Friday, October 27, 2023





Teenage cracked results assailed,

Scornful teacher, parent derailed,

Known as troublesome, disobeyed,

Disturbs class discipline betrayed, (1)


Predicted teacher on failure warn,

Intimated parents on study harm,

Continue scolding at home, angry,

Useless child cursed deny hungry, (2)


Final exam a few weeks ahead tilt,

Slapped my father pleads felt guilt,

That was the time I cried, repented hell,

Promised my mother and dad yell, (3)


No more troubles to you, I promise,

My results after the exam were a surprise,

My parents didn't laugh or ridicule me,

Mother trusted my words supreme, (4)


At the time, lack of electricity fan at home,

Kerosene lantern table books some,

Ink bottle and pen paper company,

Practice, memorize, write symphony, (5)


Closed my study room night passes,

A moth never let me out suppresses,

The slap from Dad didn't hurt me, I cried,

I caught his tears, fears sweat defied, (6)


All my dad wanted me successfully lit,

Exceptional result career future feat,

Loved my mom, silent, prayerful duty,

Her love and care dream for me, pity, (7)


Promised, firmly me to study enough,

Bring her smiles, results dad laugh,

Silence my opponent, ridiculed a lot,

Aggrieved teachers feel pride in effort, (viii)


It was summer night windless heat,

Opens the window near the table, writes,

Finished the entire course those nights,

Blood, sweat, and tears add my plights, (9)


Memoire of my school life deserved,

Passed first division rank reserved,

Saw happy tears of dad was silent,

Mom was sobbing, disbelieving went, (10)


My good news to surprise teachers,

Classmates disbelieved won hours,

Confess today, friends, result taught,

Taught me sweat beads leads result, (11)


Applied in my life toiled hard proof,

Education is experience finds aloof,

Fewer to boast effort critical sweats,

Wipes dripping water pours, creeps, (12)


Creates opportunity bright is future,

School result matters night suture,

Frankly confess, hire a table pencil,

Draw bridge skyscraper copy stencil, (13)


Electric bulb is lighting, nights pass,

Materializes buildings on root grass,

Sweat is a permanent companion of life,

Parents teachers I left behind strife, (14)


Life of the engineer, under hot sun,

Spine chilling cold night lamp burn,

Sweat out, roll out plans, build soon,

Stand at a construction site up the moon. (15)      


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Sweat

Themes: Blood, sweat, and tears, life is made

Written: 27th October 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Thursday, October 26, 2023






Eons, human got awestruck, mad,

A grain of rice or wheat time sad,

Unknown era when nomads to halt,

Found weeds tall, granary tumult,(1)


Hungry humans moving, endless,

Hunting the means, survival less,

Hostile earth and climate devour,

Human lives in cave beasts favor, (2)


God knows when humans found,

Fire the cooking food spellbound,

Changed lifestyle grain blessing,

Nomad to civilization live kissing, (3)


Cultivation harvest ancient host,

The human population, scarcely lost,

Rain visits, flood, fails to famine,

Crop harvest to failure life define, (4)


Store granaries bountiful motion,

Know human value grain notion,

Caution to save water, irrigation,

Water reservoir dams precaution, (5)


Fertile land greenery nature hire,

Peaceful, happy life, prosper, care,

Generations, farmers tilling stays,

Bullock cart, oxen, plowing ways, (6)


Cow dung fertilizer, yet preserved,

Ripe grains field golden deserved,

The sight of mesmerizing wind play,

Waves of delight sustains life say, (7)


Vanishing pictures diminish lives,

Erode landscape, forest deprives,

Dust storm early warning desert,

Rural luster destroyed lacks effort, (viii)


Migration million lives throng hit,

Begging bowl a morsel of food lit,

A grain of rice weighed a ton of gold,

Scarce to obtain fight lives scold, (9)


Cities, industry, modern life sad,

Lifeless hostile land lost emerald,

Visits harvesting cornfield glory,

Golden Aura annual labor, story, (10)


Forests green, river blue or water,

Trees countless fruit orchards here,

Mother Earth, her gifts grain admit,

Allure verdure child smile predict, (11)


Assurance rosy tomorrow a grain,

Simple living, ample food ingrain,

Centuries of villages stood survived,

Cities built, ruined, death revived, (12)


Never lost to human lesson bold,

Grains of rice on a rooftop, hold,

At dawn, pigeons converge timely,

Water bucket, strewn rice nicely, (13)


Surprised my heart touched time,

Pigeons wait patiently in grain line,

Cooked rice, water, bullock wait,

Watch my clock stand to look quiet, (14)


The sense of timing is phenomenal,

Grain satiates hunger, life is magical, 

Birds or beasts detect, rightly grain,

Alas, human forgets, lives drain. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Grain

Themes: Critical to survive a grain of rice

Written: 26th October 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite






Wednesday, October 25, 2023






Confess heart is a rebellious fight,

To sneak peek event birthright,

Irrelevant contumacious nature,

Poke nose into every affair later, (1)


Swag tongue notorious express,

Hurt every decent life impress,

Argumentative continues gossip,

Evil nature, in disguise worship, (2)


Viewers know in detail a person,

Quarrelsome threatens, caution,

Praise his chivalry spontaneous,

Audience angry, contemptuous, (3)


Condemn my argument, I vicious,

Relish my heart satire frivolous,

Know my friends call disgusting,

Their displeasure, I like sting, (4)


Have you seen people like me,

I take pride in being unique prime,

Read much, gossip columns a lot,

Who betrayed or cheated fought, (5)


Who stole then played innocent,

Who gets caught stealing decent,

Justify such action admiration,

Confess now I am such a person, (6)


None repentant, my attitude hit,

My loneliness solitude time feat,

Satire others, decency repulsive,.

Mingles among people fight live, (7)


Surprised at my behavior, I know,

As a child, when I saw parents owe,

Dad drinks a lot, beats offensively,

To language mom cry evasively, (viii)


They fight night lonely, get socked,

At dawn, papa slapped me yet joked,

Bruised, battered childhood tell,

Found alone, parents gone wail, (9)


No one is here, empty house, sad,

Separated parents grew up hard,

Finds pleasure in notoriety well,

Neighbor knows me to avoid detail, (10)


Whenever I proceed with life curious,

Intention condemned nefarious,

Less I explain my villain nature,

I grew up envious of the neighbor, (11)


How happy, joyful, loving living,

Parents love children dancing,

Till young, I cried, unfortunately,

Lost my parent early life madly, (12)


Got only hatred drunkard's son,

Mom was a maidservant, I mourn,

My fate ill-fated was hated nail,

Nefarious my smile tears to wail, (13)


Why me, alas, fails to love human,

I loved life, love my living as can,

A rose, my life, the plant has thorns,

You plucked, painful life mourns. (14)


Birth not chosen parent wicked,

Nefarious conjugal lives decade,

Anger ruled my life, segregated,

Hate orphan nefarious ill-fated. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Nefarious

Themes: Tears of a child, parents divorced

Written: 25th October 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite




Tuesday, October 24, 2023





Not wilderness, plant grew here,

Boundary-wall circled too near,

Watched years back, surprised,

Flowers colorful, tall tree prized,(1)


Got the height, thick branched,

Caught sight beauty enhanced,

It happened the wall collapsed, sad,

Cows destroyed plant hell mad, (2)


Broken branches, flowers, fruits,

Cattle goat roam guard recruits,

Guessed the beautiful tree died,

Unprotected faded hopes belied, (3)


Loves the tree flowering exciting, 

Wanted young mind, try grouting,

Many attempts failed remorseful,

Season change rain came awful, (4)


It was the end of my college passed,

Leave home memories splashed,

Discovered the plant root, visible,

Shiny twin leaves smiling simple, (5)


Tears I felt barricaded the plant,

Sweet memory, childish implant,

Love luxuriant growth, I prayed,

I left home, joined service, stayed, (6)


A year passed, so soon, dream it,

Grown to tall height flower neat,

Fruits red rounded wild attract,

Small birds allured, chirp start, (7)


Desperate to go home, wait long,

Back home, met the plant, song,

Astonishing beautiful sight nest,

A bird with chick crowd interest, (viii)


Sweet chirping, blossoms fruits, 

Heartbroken events, I was frustrated,

Unseasonal rain hailstorm loud,

At dawn, the plant uprooted, cloud, (9)


The nest is damaged, birds fled,

Tearful, I cried silently, love bled,

Why does the tiny plant grow faster,

Knock-out event cattle weather, (10)


I quit that day to my job, sadly,

Tried to forget to touch life madly,

Vacation and Dussehra vibrant,

Returning home thought vacant, (11)


Not to think of an unlucky plant,

Repeated got destroyed, instant,

Fearful tread slowly to the backyard,

The tree is in its place awkward, (12)


Taller than me provide shed say,

Luxuriant growth flower dismay,

The barricade was still intact yet protected,

Wild fruits bird nest love detect, (13)


Acute fragrance, colorful flowers,

I was crying happily all showers,

Owe few such plants well grew,

Tiny plants germinated, in view, (14)


A few inches taller flowers arrived,

Not out, the small plant lo thrived!

Spellbound, motionless, conceived,

Pregnant divine love life survived. (15) 


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Not Out

Themes: The plant grew repeatedly

Written: 24th October 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite