Showing posts with label LUMINARY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LUMINARY. Show all posts

Sunday, May 26, 2024




Awestruck, the soul cries encounter,

Heartbreaking sorrow lives sufferers,

Understand human issues, analyze,

Dedicates precious life inks precise, (1)


Vision miraculous to eradicate pain,

Manuscripts get famous lit fountains,

Those who were crying uplifted stay,

Joyous their lives smiling exist sway, (2)


The books changed their lives sadly,

Unscrupulous, anonymous, awkwardly,

Far from milling crowd metro living,

Ordinary life unknown prefer writing, (3)


The spirit only smiles when witness,

Deprived, suffering lives smile, impress,

The person watches cry in happiness,

His writings influence lives progress, (4)


Less asked for award reward present,

Preferred self preferred works decent,

Nascent is the acute emotion spirit,

Dying lives recover, strengthen right, (5)


O humans get up and fight life precious,

Stand up, think strength is miraculous,

Hundred realized, then thousands,

Now a million acknowledge demands, (6)



Who is he, how come he changed easily,

His books are now famous buy quickly,

Simple his trick secrecy for service,

To dedicate life to helping others, price, (7)


Infinite the peace, joy, happiness lit,

One day, humans quit, feeling delighted,

Has seen a dying one survive to smile,

Has seen hungry life got food style, (viii)


Has seen children attend education,

Has seen society have a transformation,

The spirit became famous decades later,

Abode modest visiting place allure, (9)


Sad thing mysterious the world says,

Search the person no more, dismay,

Left the world took nothing to ponder,

Masterly writing scripts book wonder, (10)


The soul of the person luminous stayed,

Luminary the books poor displayed,

Illumination, not gold, jewelry, include,

Luminary illuminates ages perused. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Luminary

Themes: Famous

Written: 26th May 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite