Monday, June 3, 2024





Dark night rain cats and dogs,

Downpour flooded water frogs,

Empty street hunting sight sad,

Lonely soul on a bench life mad, (1)


I was astonished, all forgotten him,

Death avoids to touch lay whim,

Lost his family fortune, friends,

Succumbed situation defends, (2)


Yet everything is lost life, exists,

The nightmarish horror resists,

Lifted and taken forcibly to the hospital,

Survive, build subsequent capital, (3)


Turned businessman, fate actor,

Fail to know helped benefactor,

The event was not an exceptional trial,

Saving unfortunate lives, quell, (4)


Human lives see loss suddenly,

Absurd the realm changes, sadly,

The healing hand unforeseen,

Provide strength to survive clean, (5)


Examined human aspect play,

Lord decides His game display,

Beak and make build to ruin,

Benefactor Lord acts in between, (6)


Wise spirit learns to donate ever,

Erase hunger provides shelter,

The mere act of service gives peace,

Benefactor the Lord lay justice, (7)



Feed a cow, watch happiness,

Wagging its tail, a dog was impressed,

Feed birds on the roof in summer,

Plant trees principle for nature, (viii)


Conserve water provide service,

Innumerable examples of justice,

Seen orchards, roadside trees,

Free hospitals monastery lies, (9)


Pilgrims helped free food a lot,

Adverse weather human escort,

Donation of blood is voluntary,

Benefactors know their duty to worry, (10)


Angels sage Lord's children,

To help others their life awaken,

Benefactor actions remorseless,

Humanity safeguards impress. (11)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Benefactor

Themes: Helping others is virtuous,

Written: 3rd June 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Sunday, June 2, 2024





When humans face trouble worried,

Macabre situation frustrates horrid,

Imagine stormy sea turbulence, fiery,

Surging waves ship rises sink worry, (1)


Rarely sinks the ship, rises again fit,

Trouble disappears O human yet quit,

The macabre situations, dreary desert end,

Oasis cold water satiate mirage send, (2)


Indefinite uphill crevasse route stays,

Amenable human spirit win dismays,

Stupendous act to accept eventuality,

Coldblooded spirit deals with susceptibility, (3)


Rare courage instincts exist amenable,

Accept advice willing to devise able,

Knew such brave and bold humans,

Defeat ill fate misfortune, had plans, (4)


Teacher inconspicuous parent in life,

Commendable advice to thwart strife,

Thought again blizzard, tree swinging,

Frightful sight touching ground lying, (5)


Windless stay static tree rises green,

Amenable quality of life survives to win,

New era errand youth autotrophic lit,

Cybermedia intelligence exists exhibit, (6)


Touch the bottom solution instantly,

Willing to accept skill gain gallantly,

Human life is not to fight or stay well,

Amenable to circumstances prevail, (7)


The objective of human life differently,

Sojourn amenable to divine life healing,

Lord's command distinct practices,

Willing to follow and obey peace notices, (viii)


The soft grass dews flowers fragrant,

The moon illuminates sunshine brilliantly,

Mountains beautiful from far cavern,

Rain comes waterfall sight life learn, (9)


Who give command obeyed willingly,

Will you be amenable, spirit feelingly,

Love and serve life short, take care,

Parents and teacher God do share, (10)


Simplicity detached life is fragrant,

Amenable life to rise or fall, instant,

Conscience speaks within betrayed,

Troublemaker minds well waylaid. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Amenable

Themes: Nature obeys, humans should

Written: 2nd June 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite





Saturday, June 1, 2024





Shy rarely expresses openly,

Self-boasting prudence irritates silly,

Dissipate crowds soon, surprisingly,

Refute facts portray absurdity easily, (1)


Why do humans boast thumps louder,

In reality, their lives hollowed prouder,

Hardly accept the hurt family owes,

Corrupt attitude exhibit love shows, (2)


Less sympathy for suffering evades,

Foment accusation protest tirades,

Society contains such spirits sadly,

Benumb motionless allergic madly, (3)


Look at rock hit right protest hard,

Only bleeds, rock emotionless, award,

Such people fail to digest reason,

Adamancy obstinacy rope imprison, (4)


 It is better to be away from such lives,

Unashamed educated bias believes,

Wisdom says bee stings painful life,

A particular leaf itch skin in strife, (5)


