Monday, September 27, 2021





Experiences enable spirit, mature,

Cognition empowers links, nature,

Intense scrutiny peril necessitate,

Courage survival instinct, dictate, (1)


Conception weird ferocious tense,

Demonic lust discover fight sense,

Fragile limb general notion wrong,

Lion’s strength sprout kills strong, (2)


Supreme creations creator’s labor,

Feminine Creator symbolize sheer,

Root cause procreate universe nit,

Ignorant-human forget mother fit, (3)


Divine presence subtle girl define,

Human-race exist cognitive refine,

Month nine spirit rest, womb love,

Feed, life grows gratitude dissolve, (4)


Avatar sister wife daughter, guide,

Incapable single ego male preside,

Masculine, strong feeling male ego,

Cognitive error captures man logo, (5)


Bare nature resembles mother nit,

Enchant mind blinded lust defeat,

Grievous crime men commit, dies,

Unpardonable-offense male defies, (6)


Arrogant ego misguides truth defy,

Erroneous, feel divine wish signify,

Torments womanhood root, of land,

Cry helpless, own child quits stand, (7)


Watch mute deaf dumb react little,

Birth of son remember love, brittle,

Disbelief, human wisdom confine,

Imprison young women lose shine, (viii)


Deprive education skill knowledge,

Second-citizen fit slavery sacrilege,

Nation witness queen carries baby,

Horse mounted sword fights savvy, (9)


Fight against cannon colonial rule,

Most powerful armies retreat mule,

History shows woman leader lead,

Leadership nit billion people heed, (10)


Defeats aggressor nerves steel act,

Socks world arena surprises react,

Main factor independence struggle,

Inconspicuous women feel humble, (11)


Rapacious cognitive thought devil,

Sideline female strength face peril,

Buffalo strength n demonic image,

Lust for power pleasure, evil craze, (12)


Steal-glance of bare Mother Nature,

Motherland means same plunder,

Dictator, condemn motherhood ill,

Force her nit chained freedom kill, (14)


Autumn celebration mother object,

Kill oppressor brutally rules reject,

Annihilate own children dark soul,

Cognitive thought celebrates a goal. (15)


Significant, ancient mother sacred,

Equality freedom liberty loot afraid,

Death of male-dominances certain,

Resurrects motherland n ascertain.    (16)








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