Saturday, November 13, 2021






Rebellious life least understands,

Search thrills challenge n stands,

Feel threat sacrilege love earnest,

Honestly promises heart scariest, (1)


Break domain of class creed wait,

Open heart embraces lives quiet,

Love least understands divisions,

Fluctuate, floods life in emotions, (2)


Caste faith custom rules disobey,

Open secret unite, secretly abbey,

Love mysterious fail, decipher nit,

Cipher eyes indicate loves defeat, (3)


Entwine, feeling, action, reaction,

Know soul, young heart in motion,

Repudiate heart warning caution,

Dedicates life surrender devotion, (4)


Story ridicule banter humiliation,

Canvases society ask retribution,

Love accepts everything continues,

Romantic lives ignore all abuses, (5)


Lord’s abode heart love pure well,

Less discriminate color sect quell,

Females face anger society banish,

Hit outcast family insult unleash, (6)


Villages deny water share fire nit,

Never invite to celebrations fight,

Community deprives equality all,

Least propose marriage or recall, (7)


Less visit disallow, guests isolated,

Condemned family crime hatred,

Love begets marital relationship,

Young heart, face love courtship, (viii)


Endures couple everything, run,

Heart repudiate, threats caution,

Runway from rural, city obscure,

Loses name family link insecure, (9)


Cut off relationships community,

Anonymous, feel couple security,

Stories never end ashamed family,

Parent less forget son, so simply, (10)


Parent of daughter hurt, avenge,

Lodge cases false claims revenge,

Modern society educated absurd,

Prejudice-tradition, custom prod, (11)


Blind, socially blind, community,

Intercommunity fights in enmity,

Love marriage, social events feel,

Love negates love, less try n heal, (12)


Communal love disappear sadly,

Draw, last-generation saw madly,

New millennium find melting pot,

Large family race clan black spot, (13)


Split family husband love n child,

Childhood love sprouted net yield,

College romance culminates, wins,

Temple, Masjid, church, entwines, (14)


You denounce, I scorn, love smile,

We two our two, foursome in style,

Wins love, blind prejudice tradition,

Heart repudiate, current generation. (15)







Friday, November 12, 2021





Advent human-race recognize-light,

Luminance dazzle, life feels, delight,

Spread darkness, ink night quickly,

Fear human prowl predator silently, (1)


Safety security raises life protective,

Civilization fortified places selective,

City, village population fear dander,

Learn human worship light culture, (2)


Ignorance defeat light effulgent feel,

Earth wears splendor golden reveal,

Ancient-human, present estimate it,

Luminescence percolate mind greet, (3)


Fear dark world unknown n exhibit,

Beautiful-sight vanish, no lives, exist,

Express childhood fear dawn excite,

Morning runs to seashore ah sight, (4)


Rises sun out of sea orange ball nit,

Fresh wind salty soak bare limb, fit,

The thrill pulsations unknown urge,

White sands turn golden lives surge, (5)


Crimson sea merges with sky colors,

Innumerable birds chirp, life savors,

Realize tiny soul sustain sun world,

Less surprise life prays, sun herald, (6)


Light source energy, keep life active,

Light, loss eye, disappear imperative,

Same-phenomenon for living beings,

Light enters to body get-alive things, (7)


Treat common-human world over it,

Sun creator upon earth supports lit,

The warmth brings life, awaken sheer,

Winter, shorter daytime, cold severe, (viii)


The fall leaves brown n leafless twig,

Cloud covers sky sun hides, fear rig,

Golden cornfields blossoms colorful,

Summer spring play sun wonderful, (9)


Sustain earth, bountiful grain plant,

Animal bird creatures gaily implant,

Billion life worship sun source pure,

Rise punctual bring confidence sure, (10)


Sets timely evening quietude spread,

Twilight brings peace sing, glory red,

Dawn dusk beautiful wives sun lord,

Heart prays mysterious human prod, (11)


Bath on river surrender worship nit,

Offer fruits sweet tradition sacred it,

Different age, human worship sheer,

Pray world community history pure, (12)


People in my nation worship the sun,

Comes after Diwali, prayer occasion,

Humanity prays glory of sun notion,

Devotion for life prosperity emotion, (13)


Faith certain, sunrise undiminished,

Subtle emanation eternal cherished.

Civilization realizes significant light,

Know Light is the creator n insight.  (14)








Wednesday, November 10, 2021






Poverty illiteracy plays havoc,

Inhuman customs vices sock,

Practice blindly followed best,

Animal sacrifices, clear forest, (1)


Evergreen forestland changes,

Cultivate barren land amazes,

Beautiful river waterfall sight,

Fishery carry logs far, delight, (2)


Hunting animal trade life feel,

Picture, nation tribal tranquil,

Century, time witness nature,

Humans part of nature secure, (3)


Modern time transforms soon,

Wealth-of-forest transfer boon,

Vanishes dense forest, woods,

Urbanization grow life broods, (4)


Ancient tribal life see, gadget,

Disbelieve sock, enough asset,

Poorer people least anticipate,

Discover forest mineral estate, (5)


Precious metal export creates,

Prosperous tribal land relates,

Destroys landscape fates seal,

New millennium living reveal, (6)


Cruelty insanity blinds reason,

Sick suppressed tribal treason,

Nationhood tribal division test,

Different-race, ethnicity detest, (7)


Outside influence incite bitter,

Picturesque landscape wither,

Fratricidal war engulf quickly,

Hunger death face life meekly, (viii)


Weather climate worst enemy,

Crop failure, famine-company,

Dry-land, riverbed lake desert,

Beauty disappear nature hurt, (9)


Drop-of-water lives search test,

Dies with children thirsty rest,

Destiny fate humans negative,

Never determine deed reactive, (10)


