Wednesday, February 3, 2021





Goddess prosperity bestows patience,

Poorer spirit patient famous, essence,

Science study research patience need,

Adventure wild turn of fate win indeed,

Music art literature song dance lifelong,

Learn extraordinary class habits belong,

Class of people strives hard troubles test,

Roadblocks extreme surprises manifest,

Patience personified perseverance boon,

Success brings goal nearest achieve soon, (1)


Poor soul labor, toil transforms to gold,

Patience wisdom brave, affluent n bold,

Research lifelong quest add companion,

Persevere patience inflate determination,

Art, music, literature, song maestro well,

Lifelong practice persevere patience dwell,

Obstacle impossible problem to progress,

Manifest success all fade nature impress,

Patience deflect disappoint mind, focus,

Long way rope learning conviction bonus,

Adventure cliff ocean forest desert lure,

Danger to life block path strength sure,

Courage patience confluence to proceed,

Legendary trails depict patience intrepid, (2)


Human life lifetime struggle raise n fade,

Anger depression will frustrations invade,

Tension stress anxiety nightmare insight,

Test of life occur, repeat patience delight,

Life progress misses friend kin company,

No more pleasant time silent symphony,

Memories of milestone ecstasy predate,

Sorrows overwhelm heart, age narrates,

Life a cauldron boils, past lose patience,

Awakens as patient persevere, immense,

Awake time never rewind on transience,

Patience leads sober mind tranquil heart,

Solitude silent realm new life patience art, (3)


Age wiser insightful mature time decide,

Seed wait decade for tree big clever hide,

In time leaf germinate stem fruit flower,

In time flower give fruit patience shower,

Baby born in time patient in womb wait,

Patience teaches walking kid talks bit late,

School college service family, all in time,

Wait persevere patience help self define,

Quest of life mission search ever within,

Years of practice patience persevere fine,

Birth marriage demise only time-bound,

Milestone fill persevere patience abound,

Impatience destroy serenity life a failure,

Inborn qualities win patience perseveres. (4)



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