Friday, December 25, 2020




Time immemorial human hope surges,

Innovation imagination reality merges,

The confluence of fiction fact lags to match,

Prime a vision, the human mind catch,

Cyberage, digital world, virtual realm,

Century ago fictions dreamt imagination?

Human heart to circumspect earth fast,

Tele transport distant planet eagerly waits,

Perplex a vision man conquer inhospitably,

Hostile landscape whether toxic acceptable,

Science technology discover dimensions,

Future hope staggers fusion inventions,

Future for mankind destiny questions,

Enough covered visions wild fascinations,


Halt o’ human mind now gone absurd,

The human race faces extinction looks odd,

Perplexed human heart greed absolute,

To rule alone over a world eraser execute,

No radioactive inhospitable planet ruins,

No destruction of the earth nature virus wins?

Dreams of human mutants fade quickly,

Frontiers of genesis new human meekly,

Evil ever perishes raise world wars often!

Mutate so fast human mind evil motion,

Quit humanity safe secure future bright,

Frontier new dimension canvas delight,


New millennium this century with a bang,

Erases cool cities microbe mutant hang,

The destiny of mankind different, forfeiture,

Lab-created microbe coexist host, torture,

The antidote, vaccine never cures perfect,

Remission of safe period mutant wait,

Deeds of paranoid vision beyond control,

Fails the human mind, alter gin further roll,


Deformation of a human repeat on the anvil,

Nuclear explosions radiation super kill,

DNA will alter worse unpredictable cool,

Mentors of bio-weapon ever apply a tool,

Energy hungry a world genius split the atom,

Arrogant ego cruel perplex, vision bomb!

Cell culture, tissue culture, Human blood,

Mortality to restrain, counter disease odd,

Discoveries phenomenal drive live longer,

Cure treatment operation innovative laser,

Perplex vision returns misuse of a minor cell,

Far worse than an atom, human extinct bell!


O’ human New Year, history eagerly waits,

Ever prime vision alert evil mind quiet,

Futuristic premier vision unfolds magic,

Erases virus for good secure a race ecstatic…


Thursday, December 24, 2020




Ever had been mountain valley,

Towering peak haughty nice lily,

Lush green valley lily blossoms,

Spreads color, fragrance often,

Earth smiles splendor lily glows,

Tall mountain millennium owes,

Picture of strength, ego, eventful,

Depicts the life of affluence beautiful,

O’ time ever watched lily flower,

Foothill of a peak, short stay share,

Humble, timid sways, love allure,

Frugal fate a metaphor for nature,


Humanity Ocean of life, bottomless,

Insignificant existence to affluence,

Life takes root in an obscure landscape,

Meager means n serene frugal fate,

The pristine beauty of nature bountiful,

Simple human life exist frugal cool,

Cattle, grain, crop, village’s product,

Cocoanut fiber, jute, cane, rural pot,

Frugal means, assets, opportunity,

Weather, illness, hunger to pervert,

Amazing life as lily essence secure,

Urban stress, miseries, cruel tear,

Tower in glass steel wealth dazzle,

Gold, jewels locker, cosmetic sizzle,

Futures, dress style, travels, work,

Lifetime earning, earns a day, rock,

Astonish mind status, peak mimic,

Frugal flower dwells simple ecstatic,

Metros glamour resemble Deep Ocean,

Share market, finance, job, crime often,

Surging waves crash crash here lives,

Glass tower glimmer tear worry thrives,

Ocean turbulent vast, metro symbolize,

Mesmerize village, girl smile tantalizes,

Seasons round the year, hot and cold,

Season of rain spring sweet n sour bold,

Human life equals hurdles n pleasure,

Grew in the city shared all seen rural fewer,

Depth of tension, stress, fear crumples,

Sighs devastated people, life crumbles,

Frugal fate rustic lack education health,

Simple cottage bare living frugal wealth,


Great O’ creator, lily metaphor in a smile,

Rustic female smiles innocence, no style,

The glamour of happiness, purity yet amazes

Incomparable to urban, frugal fate crazes,

City life flavor, charm little village knows,

Clean rural landscape rustic frugal life owes.

Ocean’s water salty ever quenches thirst?

Village well water satiates pure frugal art!

Wednesday, December 23, 2020




O’ dauntless spirit in the globe,

Crossed ocean alone a throb,

Flight round earth a daredevil,

Piloting alone endure tranquil,

Run miles speed jaguar swift,

Swim sea Touch Island a, feet,

Enduring games skill tactful,

Effort incredible fame miracle, (1)


Trample mountain peak steep,

Avalanche, winds, snow deep,

Test of endurance call invite,

Song of victory records height,

Infinite human heart dare worst,

Pinnacle achieves puzzles most, (2)


Listen to details of canvas in glory,

Endurance endless merit savory,

Mesmerized heart of cool billion,

Timeless, peasants in cultivation,

Century’s generations endure all,

Uncertain hopes progress crawl, (3)


Icy winds, lightning thunder face,

Swirling flood water, famine trace,

Elephants to locust, insect foes,

Year’s unending effort rot owes, (4)


Neither, bungalow, motor, dress,

Nor, travels, health care impress,

Nor, comfort life, limitless luxury,

Farmer backbone of nation worry, (5)


Powerless, literacy lacking, puzzle,

Century-old profession hope sizzle,

Come rain season look at blue skies,

Hope let endure patience win wise,

Modern consumer crazy life dream,

Rural cottage, thatched roof scene,

Bullock drove plow field life show,

Weed grass clean muddy life owe, (6)


