Monday, July 25, 2022





Dawn breaks, spreading aura,

Sun shines on glistening greens forest,

Mountains rising head proudly,

Villages, native people ecstatic,

Drums beating in pulsating rhythm,

Dances, young females holding hands,

In line steps decently matching drums,

Intoxicated with pride, youth join,

Taking steps to dance overwhelmed,

Moon caught by their imaginations,

Ruling a billion people on earth from today,

Accepts with humility the mantle of reign,

Native’s today proudest people,

As never before, wishes in wildest dreams,

Democracy, magical wonders, electric,

Materializes unforeseen happening this dawn,

Stands nation playing the national anthem,

Standing lawmakers bow in respect,

First citizen promising nation by the constitution,

Serve as head of the country faithfully,

Deserves women, feminine power,

One among them takes the mantle of reign,

Respect a people accept her majestic show,

Fought the harshest battle of life, lost own,

Unfaltering fight spirit blazes in life,

Serving people for long years with honesty,

Soft feminine touch bettered children,

Care and love predominant an example,

President was a teacher, today accepts,

Humbly accept the job of chief commander,

To rule the country, become the pillar,

Pillar of the constitution, responsible, rule,

Festival occasion in native village n town,

Joyous people of the state, tribal community,

Pride evident overpowers heart in pleasure,

Happy tears of family, local people,

Thanks, Indian spirit faith democratic,

A milestone for tribal aspirations visible,

Sings national anthem flying tricolor,

Power n might of nation become feminine,

Transforming panorama in magnificence,

Transcends message to girls, youth, adults,

Awesome inspiration emanates,

Learn women folk.


@ BIjayananda Mishra



Sunday, July 24, 2022





Life itself, a big question, I admire,

Every breath a second finds changing,

Changing views in front, my thought,

Changes belief, habit, and faith altogether,

Limits knowledge, wisdom, if wise human,

Simple, rustic, matriculate, knew driving,

Chosen my life, driving bus far-flung,

Years are rolling like wheels in speed,

Surprised by how time passing life is busy,

The bus became my home, drive, then rest,

Sleep, the bed is bus sheet, dress in a cupboard,

Baths at the stand, food during travel,

Lunch, dinner, snacks, breakfast, call,

Roadside footstalls know recognize me, 

Food is free, providing customers plenty,

Friend, brother is helper and conductor,

Reaching destinations keeps the bus at the stand,

Play, we three closest in life with cards,

Dress brown shirt, pants, asset a comb,

Sleep in the day time drive during the night,

Lonely roads in city, villages, jungles,

The bus runs with alacrity watching cows,

Street dogs, beggars sleeping on the roadside,

Children running to the middle of roads,

Speeding overloaded trucks, car overtaking,

Bicycles and motorcycles, the worst offenders,

Accident, never happened life, has seen,

A life cut short by accident, a few dying,

Wounded passengers, heart-rending cries,

Silent onlookers gather, helpless, trying,

Trying to inform police, authority,

Roads with blood heart touching,

Who dies today, watches motorcycles,

Play with truck, car racing fast,

Mobile in hand driving car a fashion,

Untimely death happens, truck behind,

Witness sick people in the bus, aged,

Vomiting at places need care n rest,

Children glue to window glass curious,

Moving past sceneries, rivers, forests,

Unknown bazaar, village Hat, fun,

Students going to colleges or home,

Singing dancing shout co-passenger angry,

Complains, conductor warns often,

Ticket, ticket, sound whistles, I hear,

Night bus, passengers sleeping, silent,

Alert alone awake helper dosing,

Maneuvered steep slopes, hairpin bends,

Prayed idols in the ghat road vermilion red,

Believes Goddess will help driving safely,

Believes bus living-part of my life,

Checking parts cleaning the bus, sharing love,

Move to home in shift, few days left,

Enjoys homely food, watches child study,

Washes brown khaki dresses, market,

Find wife’s requirements pay house rent,

Talking to son reading in high school,

Lovingly play with my baby daughter,

Sighs, save money for daughter her marriage,

Conflicts mind, daughter to get educated,

Advises my son to study well to become an officer,

A bus driver’s life on trial, my child, gets never.


@ Bijayananda Mishra

Thursday, January 27, 2022





Eon living defeats reality revive,

Inferno turns greens ash thrive,

Miracle lives manifest, puzzling,

Spout, green leaves ash signing, (1)


Wordless fallen trees less fallen,

Dawn break sunray life awaken,

Leaves, then branch and flower,

Time heals batter nature power, (2)


Tree stands well wood-decaying,

Crumbling revive life, regaining,

Regain life, light air-water plays,

Secrecy living maintain dismays, (3)


Divine planning, nature prosper,

Barren field rain gracefully cure,

Green valley extend eyesight far,

Whose magic touch erasing scar, (4)


Rotten fruits, pale flower, fallen,

Warm moist dawn rays brighten,

Life sprang out glisten dews nit,

Fallen life resurrect how, defeat, (5)


Whose touch wet if, nectar drop,

Sunlight, distant reach life-cope,

Lost thought immersed warmth,

Decay, life dying nature’s wrath, (6)


Cold frigid freezing, life awaken,

Felt His touch love duly shaken,

Ensues warmth divine touch lit,

Breathing dead plants life greet, (7)


Trickle tear heart encompasses,

Grace, crumbling life possesses,

His grace, lotus wait night long,

Touch divine rays at dawn song, (viii)


