Thursday, August 27, 2020




A teen answers incisive eloquence whisper,
Neither before nor after ascetic ever answer,
The feeble voice in dark cave melts deep forest,
Permeate confluence of the Narmada flows west,
Rock still the lyrics reflect eternal truth unraveling,
Lush green foliage flower in blossom vibe smiling,
Transcend in affluence vibrations hymns in blue,
Blue was ocean river metaphor mysterious clue,
Waves in ripple kiss shores humanity assimilate,
Wisdom of secret envisage time imprint articulate,
The creator most mystic invisible human look,
Suspicions doubt question ideas flow low a brook,
Desire hope aspiration lust ego savor so sweet,
Conscience in ages notice pain sorrows discreet,
Ignorance dark life leads to disease death often,
A child once whisper nectar drops life well glisten,
Tricky mind blind king rules the human soul a slave,
Puzzles insight obscure opaque incisive enclave,
Over three decades the divine spirit roams fast,
Preached explicit the truth crystal clear ever last,
Length bread ancient landscape tender age trip,
Four foundations of faith disciples initiate n sweep,
Snow clad Himalayas a journey scripted monastery,
Glowing hymns in praying divine reflect turn history,
Short a life invaluable for people ancient root,
Early dawn to dusk sing purify the mind to travel by foot,
A time incarnation saw at dawn of confusion rot,
Thought weird variant aggressive faith is fraught,
Tender a mind spectrum of vision hues propagate,
The citadel bastion of knowledge in mist penetrates,
Permeate purify faith sacred blue waters of Ganges,
The basin populous savor enrich aspersion changes,
Mind intellect ego reflection of inner self five senses,
Fail to define my soul much beyond me expressionless,
Fail ether earth fire wind water as stuff constituent,
Indeed self define eternal awareness bliss content,
Love n pure consciousness Siva I exist only existent
Define fail me with energy the life five breaths,
Matter in seven forms spherical covers five layers,
Five instruments of elimination procreation motion,
Grasping speaking beyond the concept of definition,
Indeed self exist eternal awareness bliss,
Love pure consciousness Siva I exist only existent.
Attributes fail hatred dislike affiliation liking,
Greed delusion pride haughtiness or feeling,
Envy jealousy I ever possess nor properties,
Money desire liberation chain of birth-death entities,
Love pure consciousness Siva I exist only existent.
Virtue vice neither define me ever commit sins,
Good deed non-exist nor happiness sorrow shines,
Pain or pleasure fails touch ever need mantras,
Holy places scriptures rituals sacrifices in the trace,
Exclusive of a set of triad do doer deeds I am true,
Love pure consciousness Siva I exist only existent.
Never posses fear death separation from the true self,
No doubt does exist or face discrimination on birth,
Neither the guru, disciple friend relative I’m true,
Love pure consciousness Siva I exist only existent.
I’m all-pervasive without attributes form,
Never I possess attachment to realm or liberation,
Nor wishes for anything because prevails,
Everything everywhere every time ever equilibrium,
Love pure consciousness Siva I exist only existent.

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