Saturday, November 13, 2021






Rebellious life least understands,

Search thrills challenge n stands,

Feel threat sacrilege love earnest,

Honestly promises heart scariest, (1)


Break domain of class creed wait,

Open heart embraces lives quiet,

Love least understands divisions,

Fluctuate, floods life in emotions, (2)


Caste faith custom rules disobey,

Open secret unite, secretly abbey,

Love mysterious fail, decipher nit,

Cipher eyes indicate loves defeat, (3)


Entwine, feeling, action, reaction,

Know soul, young heart in motion,

Repudiate heart warning caution,

Dedicates life surrender devotion, (4)


Story ridicule banter humiliation,

Canvases society ask retribution,

Love accepts everything continues,

Romantic lives ignore all abuses, (5)


Lord’s abode heart love pure well,

Less discriminate color sect quell,

Females face anger society banish,

Hit outcast family insult unleash, (6)


Villages deny water share fire nit,

Never invite to celebrations fight,

Community deprives equality all,

Least propose marriage or recall, (7)


Less visit disallow, guests isolated,

Condemned family crime hatred,

Love begets marital relationship,

Young heart, face love courtship, (viii)


Endures couple everything, run,

Heart repudiate, threats caution,

Runway from rural, city obscure,

Loses name family link insecure, (9)


Cut off relationships community,

Anonymous, feel couple security,

Stories never end ashamed family,

Parent less forget son, so simply, (10)


Parent of daughter hurt, avenge,

Lodge cases false claims revenge,

Modern society educated absurd,

Prejudice-tradition, custom prod, (11)


Blind, socially blind, community,

Intercommunity fights in enmity,

Love marriage, social events feel,

Love negates love, less try n heal, (12)


Communal love disappear sadly,

Draw, last-generation saw madly,

New millennium find melting pot,

Large family race clan black spot, (13)


Split family husband love n child,

Childhood love sprouted net yield,

College romance culminates, wins,

Temple, Masjid, church, entwines, (14)


You denounce, I scorn, love smile,

We two our two, foursome in style,

Wins love, blind prejudice tradition,

Heart repudiate, current generation. (15)







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