Sense, the lotus awakens bloom,

Warmth vibration dispels gloom,

Thought breaks, feeling human,

Unfortunate deprived never can, (9)


Human limbs less grow, perish,

Living immortal if, human wish,

Creation deprives, revival dying,

Rotten flesh bones, ever-growing, (10)


Stinking smell n worm-infested,

Disintegrate to soil water, fated,

Soil, water, light, air acts miracle,

Crumbles human life dissemble, (11)


Differs simple tree, century-old,

Realize heart its existence, gold,

Spread through birth over, globe,

Cross ocean, remote island hub, (12)


Defeat, mountain top desert ice,

Pierce cleaves rock roots if, vice,

Wither nature climate, survives,

Less water soil, fight life thrives, (13)


Felt human existences, hungry,

Witnessing thirsty spirits angry,

Food water critical tree, require,

Amid scarcity withstand inspire, (14)


Human life n crumbling quickly,

Food water lack human life silly,

Socked-to-bone halt pen inking,

Rob human ruined, life sinking.  (15)






Cavernous human thought lost,

Infinite path dark tunnel escort,

Life, intensely peruse, seek light,

Extinguishes quickly, feel fright, (1)


Flickering flame brings up faces,

Looses instantly, without traces,

Rock cracks, light percolate fine,

World surreal get alive it, define, (2)


Realms under veil deceive cavern,

Stark, reality, open-world mourn,

Moves life desperate feels thirsty,

Thirst for gold hunger lust, dirty, (3)


Search resembles cavern torture,

Life begins till ends less discover,

Less finds paradise on earth life,

Bitter quarrel fight unseen strife, (4)


Silence weird cry sudden louder,

Dark tunnel, human sees under,

Heart perceives n reality absurd,

Elude, liberty freedom life afford, (5)


Tunnel yet dungeon inescapable,

Poverty, hunger, destitute treble,

Lives in tunnel see light in-crack,

Light mirror hope dreams shark, (6)


Illusion tunnel leads to big-cave,

Luxury comfort deal safety wave,

Fear illness hunger absent best,

Quenches thirsty heart, life test, (7)


Fountains, love care n company,

Cave captures plays symphony,

Less life detects captivity happy,

Seeks if, freedom feeling creepy, (viii)


No escape wait death end story,

Cavern allows life slip feel sorry,

Wait, horror, in tunnels n snake,

Snake treacherous human fake, (9)


Fake, love, care, sympathy steal,

Turn life destitute deceive at will,

Wished once to escape lost total,

Grief anger hatred rule immoral, 10)


Characters live once, possessed,

Lost everything, prowls savaged,

No mercy beast killing life craze,

Thought cavernous bleeds, haze, (11)


Thought once peaceful had bliss,

Immense help care love felt kiss,

Human conscience pure shining,

Character replica divine, singing, (12)


Thoughts reveal evil fluidity-real,

Mankind moving tunnels unreal,

Constantly fluid in motion move,

Instantly changes human, prove, (13)


Saintly life turn savage ignorant,

Life begins end frames remnant,

Frighten eyes, skeletal crumpled,

Dream castle in-air if, crumbled, (14)


Worlds thinking think-real sinks,

Cavern, thoughts trapping links,

Fluidity drama of life lust stinks,

Lost, in tunnel lives entwine inks.  (15)





 Vast nation hold billion jubilant,

Impeccable existence, if vibrant,

Once submerged under rule test,

Centuries under dark water best, (1)


Land of God lacking grace, wane,

Ancient glories obliterated drain,

Pristine culture, custom n fabric,

Devastated suffer lives felt tragic, (2)


Divided nation fragmented piece,

Mother’s charisma tying practice,

Emotion thought-feeling binding,

Intrinsic national flavor grinding, (3)


Alluvial landscape were particles,

Simmering wish linger in articles,

Poet writer thinkers kept writing,

Inflamed population lit mingling, (4)


Turbulent waters, serfdoms link.

Protecting neck-deep, never sink,

Land alluding mother with baby,

Baby on top saving, walk happy, (5)


Baby, population, in slavery well,

Poverty, illiteracy, sickness dwell,

Fail to fight colonial might crony,

Exploited, helpless, lacked money, (6)


Mother rustic rural cloth, caring,

Flooded water oppressed moving,

Little allowed drop bucket clutch,

People thriving, survive life lurch, (7)


Secured life mother feed, harvest,

Rice corn wheat wealth manifest,

Survived through trouble waters,

Under colonial rule, past remorse, (viii)


Allusion, of woman, with baby tip,

Walking confident yet neck-deep,

Motherland once walked similar,

Revisit republic day, spectacular, (9)


No more mother underwater, fit,

Her children march parade greet,

Her clothes tricolor rainbows free,

Flutter mother’s hair breeze glee, (10)


Independence liberty blazes play,

Cheers her children, joys display,

Broken chains, poverty, illiteracy,

Mingle past, nightmares ecstasy, (11)


Subsides waters n Indian-ocean,

Washing mother’s feat, devotion,

Himalayas; her crown regaining,

Icy clad mountain sing, shining, (12)


Her necklace Ganges glisten, lit,

Bosoms, green Bindhyachal, nit,

Smile children, promise, protect,

Mighty army march tunes infect, (13)


Swear, save modesty and vanity,

Till last blood, fight for integrity,

No more baby, standing upright,

Standing tallest in word insight, (14)


Motherhood got liberty equality,

Education, skill wear versatility,

Allusion mother, flooding water,

Baby marching stronger assure. (15)