Saturday, June 26, 2021




  Never lament my soul console,

Fallen feathers hunt ail whole,

Fragile limb writhe feel, fatigue,

Struggle live peril, win intrigue, (1)


Thwart humility, despise serve,

Break boundary wall hot nerve,

Incense painful wail move help,

Forget class, caste, creed, yelp, (2)


Assuages soothing words, belief,

Witness tortured spirit, in relief,

Timely, help save suffering sick,

Hate pretense alibis assist kick, (3)


Infinite satisfaction selfless test,

Life extends day-night manifest,

Serve sufferer, weak, ill, cherish,

Water bubble burst trust perish, (4)


Infect, smiles sick recover adore,

Priceless gratitude n happy tear,

Unite family relived tension fade,

Kid get father, mother back raid, (5)


Parent watch child survive smile,

Watch happiness tearful n while,

Erases past painful sight regain,

Selfless serve new vigor, I-insane, (6)


Broken chain of notion, look life,

Keep behind, close window, strife,

Self-help motto best help, super,

Family, friend, kin help superior, (7)


Born for faith community service,

Award reward, accolade call vice,

Born once unknown death steal,

Deathless spirit bold touch heal, (viii)


Seek death un-noticed unknown,

Conquer servitude, I die lovelorn,

Sojourn infinite memory lane lit,

Al’ merciful guide energize, spirit, (9)


Each breath, feel His presence nit,

Amaze His image human face writ,

Service to suffering life serve-God,

Learn ignorant mind, rest absurd, (10)


Transient realm invest illusive all,

Teenage to old age rhapsody recall,

Melody of desires manipulate nice,

Illiterate, I know human pays price, (10)


Sweet, sour human life, joy, agony,

Search lifelong pleasure, company,

Sink wild mind celebrate to forget,

Scary past horror melt mist, relate, (11)


Hides mist reality mortal life short,

Dedicate my life serve people trust,

Squander life precious service save,

Contemplate cool, sit beside a grave, (12)


Peaceful Rest soul ah, walls absent,

Anger hatred greed love kind resent,

False attachment allures light fade,

Bewail beaver n alerts, death evade. (13)











Friday, June 25, 2021





Soul, encompass peace n solace,

Fag end I find sorrows morass,

New-year little disappoint best,

Incredible time heart earn test, (1)


Accept moments, sweet n sour,

Dream build castle in air hour,

Dream fade into mist, pervade,

Arouse thought endless invade, (2)


Hope desire confluence n duet,

Amazes struggle, effort create,

Solve problem face spirit often,

Year-long season pass caution, (3)


Accident, illness, disaster lurk,

Embattled encounter, do sock,

Unwinds courage n experience,

Unforeseen challenges intense, (4)


Scar of incidents events persist,

Castle-in-air pencils n optimist,

Wipe weeping face smile future,

Hope against all odd will secure, (5)


Canvas, of my life, etch, esoteric,

Unprecedented happening sick,

Wave-after-wave rise, dissipate,

Infect people quickly, liquidate, (6)


Counter mutant succeed fever,

Symptom new, old adds severe,

Clueless to find solution people,

Century enter matter not simple, (7)


New millennium search a scope,

Human, race in question, grope,

Spectacle distress, family, erode,

Brittle life fight survival explode, (viii)


Snatch father wife, child suffer,

Snatch parent orphan insecure,

Old parent lose the earning kid,

Wait, clueless tragic end get rid, (9)


Most miss sport-person, officer,

Eminent person warrior, doctor,

Collapse social thread cut pain,

Years roll daily basis we regain, (10)


Regain peace, prosperity, enjoy,

Dream castle people, ask envoy,

Embattled encounter, I cherish,

Joins with a nation,, nightmarish, (11)


Hurt old body spirit kid lament,

Education goes in air cry assent,

Dilapidated school, college stare,

Gloom future populace all share, (12)


Confines to home couple-of-year,

Fear frustration confluence hear,

Night deepen late, wake implode,

Faith on Lord lifelong my corrode, (13)


Tearful beg merciful forgive, crime,

Humanity God-send, bells chime,

Melt kind heart compassion flow,

Divine love overwhelm soul glow, (14)


Lord, return, glorious future again,

Embattled-encounter end, we regain.