Mines disfigured golden earth,

Turns rugged rocky soil worth,

Desolation display song tragic,

Once-paradise, stand hell lick, (11)


Lick human lives animal past,

Leafless dead tree ghostly cast,

Columns of refugee leave tally,

Leaves sacred soil death valley, (12)


Hunger lust for life survive bit,

Cross borders force enter neat,

Not groups million strive hard,

Push neighbor nation forward, (13)


Beg mercy migrant sick dying,

Alarms local people, horrifying,

Stubbornly protest, push back,

Humanity at crossroad n lack, (14)


Clemency only conscience hail,

Accommodate accord rule wail,

Accord citizenship food shelter,

Humanity bitter test little alter, (15)


Mankind witnesses world-over,

Black deeds worst kind uproar,

Modernization, mankind curse,

Save refugees clemency reverse. (16)




Tuesday, November 9, 2021






Look baby green earth beautiful,

Watch splendor, nature capable,

Invites greenery, cherishes mirth,

Quiet bird sings, listening worth, (1)


Graze deer n green pasture seal,

Behold wildflowers colorful heal,

Heal lingering pain fades sorrow,

Sleep baby well, lullabies borrow, (2)


Consoles mother efforts success,

Feels child asleep forget distress,

Hungry-child, gets food, only last,

Tomorrows-uncertain life impact, (3)


Family starves, for last few days,

Try, best acquire morsel betrays,

Plastic jars water only hope, live,

Surely finish few days to believe, (4)


Search around dry barren fields,

Parched earth, dried lake yields,

Possibly digging, find water best,

Lives in draught famine net rest, (5)


Trail of picture dishearten sharp,

Human miseries unfolded spark,

Covers night walk endless halts,

Breaks dawn find shades efforts, (6)


Leave dying spirit, clueless move,

Tomorrow only hope food remove,

Help mankind salvage life perish,

Explain humanity serve, cherish, (7)


Cause exploitation destroys, forest,

Mines urban growth industry rest,

Destroy earth nature, poison hell,

Holocaust human deeds in detail, (viii)


Nice lake natural beauty dry bed,

Habitats people animals well-fed,

Hundred square miles n aquatic,

Luxurious natural sights ecstatic, (9)


Vanished human deed root cause,

Parched earth dry lake live pause,

Feign ignorance climatic changes,

Blame climate weather n amazes, (10)


Baby will wake from sleep, think,

Ultramodern society find rethink,

Today’s pictures plundered curse,

Shining glass towers road reverse, (11)


Greed for mineral wood water tell,

Baby cries at dawn explain detail,

What forbearance claim, forgiven,

Loot prosperity affluence is stolen, (12)


Believes own making deprive rest,

Baby cries mother console at best,

Feign ignorance wealthy pretends,

Condemn mother cries baby ends, (13)


Doomsday near baby the question,

Right to live, survive future listen,

Destined, live twenty-first century,

Refugees at-door never beg, worry, (14)


Human greed exploitation limiting,

Serves dying human baby smiling,

Feign ignorance mass exodus root,

Answer humanity to baby execute. (15)







Monday, November 8, 2021






Born on earth baby cry for a while,

Surround family relation feel, smile,

Welcomes visitor celebrations neat,

Fulfill months dream voids deplete, (1)


Beautiful mansion cushions carpet,

Costly curtains wall painting, asset,

Wood furniture, precious n decorate,

Mesmerizes decorum missing relate, (2)


Several beautiful rooms nit furnish

Murals in frame attractive, flourish,

Servants many serve duly clean nit,

Grandparent parent four lives neat, (3)


Wealthy aristocrat royal lives greet,

Scarce population small-town, treat,

Established for generation, famous,

Acres of estate scenic firm obvious, (4)


Driver hundred cars n costly model,

Picture prosperity lives here exhibit,

Surprise somber atmosphere create,

Silence pervade permanently threat, (5)


Affluence, opulent life misses smile,

Cuisine dishes, fruits, drinks, futile,

Remorse visible sorrow underneath,

Never speaks desire strong beneath, (6)


None ever find, lives in tears openly,

Speak pain, open heart feel, secretly,

Work relentless lead life hide-agony,

Wrinkles sad lines hide accompany, (7)


Suppress speaking, sole wish prime,

Writes, on lives of rich affluent, shine,

Void in life huge building miss kids,

Breaks languishing silence it needs, (viii)


Children play chatter laughter neat,

Reverberates sound match smile fit,

Happiness n prosperity confluences,

Rare-combination, watch influences, (9)


Flood love care adulation infectious,

Children attend school return roars,

Plays in evening lawn smile, visible,

Simile butterfly play-dream feasible, (10)


Grandparents at balcony greet enjoy,

Parent watchful guides to home joy,

Evening kids study mother teacher,

Father returns from work hug later, (11)


Grandmother tells stories, sing nice,

After dinner on bed lullabies, notice,

Children under bedcovers sleep nit,

Balcony parents gossip enjoy meet, (12)


Bright moon shines, only sky wear,

Million-star replica happiness here,

Parent feel moonless sky cast sadly,

Lessens beautiful night melancholy, (13)


Realize only moon, dispel darkness,

Brings peace, add inner happiness,

Only sun in-sky breaks dawn greet,

Influences life nit energetic explicit, (14)


Sustain heartily future golden light,

Sunless clouded sky gloom implicit,

Wife silent confides pregnant touch,

Choke husband surprise love much, (15)


Fails gold opulence less satisfaction,

Wound hurtful inner silent emotion,

Divine gift Lord’s grace n child visit,

Voids in life vanish, inquisitive quit. (16)