Spring season muddy fields green,

Expanse limit horizon crop serene,

Endless endurance peasant look,

Tearful times ripe crop golden hook, (7)


Merciless miller, ruler, ally is dealer,

Merciless fate grain bags face the weather,

Endurance on patience output secure,

Compensations poor, draught harsher, (8)


Far from higher education, overseas,

Backbone- of -the nation feeds media tease,

Children study in scanty shelter open,

Mile to cross river canal in boat often, (9)


City life fun kids lack modern tool,

Grows to adult life opt migrant cool,

Village women a lush art n pitcher,

Miles wearing a cloth brings water,

Her blushing eyes and gentle smile,

Endless endurance female rekindles. (10)

Tuesday, December 22, 2020




Hello, the lighthouse stands alone,

High tide, winds gain cyclone,

Ever alert, no rest, act tireless,

Guiding angel beacon in distress,

Surging waves, gale opaque night,

Coastal rocks dark disasters fright,

Precious life saves defeat death peril,

Warns ships on danger guide instill,

Saved lives pay gratitude immense,

The human mind admires, acts selfless,

Childhood mine fascinated at the beach,

Nostalgic lamppost lets beach bewitch, (1)


Encompass the sentinel at times,

In peril, lost directions, safe beams,

Teenage an age grows fast, oh mind,

Like deer in a forest of thought gets wild,

Far for own tribe, look loses own path,

Fearful in occasion contempt in wrath,

Mischief to parent, naughty enjoyed,

Enticing golden beach fun overjoyed,

Evening time family search in worry,

Occasions did repent, angers sorry,

Lacks understand the danger to discipline,

Never feel wiser, sobers conscience,

Lighthouse inner wishes loved to study,

Beachfront lay far, life succeed steady, (2)


Technical college youth fountain time,

Madness means pleasure cursed divine,

Study in day n night long cruel alert,

Picnic, tours, game, function gel most,

Dark apprehension of result fearful,

None to guide right in study tearful,

Dread taunts of a friend, teacher worst,

Rudderless lifeboat inner beacon trust,

Conscience calm mind, silence whisper,

Friend invaluable did obey result safer,

Day of convocation, degree intoxicate,

Lighthouse own wisdom immaculate, (3)


Adulthood insane, service life strange,

Error-prone heart inexcusable stage,

Dream of perks, lifestyle, assets hook,

Family welfare burdens stressful look,

Sick mind tensions illness few to cure,

Pure intuition intellect deflects secure,

Lighthouse soul insipid for lust correct,

Innumerable tricky times moved perfect,

Till ripe age lighthouse incredible soul,

Kept life afloat in steam righteous goal,

Being human knows the ocean of life,

Lighthouse is soul, beacon conscience,

The problem as rock submerge hopes sink,

Inner wisdom beacons escape pink! (4)


A nation to submerge in anarchy face,

Future fade, unruly mind directionless,

Peace aborted, progress sinks asleep,

Freedom of voice, inspiring leadership,

Lighthouse is a leader, free voice beacon,

Nation afloat again, trusts rule reckon. (5)








Monday, December 21, 2020




Inferno erupts in calm, ocean stark,

Depth of fathomless bottom is dark,

Refuses to dissipate burns fearsome,

The picture resembles cursed hell known,

Earth breast tear up molten rock flow,

Devastation agitated lay insipid glow, (1)


Cursed a human heart acrimony hide,

Boiled as hell pit erupts venomous tide,

Fire burns fiery mind conscience blind,

Leads self-destruction life turbulent wind, (2)


Blind anger uncontrolled captured mind,

Enslaves heart cruelest, reason fails, find,

Anger controls the harsh tongue, a snake afire,

Words enact more than the sword, fearful dare,

Venomous fang strike never accept, timid,

Cursed acrimony hurt deadly act as rigid, (3)


Acrimonious state of mind far from reason,

Simmers within in guise torment all season,

Soul boil in anger conscience fail to convince,

Wisdom misses guiding, consequence amiss,

Witness ever a nation acrimony serpent swell,

People fueled in black rage catastrophe dwell,

Peace discipline amity serving people in love,

Disappears quick, anarchy rule, amity dissolve,

Cursed acrimony well-motivated evil dwells,

Curses a time nation burns well, devils swell, (4)


Cursed humanity war never happen in a fight,

Lies mold acrimony caustic nation’s eyesight,

War of words, threat, acrimony ill comments,

Nations are at enmity, deep hatred foments,

Humanity pays cost bleeds innocent torment,

Curse acrimony weapon pretends innocent! (5)


Sweet home sapphire, blue diamond peace,

Family bond blood thicker, care n share bliss,

Mutual love accommodates rifts delicate,

United mind n heart prevent irks complicate,

Acrimony captures member, cursed ill fate,

Fractured diamonds to dust tongues irritate, (6)


Acrimony willful arrogant anger dowses quick,

Reject isolation of mind, evil lust hidden tragic,

Lust corrodes slowly; life loses thrust n energy,

Acrimony accumulate means devastate synergy,

Wise a person reject path as host for acrimony,

Family, home, friend, people smile in a symphony, (7)



Realizes a nation, peoples in between for peace,

Peace brings progress, future happiness bliss,

Wiser a nation with people shed acrimony total,

Amity in among nations acrimony turns mortal,

Acrimony is the stormy sea, lifeboat fears rock,

Conscience open mind lighthouse secures amok. (8)