Paradise on good earth reveal best,

Human nature surrender You test! (15)







Thursday, June 24, 2021






Confess life in shatter result,

Pretense adopt faces tumult,

Peril invites attempt, enamor,

Erroneous mind trap secure, (1)


Misguides spirit gold inflame,

Bitter fight grab-wealth tame,

Hook-by-crook accrues asset,

Addict adventure fuel pretext, (2)


Portray to the world innocent,

Benevolent heart help decent,

Squander plenty build image,

Reputation design craft craze, (3)


Laugh heartily worlds believe,

Guise intension claim receive,

Amazes lie, people trusts total,

Exploit suffer, console mortal, (4)


Help sufferer peanut proclaim,

Serve humanity, dedicate aim,

Elaborate clear, rise spiral, wit,

Pretend gentle soul ethics writ, (5)


Hit zenith a famous, poor root,

Manipulates world under boot,

Admire, applaud, feel sympathy,

Deceive wiser, drama empathy, (6)


Award reward accolade amuse,

Sultan of a dark kingdom ruse,

Listens to life builds an empire,

Greed rage least hesitates dare, (7)


Seen enough, cruel rules spirit,

Mask-faces smiles, yet discreet,

Luxury comfort opulence craze,

Year’s smooth maneuvers haze, (viii)


Bed-room glass wall fearful, lot,

Ugly ghost, reside behind n hurt,

Crude smile mischievous threat,

Arouses sight of a grave, create, (9)


Maleficent look predates in sleep,

Wake, cry-loud lone hunts deep,

Fear own face-masks n terrorize,

Adulthood creeps, an age precise, (10)


Paranoia pervade blood cell sink,

Reminiscence remind deeds link,

See victim disbelief, plead mercy,

Mirror, shows eyes little courtesy, (11)


Sock to watch lifeless eyes burn,

Earn money earn power lit horn,

Boast mighty deceive, credit win,

Crestfallen cretin, guilt tear twin, (12)


Imprisons dungeon build indeed,

Crumple, aspire, ego, hate, deed,

Futile repentance, fail path clear,

In vain, try, pray Lord, disappear, (13)


Sweet home n citadel of evil wish,

Serpent of own-deeds, amok hiss,

Death, knock loud fear, disappear,

Fail; see the image a heart somber, (14)


Snakes within reptiles hiss silent,

Tear dries up sock fizzle, resilient,

Commit crime, robbery, cheat fail,

Precious life never return, wit nail, (15)


Mortal-frame goes inert loses total,

Carries sin result wait repent royal,

Admit open to people beg to forgive,

Crestfallen cretin naïve, pens leave. (16)




Wednesday, June 23, 2021






Self-awareness bloom intimate,

Teenage enchant curiosity late,

Day unfold automatic progress,

World awake busy-life, impress,(1)


Events happen in time, miracle,

Dawn to dusk in orders, simple,

Morn call bird delights freedom,

Blue-sky bird circle lo abandon, (2)


Evening witness bird seek nest,

Humanity tiresome search rest,

Incredible dreamland manifest,

Night thicken canopy dark test, (3)


Noisy-world arguments conflict,

Anxiety aspersions scorn, inflict,

Hurt heart acid tongue complex,

Lies guise pretentious lives vex, (4)


Anger smolder mind act violent,

Conscience goad soul be decent,

Bright sunny-day entices mind,

Conspire to revolt rebel unkind, (5)


Influence teenage mind corrupt,

Evening prayer silences abrupt,

Peace calm mind divine ensure,

Reason focus error warn future, (6)


Unknown, unseen divine if talk,

Mind read a sacred book, walk,

Book details His presence clear,

Big-tree in seeds dreams future, (7)


Tiny-seed contain contours tree,

In time His wish translates free,

Air un-born wind travel endless,

Obey divine order breaths bless, (viii)


Rain collects water travels often,

Ocean obeys order share motion,

Raindrop nectar of life seed grow,

In-time in-command foliage glow, (9)


Feel His presence blossom smile,

In-time fruit ripen attach awhile,

Seed travel world-wide His mercy,

Landscape forest covers courtesy, (10)


Season follow in order, discipline,

Animal eat grass, flesh live clean,

Never betray nature to safeguard,

Species send a message, forward, (11)


Read book further truth, trust lit,

Conscience n intuition divine gift,

Attachment temptation duet sing,

Death-knell of human in end ring, (12)


Mind, gets blind, lead, paths fence,

Conjure miracles betray credence,

Evening prayer over I contemplate,

Why mankind doubt Lord n hate, (13)


Precious life Lord says, be humble,

Lead life pure, trust truth, simple,

Worship love care serve Earth nit,

Preserve nature His image explicit, (14)


Regularly irregular ignore a prayer,

Irregularly regular lo dream desire,

Indeed human deeds pay due result,

Mango tree ever give fruit cocoanut! (15)


Tearful pray Lord; give me patience,

Conjure trap, vow cardinal credence.

Greatest enemy, spirit doubt intense,

Betray very birth ends, in confluence. (16)