Tuesday, May 28, 2024





Displays anthill matchless exist,

Beehives' primal systems persist,

Look at elsewhere bird colonies,

The plant lives struggle for light easily, (1)


Habitat animals hunt the hunted,

Failed estimated life maintained,

Wildflowers bee butterfly wildly,

Pollinate seed travel numb mildly, (2)


Every this is harmonious nature,

Beyond human look stays future,

Live and propagate astonishing,

Fail humans fact distinguishing, (3)


The discipline of ant colony exists,

Collections storages bees exhibit,

No fight, discrimination, an enemy,

Civilizations passed no harmony, (4)


Lord bestowed intelligence, love,

Humans misuse fighting resolve,

Conquest aggression anger rule,

Human God-gifted animal mule, (5)


Lo human history beast dominates,

Savagery plunders peace animate,

Alas, chain womanhood is inhuman,

Exploitation myopic acting insane, (6)


Human chooses humans as serfs,

Evil acts against God sinful stuff,

Children, the future of generation sad,

Lack of education, health, forward, (7)



Democracy, freedom, liberty, irony,

Daydreams realized to harmony,

Centuries of subjugation sufferer,

Awaken today happy love assure, (viii)


Unheard of fraternity amity litmus,

Democracy functions reality onus,

Removed distrust, suspicion, doubt,

A billion people unite, hope sprouts, (9)


Over the election, noisy media hit,

A leader elected to rule land delight,

Plays joyful music song symphony,

A billion people, anthills, harmony. (10)


Not my country, let the world find,

Eliminate hunger sickness, remind,

Not color of skin land cacophony,

Live in peace and love equal harmony. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Harmony

Themes: Discipline amity

Written: 28th May 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite       


Monday, May 27, 2024




A human feels decisive virtue or vice,

Long after the consequence in practice,

The banyan tree rejects dried leaves,

New life green leaves socks thrive, (1)


Exactly human snubs similar stay,

Discards obsolete useless the way,

Play mind devilish pleasure-seeking,

Lost interest dried pleasure tricking, (2)


The praise applaud no more visible,

Human life searches find easy and mingle,

Who distributes donate contribute,

Followers crowded, pouring tribute, (3)


Virtue virtuous lives impermanent,

Served, loved, cared for others nascent,

The candlelight burns wax melting,

Extinguished life fade diminishing, (4)


Unfortunate humans snub legacy,

Acts as honey bee donation ecstasy,

Is it only cause human acts selfish,

Beautiful woman charisma cherish, (5)


Run after her quite attentive, willing,

Fades the look of wrinkles damaging,

Bee flies away from dried flowers,

Snub the colored petal odd hours, (6)


New era generation education exists,

Obedience, humility, difficulty, resisted,

Leave parents in old age and seek a future,

Snub duty, responsibility, delivery, (7)


The indignity of insult hurt simmer,

Snub's own blood forgets a picture,

General behavior human search,

Benefit kindness care where lurch, (viii)


The friendship pseudo exists smile,

Snub such persons behave defile,

Illusive the world give and take,

Dual misleading lives snub break, (9)


Selfish, selfless evil, or noble instinct,

Snub lives automatically dried distinct,

Last but not least, The Lord saves,

Hardly snub ungrateful step paves, (10)


May His child realize, acts virtuous,

To snub unfaithful act as poisonous,

Tearful pet dog faithful faced a snub,

Feed the dog, wagging the tail throb. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Snub

Themes: Selfishness  is vice

Written: 27th May 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite 



Sunday, May 26, 2024




Awestruck, the soul cries encounter,

Heartbreaking sorrow lives sufferers,

Understand human issues, analyze,

Dedicates precious life inks precise, (1)


Vision miraculous to eradicate pain,

Manuscripts get famous lit fountains,

Those who were crying uplifted stay,

Joyous their lives smiling exist sway, (2)


The books changed their lives sadly,

Unscrupulous, anonymous, awkwardly,

Far from milling crowd metro living,

Ordinary life unknown prefer writing, (3)


The spirit only smiles when witness,

Deprived, suffering lives smile, impress,

The person watches cry in happiness,

His writings influence lives progress, (4)


Less asked for award reward present,

Preferred self preferred works decent,

Nascent is the acute emotion spirit,

Dying lives recover, strengthen right, (5)


