Showing posts with label PARADIGM SHIFT REAL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PARADIGM SHIFT REAL. Show all posts

Thursday, January 21, 2021





Dawn of my life invite the noon,

Thrills young mind surges soon,

Crimson east high noon dazzle,

World closest friendly love sizzle,

Night over endless dreams fade,

Thoughts infinite imagine trade,

Sun heartless dives to west dusk,

Fragrant postures sad miss musk,

Change happens inactivity a lot,

Change happens in thought alert,

Chang happens in outlook sober,

Change happens passion thinker,

Change happen emotion weaker,

Change happens attitude all alter,

Change attachment remodel pure,

Change myself search focus within,

Passes time seek inner peace clean,

Traverse vast inner world in length,

 Dark void connects to each breath,

 Inhale exhale links slow lord’s gift,

 Minute the hour ends day bliss swift,

 Calm silent thoughtless mind cool,

 New connection to own world rule,

 A new belief system in myself firm,

 Love isolation, tranquil mind, arm,

 Compassionate detached far realm,

 Aware within luminance overwhelm, (1)


A candle burns bright, life resembles,

Melting wax harden memory simple,

Wick breath of life burns body age,

Evening well past night to envisage,

Wrinkles or smooth skin top bald,

Nice hair whitens, grandkids glad,

Confined life to home needs help.

Life reclines in chair reminds self,

Routine life daily monotonous well,

Today in fine shape tomorrow unwell,

Morning walk a splendid time fresh,

Old friends ever meet, a god’s grace,

Evening hours seat alone kid play,

Television run mind unaware say,

Balcony bench comforts good rest,

Immerses in within reminisce best,

The span of candle burning fumes mix,

The inert mind knows fume thought fix,

Casts hazy cloud drowsy film pass,

School friend recall opaque a glass,

Distant time memory enliven hurt,

Place n time events in mist few lost,

Mind enamor gossip with wife n tea,

Paradigm shift real, river nearer sea.

Ah.., O’ life mystic melt candle smoke,

Goes where no one knows wise woke! (2)