Friday, May 10, 2024



Grew up, an uncanny sense acquires

How to speak situations require,

The mastery acumen automatic,

Convinced most fooled sarcastic, (1)


Play with innocent eyes, soften,

Confused events believable often,

Not a crime escaped secretive lit,

Defense to save life, deceit defeat, (2)


Unashamed confess, withstood,

Depravity, discrimination stood,

Merit intelligence but moneyless,

Surprised disqualified suppress, (3)


Raise their head, hollow, tirade,

Influencia in society masquerade, 

Browbeat intelligentsia controls,

Unequal hegemonic loot patrols, (4)


Truth prevailed less hidden news,

Defense nationalist, patriot use,

Spread the right information cover,

Secured their country to power, (5)


Let corruption perish, honesty stay,

Defense crucial information way,

Far more potent than weapon armory,

Exposing corruption crime worry, (6)


These invisible resources source,

Unknown undercover, of course,

Top headlines of new papers hit,

Socked the country filter defeat, (7)


Shadowy reporter risked life text,

Newspapers publish secrecy best,

The fifth columnist exposed reform,

The press is the fifth column of freedom, (viii)


The pillar of the constitution, strong,

Defense face is press act media long,

Crucial these editors threat face,

Safe country disintegrate surface, (9)


Defense not from outside, lesson,

Fracture divides leads to treason,

Fracture is political ethos acute,

Public, silent, unaware, stay mute, (10)


Defense of country press protects,

Analysts predict catastrophe detects,

No reward praise reporter editor,

Defensive in defense write secure. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Defense

Themes: Press offensive protect freedom

Written: 10th May 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Thursday, May 9, 2024




Confess ingress lingering pain,

Human life socked dry in vain,

Why eyes have tears, do endure,

Writes heart out story enamor, (1)


Lighten heart, soften mind sad,

Ernest looks  comforts forward,

Mysterious duality, equal offers,

When life joyous revert suffers, (2)


Emotion mind sprays fountain,

Ink colorful, sadness, black rain,

Life faced hunger, depravity, hell,

Undone incapable inks to quell, (3)


Forget humans, time passes quickly,

Only when happy enjoys rarely,

Wave after wave, human life is sad,

Disappear happy life wants mad, (4)


Nothing is available to life think,

Aloofness, hunger, sickness, link,

Page after page, pen helps write,

The book, novel, poem, fame, sight, (5)


Touched the heart of humans lit,

Sequel to stories pen inks insight,

This is the world we praise blindly,

Pen and ink with color touchingly, (6)


Unknown authors anonymous,

Their pen and work became famous,

They saw from closeness miseries,

Happy life amusement adversaries, (7)


All visit suddenly life quit shatters,

Getting friends losing equal matters,

 Ink pen wealth prosperity property,

Often, everything collapses into poverty? (viii)


Pen enlightens society that truth exists,

Crumbling capital greedily resists,

Famous novels with a great pen light,

Class of urbanization industry fight, (9)


Lost lives, underworld, sad stories,

Hair-raising thrillers pen mysteries,

Pen the consciousness of humans,

Free voice equal liberty inks can, (10)


Published spread world over soon,

Awaken human mind object boon,

The symbol of knowledge ever last,

Pen part and parcel of life ink fast. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Pen

 Themes: Literature knowledge

Written: 9th May 2024, Cuttack    

@ Copywrite

Wednesday, May 8, 2024




Witnessed famous life stories,

Staggering performances series,

Unimaginable daunting task fit.

Courage aspiration belief quite, (1)


Stay anonymous grass root, life,

Book of life, a long road, in strife,

Enormous self endeavor, victory, 

Not one countless brave history, (2)


A ticket collector in railway play,

Famous a cricket player display,

Success showers money assets,

Unknown face to known attests, (3)


A man at the petrol pump he serves,

In a few years, his name yet deserves to be,

Wealthy an industrialist rises steeply,

Miracle unknown face rise fully, (4)


A tea seller, childhood, less dream,

Fate honest working hard stream,

Overwhelm billion people believe,

Decade, he rules a country strive, (5)


No one knew him, unknown face,

Billion plus the nation love trace,

A child was selling newspapers,

He was the son of a fisherman poor, (6)


Studied merit scholarship higher,

Famous scientist of land securer,

Actor professor leader writer list,

A long road human life and tryst, (7)



