at cremation ground prayer, (9)


No relation to the departed soul bath, 

Offer river water empty, no wrath,

Happy a life that once began to end,

Pray for the spirit rest song lend, (10)


Watched them, a tribe mesmerized, 

Life encompasses traveler surprise,

Keep no relation fewer talk travel,

Contribution to a message unravel, (11)


The completeness of human life, 

Defeats death, attachment, strife,

Defeats family bond division hit,

Defeats class, creed, gold delight, (12)


No hegemony power exploitation,

Saga of human life soul unborn,

The physical limbs for pleasure,

Divine play nature aura glamour, (13)


He steals the whispers of the wind,

The flute sings, repeats, reminds,

The fountain waterfall bee buzz,

Flute excited play life because (14)


He lived a century and traveled a lot,

Completeness human life host,

That surprised civilization asks,

Humanity with nuke war basks. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Completeness

Themes: Life loner rejects world attachments

Written: 24th December 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite

Saturday, December 23, 2023





Olivia Monroe, the gentle lady decent,

Her birthday was celebrated ninety recently,

Neighborhood gathers love her much,

She was a school teacher living touch, (1)


Lost her husband a decade ago, sickness,

Children visit unfailingly life impresses,

They sing and dance, Mom silent tears,

Children are happy, prosperous sheer, (2)


Grandchildren a few prick tease jokes,

Laugh festive Christmas cake smoke,

Listless events tiny cottage beautiful,

Gentle garden, flower-bedecked full, (3)


Happiness winter mist morning walk,

Olivia, my friend, I am younger, talk,

Our life stories entwined surprisingly,

My life as an engineer children spring, (4)


Went abroad couple alone neighbor,

We visit her, family visits, a bit sweetly,

Visited her home today, I met her children,

Played with grandkids, liked to frighten, (5)


The evening was with hot tea biscuits lot,

Aromas of minted cakes tears avert,

Knew Olivia will be lonely very soon,

Her abode her life memory a cocoon, (6)


Christmas season to be united revive,

Human life, childhood to adult, drives,

The immensity of lust-hankering desires,

Human mood Christmas do inspire, (7)


Erases frustration and lost hope, regains,

I played my violin and sang like insane,

There was silence, peace, awareness,

Hugged children their uncle impress, (viii)


The evening lighting electric a song,

Why do humans become alone or long,

Remembrance is noticeable, unique, lit,

Different each year, story, life excites, (9)


Like or not Christmas New Year fit,

Million human planning event neat,

Arrival experiences we dream of now,

December last week, a year fade vow, (10)


Lord is supreme, believe, lives accord,

Genuine desire capability live record,

A child's dream gifts many at dawn,

Separation goodbyes sadly frown, (11)


Left it was late at night, had dinner good,

Bade goodbye to Olivia, good mood,

She caught my hand and whispered, slow,

You hide tears my loneliness I know, (12)


Tomorrow, children will leave a plan,

Mr. Mishra, I am a teacher of fewer scans,

My husband left yet children with me,

This Christmas sweet to me supreme, (13)


I love them, live for them, life is formal,

Christmas is not a season lives magical,

Phenomenal love relationship, a bond,

A time human waits a whole year, fond (14)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Christmas (Fiction)

Themes: Time life celebrate and for remembrance

Written: 23rd December 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite