Thursday, September 24, 2020




I and you;


Mesmerizing time n life realm portray,

Spirits in shock pain puzzled look away,

The sights in life come across uninvited,

Public, private moment events are weird,

News freeze conscience viral all twisted,

Fiction shook the nation as fact implanted,

We look way selfish motive fear of life,

We know truth mutilated it fails to strike,

I saw malls burning in the road I flee,

I saw the train bus stopped I walk fast,

I saw office blocked slip in by-lanes,

I saw female molested turn mute,

I saw when force a bill in group I pay,

I saw in lockdown a crowd I confine to home,

The canvas of my life in quiescence n quiet,

A million hues of such color colored our life,

Never dare to protest we clipped conscience,

Open a mouth post in media peace resigns,


The State Machine;


They saw street ablaze just looks on,

They saw citizen slain silence rule,

They saw forced shutdown get mute,

They saw hue n cry a hoax get meek n mild,

They saw false claims lo acts like a child,

Great machine to rule sees all listen all,

All information in truth fed action null,

Quiescence is the key sleep for a time,

Public memory short fades quick n fine,


The mind;


The ultimate state of mind

Quiescence to rule life calm n slow,

Best decisions in life

In tranquil mind enact right n glow,

The dance of a delicate frame

One visualizes still in silence,

Great art innovations creations

The quiescence of mind all concretize,

A tranquil mind is stable noble loves all,

Quiescent state erased evil creeps tall,


Meditative quiescence;


A soul seek inner illumination,

One sits for hours in seclusion,

Silence in life body n mind inert,

Consciousness pointed quest alert,

The calmness peace thoughtless mind,

Quiescence keeps breath slow memory rewind,

A state of the soul loses awareness to light

Merges in a time divine bliss n joy

In truth in an ocean of illumination float,

Only witness inner quiescence stays alert.




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