Thursday, February 25, 2021





O’ Almighty, I trust, while I inhale,

Ever exhale asleep inhales dwell,

Infinite grace I stay alive on love,

Infallible insight all doubts solve,

Trust solidifies gradual enamor,

Dawn, I wake up to feel you nearer,

Feel your soothing touch in a breeze,

Fresh with energy, beacons seize,

Crimson sunlight brighten heart,

Your warmth exhilarate life to start,

Outfield sun-kissed dew glistens,

Aware of whispers sweet to listen,

Hear bird chirps greet love myself,

Watch new day invite thrills delve,

February, tree green, leaves flower,

Fall has gone, all discard slumber,

Mango buds aroma pulsate mind,

Instigate pure rhythm, limbs find,

Melts within myself divine delight,

Inherit your gift infallible insight, (1)


Remember your mercy grains ripe,

Harvesting is over humans survive,

Summer arrived winter fade obeys,

Green hill get color, fruit ripen says,

Sun at the zenith, blisters life hot wind,

Cool shade under a tree, tired rewind,

The wind blows hot on the ocean lifts cloud,

Rain will wait for a season ever proud,

Thunder lightning squall noise fright,

Earth thirsty drink well, entices sight,

Infinite  power, elements serve to impress,

Element obey often, exceeds to distress,

Rain plays havoc rarely, life destroy,

Peasant prays rain plantation to enjoy,

River lake ponds swell water to nourish,

Plant, animal, fish, bird, insect flourish,

You reside in every life, nature bright,

Your creation reflects infallible insight, (2)


Eon Sun, earth, moon obeys circles well,

Universe your shape Lord, You dwell,

No shape size color smell, a void exists,

Eternal timeless deathless, born least,

Devoid of feelings, desire joy sorrow,

Free from yesterday today tomorrow,

Understand river origin of ocean drop,

Rain cloud pour, river seeks ocean lap,

Your reflection soul emits from living,

Reflect your presence obeys nonliving,

Human lovely Godchild a conscience,

Reflection of truth Lord Luminescence,

Mind most powerful tool, divine grace,

Intelligence intuition memory all trace,

The mind is blind senses through organs,

Feeling experience sight sound arms,

Human feel myriad projection invest,

Anger greed jealousy cruel act infest,

Opposites love humility kind, harbor,

Mind sick ill-feeling learn heals pure,

Lord, at dawn I awake, love only plays,

Infallible Insight Your gift, within says. (3)







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