Time immemorial human hope
Innovation imagination
reality merges,
The confluence of fiction
fact lags to match,
Prime a vision, the human mind
Cyberage, digital world,
virtual realm,
Century ago fictions dreamt
Human heart to circumspect
earth fast,
Tele transport distant
planet eagerly waits,
Perplex a vision man
conquer inhospitably,
Hostile landscape whether
toxic acceptable,
Science technology discover
Future hope staggers fusion
Future for mankind destiny
Enough covered visions wild
Halt o’ human mind now gone
The human race faces extinction looks
Perplexed human heart greed
To rule alone over a world
eraser execute,
No radioactive inhospitable
planet ruins,
No destruction of the earth
nature virus wins?
Dreams of human mutants
fade quickly,
Frontiers of genesis new
human meekly,
Evil ever perishes raise
world wars often!
Mutate so fast human mind
evil motion,
Quit humanity safe secure
future bright,
Frontier new dimension
canvas delight,
New millennium this century
with a bang,
Erases cool cities microbe
mutant hang,
The destiny of mankind
different, forfeiture,
Lab-created microbe coexist
host, torture,
The antidote, vaccine never
cures perfect,
Remission of safe period
mutant wait,
Deeds of paranoid vision
beyond control,
Fails the human mind, alter
gin further roll,
Deformation of a human
repeat on the anvil,
Nuclear explosions
radiation super kill,
DNA will alter worse
unpredictable cool,
Mentors of bio-weapon ever
apply a tool,
Energy hungry a world
genius split the atom,
Arrogant ego cruel perplex,
vision bomb!
Cell culture, tissue
culture, Human blood,
Mortality to restrain,
counter disease odd,
Discoveries phenomenal
drive live longer,
Cure treatment operation
innovative laser,
Perplex vision returns
misuse of a minor cell,
Far worse than an atom,
human extinct bell!
O’ human New Year, history
eagerly waits,
Ever prime vision alert
evil mind quiet,
Futuristic premier vision
unfolds magic,
Erases virus for good
secure a race ecstatic…