O humans get up and fight life precious,

Stand up, think strength is miraculous,

Hundred realized, then thousands,

Now a million acknowledge demands, (6)



Who is he, how come he changed easily,

His books are now famous buy quickly,

Simple his trick secrecy for service,

To dedicate life to helping others, price, (7)


Infinite the peace, joy, happiness lit,

One day, humans quit, feeling delighted,

Has seen a dying one survive to smile,

Has seen hungry life got food style, (viii)


Has seen children attend education,

Has seen society have a transformation,

The spirit became famous decades later,

Abode modest visiting place allure, (9)


Sad thing mysterious the world says,

Search the person no more, dismay,

Left the world took nothing to ponder,

Masterly writing scripts book wonder, (10)


The soul of the person luminous stayed,

Luminary the books poor displayed,

Illumination, not gold, jewelry, include,

Luminary illuminates ages perused. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Luminary

Themes: Famous

Written: 26th May 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite 



Saturday, May 25, 2024






Confess secrecy intention alive,

Helps as many, provide, believe,

Apologetic, enquire, relieve pain,

Such humans, presence, to gain, (1)


Unspoken words to understand,

Instantly, beacons help to stand,

What joy or comfort humans get,

Helping others, sharing less regret, (2)


Who feeds hungry souls, earnest,

Who lit pyres cremation purest,

Who provides shelters for roofless,

Empathetic, sit closer in distress, (3)


Fail to understand motive alarm,

Such souls far from family worms,

Roam at dead of night alert stay,

Unfortunate woman to save way, (4)


Delivery pain delivers at a hospital,

Vanishes into darkness magical,

Who are they, and what is their purpose?

Service to humans scant oppose, (5)


Lord resides not in the temples,

The soul within humans mingles,

Helping others save lives by feeding,

Confess such lives worth living, (6)


 Alas, evil exists, creeping snake,

An opposite purpose exists to quake,

Stable, happy lives soon crumble,

Humans act like a snake stumble, (7)


Bite without reason toxic crush,

How many happy families brush,

Odd hours events happen, sadly,

Deliberate intention erase madly, (viii)


Lord knows deeds, good or bad,

Human life, noble, way forward,

Deliberate attempt to dismantle,

Way to hell open, visible, sample, (9)


Deliberate endeavor for good cause,

Such life no more memory pose,

Memory, love, good deeds, motivation,

The evil person kept aloof deliberate, (10)


The objective of human life a debate,

Help or harm other life deliberate,

Deliberate intentional few humans,

Mesmerize or alarm people warn. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Deliberate

Themes: Decisively

Written: 25th May 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite



Friday, May 24, 2024




Disbelieve human life is supreme,

Serve and love, suffer extreme,

Automatic selfless silent service,

Acknowledge life duty practice, (1)


Parent sacrifice baffle often hail,

Willing to lose comfort life quell,

Dream into a different dimension,

Children grow prosper emotion, (2)


Time came into the world, prayed,

Since adolescents marry sway,

Forgot self-romantic style exists,

Innermost heart for a child persists, (3)


Noticed longing pain lap empty,

God blesses wedded life pretty,

No costly dress ornament dare,

Immaterial assets travel share, (4)


Spend for children everything,

Wish offspring to grow a high living,

Facts of life hollowed lonely stay,

Astonish elderly age wish to pray, (5)


Neglected uncared sick stages,

Remorseless parentage crazes,

Heavenly love till departure lit,

Kids' frame empty home delight, (6)


Maintained rooms, beds, clean,

Remember past visit bed dreams,

Sparkle tears, not unhappiness,

Proud for children to look impressed, (7)


Human is the animal performs,

Generation to the next, reforms,

They face struggles suffered past,

Kids today learn, outdo class, (viii)


Elderly stage problems gather,

Lonely life innumerable suffer,

Visit death, yet children far off,

Accept parent's condition stuff, (9)


Unparallel events, sad situations,

Remorseless, undone kids torn,

Fly from contents do cremation,

Repeat this event phenomenon, (10)


Remorseless yet heavenly love,

Rare kindness, sacrifice, proof,

Prayer and care of a baby shine,

Remorseless lit the pyre, divine. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Remorseless

Themes: Unflinching dedication

Written: 24th May 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite