Sunday, January 24, 2021




An age exhibits extreme hardship,

Tenuous tired mind risk worship,

Dazzle limitless hope a future focus,

Imaginative effort agitate a raucous,

Day, night equalize work erupt well,

Wealth career adventure status, swell,

Lamppost insect crawl up lure light,

Rise up quick slip a bit more in tight,

Up n down slippery metal rod with oil,

Urban spirit youth rise zenith to the soil,

Insect goes up the lamp burns flame,

Retired life executive burn time tame,

Tension stress fatigue nightmare allot,

A lifelong asset with limbs weak escort,

Fatigue fatal often adult age sick alert,

Life precious quit the lamp post effort,

Not fiction fact of life, soul search rest,

Reclusion ruins, conveys cocoon the best, (1)


Leave family friend relation quit service,

Recluse to solitude temptation ever wish,

A disaster of family life detachment crude,

Human nature scours hunger life as rude,

Hunger is career, promotion wealth asset,

Human belly small need, less greedy taste,

Life needs family close friend consoles lot,

Senior elders advise bonhomie succor dot,

Work for means sustain simple style love,

Honest ethics work sincere worry dissolve,

Polite stature denial mature smile negate,

Lust promotion bonus slavery complicate,

Recluse from tense mind fear money lure,

Sweet home match conveys cocoon n allure, (2)


Sweet home safe secure pleasant, candor,

Cocoon metaphor shield desire to shelter,

The concurrence of human life avoid pupa bit,

Home never own thread, kid learn fun wit,

Life pleasant sojourn cine motion resemble,

Father friend son uncle mesmeric ensemble,

Speechless feel throb heart thrills manner,

Daughter kiss son hug couple gossip pure,

Happiness cocoons better bungalows rare,

False vanity name or fame natural gain fare,

Test of time kid stay far settle well lot miss,

Ripe age solitude hunts idle mind devilish,

Nostalgic memory rolls frequent painful irk,

Travel short insatiable mind closeness prick,

Sweet home sadden life torture loneliness,

Meditation hobby concurrent cocoon bless,

Hobby in wishing well, read, write walk mix,

Painting art music divine track quietly fix,

Wonderful abode within self cocoons soul,

A sojourn of life not procreate, realize a goal,

A safe deathless soul forbid tension anger,

Conveys cocoon void within, silent secure,

Infinite peace bliss as well true joy enamor,

Sweet home, self within, enter cocoon allure. (3)  










Saturday, January 23, 2021





Fascinates human mind enliven,

Dark spot beautify, heart, listen,

Charms baby face dark dot often,

Trusts mother ill effect protection,

Bright lovely face with a dark spot,

Women between eyebrows use a dot,

Female perforate nose earlobe teen,

Auspicious mind convince lot wish,

Incredible ugliness benign blemish, (1)


Paradigm shift begrudge blemish,

Clean beautify face convince wish,

Penchant love cleans blemish a lot,

Peculiar mind character black spot,

Youth passes keeping polish gleam,

Dress immaculate figure voice, win,

Enormous efforts blemish remove,

Character under skin guise wove,

Mind betray self temptation allure,

Stigma lust wild character impure,

Intoxicating colors of romantic love,

Thirsty heart, mind pour act resolve,

Minor black spot disturbs so much,

Benign blemish aware deeds touch,

Luxury comfort affluent lavish wish,

Ever seen rich feed hungry own dish,

Sleep in a mud hut on the floor once,

Ever feed sick sit near, in joy dance,

Ever cover own warm coat destitute,

Ever birthday sweet for orphan cute,

Benign blemish exists beauty n pure,

Feel other’s pain blemishes let tear, (2)


Nature messages humanity adore,

A blemish on the moon, light silver,

Heart of lover points partner nice,

The moon shines drunk lover wish,

Bright full moon dark spot entice,

Benign blemish unites spot amiss,

Poets love dark spot on the moon,

The world  for classic poem soon,

Wild lover of moon symbol of love,

A human step hue n cry deserve,

Moonwalkers infuriate youth lot,

Clamor pollute love symbol, most,

Benign blemish for loving couple,

A small step of a man giant simple,

Civilization steps on the moon, kiss,

Admire people a benign blemish (3)


Blame not blemish alert a character,

Nectar pot venom drop a poison sure,

Person of truth nature pure, play dice,

Bet wife lose kingdom once trade vice,

Erase blemish, love clean image true,

Erase blemish character, purity glue,

Benign blemish root past, leader rule,

School dropout tea, newspaper seller,

Petrol, hotel attendant, ticket collector,

Life glitter rise to zenith rules a nation,

Rules sports game wealth cine motion,

Lowest in ladder, spirit rise ever wish,

Amaze mankind comet benign blemish. (4)


Friday, January 22, 2021





Born amid amazing nature,

Bemoans fate irks weather,

Inconsistent a time change,

Severe cyclone flood engage,

Disappoint cloud deny rain,

Disappears season dry again,

Insect curse cultivation ruins,

Bountiful ravages visit twins, (1)


Cornfields inundate flood peril,

Devastate village home, not evil,

Life halts in pain hope endless,

Fertile land winter, crop impress,

Cyclone destroys the standing crop,

Insects induce rot outputs rob,

Century never quit cultivation,

Candor to express impression,

Suffers heat rain an opulence,

Golden grains field influence,

Feed a billion love benevolence,

Empathy begrudge belligerence, (2)


Media prints life black n white,

Share sympathy verbal fight,

Fight wily politics vain interest,

Forgetful heart guise bitterest,

Tunnels pour help scheme often,

Clairvoyance pretend in motion,

Pretentious, ruler dream seller,

Farmland farmer dwells poorer,

The weather never hear cries plead,

The ruler is blind exclaims intrepid,

Century turns tricolor flutters,

The nation moves ahead manicure,

The city turns metro spiraling luxury,

Urban affront aloof rural to worry,

Empathy a joke nation’s spine,

Affluent dines dishes grapevine,

Lost humanity sympathy intense,

Fraternity begrudge belligerence, (3)


Least agitates for health education,

Waits for endless independence lotion,

The hurt heart heals wound disappear,

Poverty hunger fades home shelter,

Vagaries vicious climate upheaval,

Freedom for harvest plenty enthrall,

Never aspires infinite gadget wealth,

Never aspires asset travels at length,

Never request for mercy promotion,

Never cry for education bit emotion,

Health security happiness insure,

Old age saw independence ensure,

Republic, a peasant salute immense,

Silent wish begrudge belligerence, (4)


Great a nation billion aspire worth,

Billion includes farmers’ real berth,

Hope republic day erase a lot in agony,

Pleasant peasant mind or progeny,

Corona specter messages rural cure,

Modern infrastructure rebuild sure,

Looks ignorant rustic good reverence,

Unfurl Flag begrudge belligerence. (5)


Thursday, January 21, 2021





Dawn of my life invite the noon,

Thrills young mind surges soon,

Crimson east high noon dazzle,

World closest friendly love sizzle,

Night over endless dreams fade,

Thoughts infinite imagine trade,

Sun heartless dives to west dusk,

Fragrant postures sad miss musk,

Change happens inactivity a lot,

Change happens in thought alert,

Chang happens in outlook sober,

Change happens passion thinker,

Change happen emotion weaker,

Change happens attitude all alter,

Change attachment remodel pure,

Change myself search focus within,

Passes time seek inner peace clean,

Traverse vast inner world in length,

 Dark void connects to each breath,

 Inhale exhale links slow lord’s gift,

 Minute the hour ends day bliss swift,

 Calm silent thoughtless mind cool,

 New connection to own world rule,

 A new belief system in myself firm,

 Love isolation, tranquil mind, arm,

 Compassionate detached far realm,

 Aware within luminance overwhelm, (1)


A candle burns bright, life resembles,

Melting wax harden memory simple,

Wick breath of life burns body age,

Evening well past night to envisage,

Wrinkles or smooth skin top bald,

Nice hair whitens, grandkids glad,

Confined life to home needs help.

Life reclines in chair reminds self,

Routine life daily monotonous well,

Today in fine shape tomorrow unwell,

Morning walk a splendid time fresh,

Old friends ever meet, a god’s grace,

Evening hours seat alone kid play,

Television run mind unaware say,

Balcony bench comforts good rest,

Immerses in within reminisce best,

The span of candle burning fumes mix,

The inert mind knows fume thought fix,

Casts hazy cloud drowsy film pass,

School friend recall opaque a glass,

Distant time memory enliven hurt,

Place n time events in mist few lost,

Mind enamor gossip with wife n tea,

Paradigm shift real, river nearer sea.

Ah.., O’ life mystic melt candle smoke,

Goes where no one knows wise woke! (2)






Puzzles mind a character benefit,

Laugh humanity parsimony neat,

Admire affluence extravaganza lot,

Wealthy spend, splendid comfort,

Applause louder lottery or gamble,

Infinite holes drilled locker tumble,

Horse race, a race of car, bike games,

Boxing wrestling betting inflames,

Wild affluent mind, never awake,

Roll on, road bankrupt bet’s shake,

Bet house assets land in business,

Overnight losses mean in distress,

Riches n rag cyclic melodramatic,

Rises climax zenith tragedy tragic,

Incredible human society madden,

Parsimonious nature look, sadden,

Lament vagaries of the reckless mind,

Leaking hole pours money unkind, (1)


Remember childhood gift tips a lot,

Earthen pot slot coin save most,

Learned from grandmother, well,

Year saving, college, money swell,

Stamps nice for conservation kiss,

Spending hook saving nature wish,

Wins heart enamor jackpot saving,

Sibling compete most save enticing,

Decade rolls quick look back n love,

Home car asset future plan resolve,

Saving influence simple need nature,

Taunt friend skip dress new a miser,

The life assured save wealth hard labor,

Once slips out of hand never occur,

Kid education health well in mind,

Insurance, savings are many kinds,

Money, money sweeter than honey,

Wiser save well peerless parsimony, (2)


Money address heart know me well,

Coin by coin parsimony progress bell,

Rainwater parsimony reservoir saves,

Rain failure harvesters water waves,

Parsimony outlook cold storage store,

Vegetable grain vital lean period cure,

Nature exhibit a tree at bank of a pond,

Root never sucks all moderately fond,

Cactus shows parsimony moister take,

Arid desert cactus blossom nicely make,

Little saving call peerless parsimony,

Conserves tiny bee from flower honey, (3)


Everything extreme nature let fatal,

Rain turbulent flood cyclone lethal,

Water wind sustain lives moderate,

Hungry mind parsimony complicate,

Pollutes mind greedy selfish nature,

Parsimony let drama tragic theater,

Symbol of parasite, n exploits people,

Never a benefit for others, suck simple,

Parsimony reflects cocoanut tree tall,

Out of reach fruit no shade pride call,

Mango tree invite sweet fruit shade,

Sweet fruit easy reach sleep invade,

Moderate ambition desire family man,

Love peerless parsimony well you can. (4)