Cactus exist full of thorns, fearful owe,

Painful-to-touch messages show,

The duality of the world project relates,

Noble heart decent attract intimate, (6)


Trustfulness in serving helps persist,

Picture of mango tree shade exists,

Fruits sweet near to hand enamor,

Cocoanut tree tall lack shade fear, (7)


Symbol of ego scarcely uprooted,

Similarity in society allergy rooted,

Poison, toxic their views opinion,

Who comes in contact with the minion, (viii)


Suffer ordinary lives believing stay,

Betrayed later and allergic dismay,

Compared with the enraged bull strike,

Advisable keep aloof life silent like, (9)


Feel allergic to human bull nature,

Change angry mood, bad behavior,

Allergic the attitude selective save,

Innocent gentle lives quality pave, (10)


Allergic nature habits prevent safety,

Separate from unwanted desirably.

Allergic material physical pleasure,

Please make sure of the Lord's guidance. (11)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Allergic

Themes: Strong dislike

Written: 1st June 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Friday, May 31, 2024





Splash liquidity of ambitions wish,

Gold jewelry defeats rivalry relish,

Rise in due course of time superior,

Amass wealth property act warrior, (1)


Vanity, humility, and honesty erode sadly,

Replace ego, obstinate, cruelty, madly,

Sequel to human progress material,

Crumble spirit confidence temporal, (2)


Everything physical in sight vanishes,

Impermanent physical matter miss,

Story written in books legacy sock,

Rises civilization temporal no joke, (3)


Temptation for power, women chief,

Imprison innocents, action a thief,

The lust-blinded mind lacks vision,

Tragedy human story tear emotion, (4)


Commit blunder loot to repent later,

Temporal physical things shatter,

Read books sad to know realities,

Humans fail timeless capabilities, (5)


Scantly a few discarded attachments,

Treat world illusory impermanent,

The human body perish, examines lives,

Sojourn soul not temporal believes, (6)


Neither can be burned to ash,

Not can be cut into pieces dismay,

Neither soil nor water can cover the sojourn,

Human soul  life temporal mourn, (7)



Short-span human life mission lit,

Divine life defeats material delight,

Truth, love, sympathy, care, persists,

A permanent balanced universe exists, (viii)


Infinite peace and happiness are pervasive,

Landscape nature is greedy, evasive,

Watch birds flying gaily, disappear,

Sailing cloud and picturesque, whiter, (9)


Valley wears greenery yet paradise,

Rain comes thunder rain, precise,

Tall tree century witness climate,

Temporal features communicate, (10)


Change creator's planning relates,

Eternal soul love service dedicated,

Temporal mesmerizes nature short,

Lord's abode within search escort. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Temporal

Themes: Matter not preferment

Written: 31st May 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Thursday, May 30, 2024





Sluggish, progress lethargy, stays,

The heart yearns to move swiftly ways,

Immense hope motivates life walk,

Desires pleasure stagnancy lack, (1)


Look at the brook or clean water,

Murmur over the rock disappears,

Beauty of motion forward essence,

Join with river swirl exist, presence, (2)


A droplet join accumulates moves,

Change to a stream creates and proves,

Stagnant water stinking  pollutes,

Human lives monotony attribute, (3)


Marked clearly gloomy, dirty lives,

Stays, where motionless believe,

Think everything on the way towards,

Bestowed with goods yet rewards, (4)


Life, in fact, a brook circumvent rock,

Moves forward natural lazy mock, a

The phenomenon of monotony stay,

Boring and disheartened, mind sway, (5)


Leaves half hazard works failure,

Demark successfully dropped sure,

Motion to rapidly moving ecstatic,

Flooding river, messages delight, (6)


O human river in motion crosses,

Breach shore fertile soil process,

Monotony, human life immature,

Hard work for food, study, ensure, (7)


Demand motivation motion more,

Poverty and hunger monotony ensure,

The phase of human life monotony hit,

Essential stagnancy creativity lit, (viii)


Play music for hours monotonous,

Lies mastery experience onerous,

Read books for hours or research,

Face monotony hidden gold lurch, (9)


Trick humans to learn monotony,

Troubles, worries, visit accompany,

To withstand the monotony of life win,

Difficult times do vanish life grin, (10)


Monotony is a natural phenomenon,

Illiteracy unskilled the generation,

Literature skill work life progress,

Break monotony a brook impress. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Monotony

Themes: Desirable for life motion

Written: 30th May 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite