Wednesday, July 27, 2022





Unaware of the time, I got aware,

Discovered a strange world, fascinating,

Fragrant blossoms, aromas, wet earth,

The immersive chirping of birds, vibrant sky,

Awaken heart, throbbing wished then,

To plunder gems of pearl, bridal nature,

Youth now discovered pulsating vibe,

A curious mind learned nature pure,

Pure air, water, beauty, sight,

Bare, beautiful, enchanting elixir,

Once drunk, addicted to the purity of heart,

Loving blue sky, sea, waves surging,

Proud crashing on the shore returns,

 The Human spirit amazing rises to height,

From the breast of the ocean of life, haughty,

Pompous, white foams crowning glory,

Human ingenuity, cunningness, wit,

Projects to aristocracy attract attention,

Bemused, bewitched, spectators owe,

Dissipate gigantic waves, crashing touches,

In my youth saw, water kissed feet, humble,

Nonexistent by now, merge with the sea,

Vanishing the height of name, fame, glory,

Forgets the sea, the wave raising its head,

Rises another, repeats the roll, heart bewilder,

Incessant noise, immersive essay of life,

Creature, animals, birds, insects born,

Destines to vanish from the ocean of life, in time,

A crescendo of noise world noisy everywhere,

Silence spread on the sea, quiet and calm,

Resembling cremation ground graveyard,

Ethereal feeling, the silence, impermanent,

Rising human civilizations, silent pyramids,

Silent Mayan monuments, castles, fort city,

Ghost habitation wall, road, pottery, houses,

Once giant waves surged, the pinnacle of intellect,

I silently understood waves merging with water,

The water of time eternity creation spontaneous,

Sudden were all vanishing human habitat,

Learning mind deceiving purity I was losing,

Intense desire, acute lust, demanding time,

Diverted my perception, polluted by now,

Lust, gender attraction strongest the pull,

Devastated purity, truth, deception gaining,

Achieve wealth, name, fame, power, exploit,

Force, steal happiness, seek physical pleasure,

No barer, discovered I was covered,

Covered with sin, not ashamed at all,

I shall live, enjoy, my ego foaming white,

Tall among humans, laughing at them,

Different, totally different from ordinary,

Tempts to swallow treasure troves offer the world,

My footsteps, imprinted on the sand beach of life,

Looking back, stretching behind me, timely,

Wave wildly moving to devastating shore,

Found twilight years, mortal frame searches,

Searches the soil, form which once raised,

I was smiling with a tear, a play of divine,

Faithfully erasing my footsteps for good,

Footprints little visible, wave retraced back…

It was evening returning back home,

I was shivering in a salty cold wind was time.


 @ Bijayananda Mishra









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