Sunday, November 7, 2021






Emphasizes female heart loving

Claims fair complexion, shining,

Fountains of compassion, caring,

Smile steals; extend to earrings, (1)


Soft-spoken, healing effect sweet,

Angry heart scornful look defeat,

Touch empathetic spell magical,

Elegant look steals sing musical, (2)


Far tolerant, quiet silent endure,

Holds family in grip unite allure,

Root motherhood generation nit,

Key-member of race family greet, (3)


Clean life trustworthy, serve all,

Little ask demand any listen, call,

Believes family tradition, culture,

Observe scurrilously soul assure, (4)


Rare scold kids, elders, husband,

Testing times struggle firm stand,

Leadership vision future estimate,

Long female attribute best reflect, (5)


Sterling straightforward assertion,

Refute, men’s world untrue notion,

Reject, baseless general defective,

Opportunistic attitudes assertive (6)


Conflict with assertions continue

Compromise a pretense, n renew,

Evade assertion, exhibit-resistant,

Females in-company, tell hesitant, (7)


Never-ending, female superiority,

Man, shamelessly dares modesty,

Deprives coeducation study pure,

Reject leadership equality abjure, (viii)


Mother of prosperity equality net,

Population participation activate,

Quality-of-life excels, results best,

Men only rule demerit ruins rest, (9)


Hypocrisy assert superiority feel,

Girl child confined dogma reveal,

Sad-story often captivate men ill,

Blind power, hungers acute drill, (10)


Illiteracy among female child rot,

Mother, the first teacher n escort,

Moral character nation lose, trail,

Women’s plight push people, fail, (11)


Violent world terror strikes, root,

Mother inconsequential or mute,

World witness nations decline ill,

Endless misery picture draw evil, (12)


Ignorant boasts wiser bitter fight,

Name social transformation right,

Brink of disaster human race feel,

Escape route emancipations seal, (13)


Liberate own sister, mother, child,

Assertion never fiction facts yield,

Golden future wait damsel glaze,

Motherland wears luster ablaze, (14)


Watch females harvest rural nit,

Female folks dance festive greet,

Mirth spread love overflow jovial,

Female, key for mankind survival, (15)


Honor equality build together fit,

Never nation more, happier treat,

Enter golden era aura, luminous,

Respect assertion, girl glorious. (16)




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