Sequel to progress each step sad,

The thorn under the foot bleeds mad,

Alone, lonely life, human knows,

Bitterest fight hostile events rows, (viii)


The firm conviction rational steal,

Tomorrow is unbelievable, reveal,

The long road has pits, crevasses,

Challenge of life lost, not fantasy, (9)


Look at tall trees fight for light, try,

Weak a plant lose sunlight to die,

The long road span of life equals,

Not a deer but tortoise win visual, (10)


Long-road procrastination indicates,

Superstars shine phenomenal date,

The long road life finds its objective,

Short or long road human relative. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Long Road

Themes: The objective of life is to succeed

Written: 8th May 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Tuesday, May 7, 2024




Civilization, present generation era,

Concrete jungle lost fauna and flora,

Consumes water phenomenal drain,

Polluted toxic water, pathetic terrain, (1)


Curse for humans plastic distresses,

Land river ocean, polythene ingress,

Wastage every day, the city generates sad,

Pollute air, water, soil, growing reward, (2)


Prosperity luxury comfort pseudo lit,

Staggering context stinking filth exists,

Uncontrollable, burns smoke, chokes,

Rag pickers run urbanization mocks, (3)


Kids of tender age pick plastic bottles,

Dirty and torn clothes, live throttles,

Few rupees per day plastic bag gain,

Hungry parents wait for money in vain, (4)


The future of the country kids is growing,

Health parameters, sick, weak showing,

Have seen skyscrapers, highways lit,

Metros, airport, railway station light, (5)


Rag pickers pick bottles thrown stay,

Exchange plastic bottles lunch way,

Pick foods thrown away, happy smile,

Generation, tomorrow's youth style, (6)


Barbaric, violent, illiterate, unsocial,

The country is responsible for critical,

Several decades ago, lives were ordinary,

Invention of modern age imaginary, (7)


Population less plastic not in use,

Cotton bags, glass bottles, life reuse,

Use and throw life learned started,

Television, cars, and gadgets, outdated, (viii)


Throw and buy a new one and plastic,

Human life nature ruined pathetic,

The bag picker is the symbol of a new era,

Kids seven decades ago displayed aura, (9)


Healthy, dirty dress, smile sparkled,

Heaven and hell difference angled,

Those who are educated commit crimes,

Rag pickers are suffer greed prime, (10)


Help them educate the country senses,

The conscience of the nation is immense,

Ban polythene managed wastage,

Clean life happy children message, (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Rag Picker

Themes: Bites the conscience of the nation

Written: 7th May 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite 


Monday, May 6, 2024




Wanderlust traveled the country,

food, fruit, water, and tea inventory,

Drink milk and many liquids satiate,

Roadside teashop rain intimate,(1)


Winter cold morning evening mist,

Lone traveler search teashop trysts,

Milk sugar tea leaves boiled filter,

A glass of tea fuming energy better, (2)


The part-and-parcel of human life,

Across classes, divide, gender, a belief,

Tea is a miraculous drink refresh,

Simple thing teashop group trace, (3)


Tea in homes tea shops in the country,

Drink a glass of tea sip voluntary,

When tea came into the life of humans,

Difficult to answer, civilization can, (4)


The tea gardens, gentle slopes hill,

Beautiful sight tea leaf pluck bill,

The fragrance varied, cost different,

Preference of public demand scent, (5)


Harmless tired limbs life requires,

Is it the elixir of life? a drink inspires,

The place is listed for drinking tea,

Flight, in train, meetings life at sea, (6)


Tea is served relaxed mind is happy,

Long roads, no tea shop life creepy,

Call elixir of life disappear tension,

Friendliness created on discussion, (7)



Street food tea stall city displays,

Village square oil fried food tea lays,

The only place not available school,

College canteen provides tea full, (viii)


Temple the place tea never offered,

Prejudice or practice tea suffered,

Temple premise, but tea is banned,

Drinking tea in the temple sad warned, (9)


Elixir of human not for God puzzle,

Not tea but milk ghee butter sizzle,

Surprised million lives generation,

Love tea desperate at dawn shown, (10)


Back home after work, sit with tea,

Children drink milk, not tea,  at sea,

Milk honey fruit juices drink traced,

A favorite part of life link tea graced, (11)


Elixir for human life natural water,

Not tea or drinks, water saves pure,

Thirsty, parched lips, life desperate,

Elixir of life, not tea, water separate. (12)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Elixir

Themes: focuses tea linked to life water essential

Written: 6th May 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite