Monday, September 19, 2022




An era of world and war engulfed,

The empire over the globe shook,

God saves the queen subjects sail,

Conquered continents in her name,

Boats sailed over seven oceans best,

Monarchy fluttered her flag proudly,

The tongue covered the world stayed,

Communicates world easily understand,

Commonwealth for royal fame colony,

Island, people got rich, ships in the harbor,

Food, gold, jewelry, spices, architecture,

Brought cultures of seven continents,

Subjects of queen color brown, black,

Mongoloid oriental flavor of an island,

Asia Africa saw war, fought for war,

Honor countries regained, valiant,

Fascists bite the dust, Europe got liberated,

Devastated flourished kingdom totally,

Queen has seen hunger, death, homeless,

Under her domain, regained Treasure Island,

Tames flowed, serenity sang beautifully,

Citizens from colonies refurbished home,

Rebuilt queen’s kingdom stronger,

Her children grand kids grew taller,

British flag still exists around the globe,

Dominions kept link royal proudly,

America, Asia, Australia,  and Africa share,

British blood had spread worldwide,

English tongue, culture, faith, custom,

A billion Indians know how deeply cherish,

The prized possession of language unites,

Cement plural society, solid and united,

Raj Ma’am has gone seven decades,

My country tries its best to forget Raj,

Freedom, democracy, equality, liberty,

The gift of God to the country fared,

Still, royal flavor shines hidden,

The jewel of the crown is still nostalgic,

Loves the memory, British rule,

India undivided, one people, fought,

Tibet independent, Kashmir one,

British left this country partitioned,

Millions perished, faith divided us,

China occupied Tibet at our border,

They occupied a large territory of our land,

Brown sahibs looted for six decades,

After royal rule left our shore, happily,

Divided the sacred Bharat ancient,

Prospering in amity, cooperation,

Vanished unity, clean life, education,

The corrupt, vulgar, divisive demon rose,

Divided, still sucks the blood of the poor,

The blood of illiterate and women,

Caste, color, language, regions cripple,

Misused liberty, freedom raising fangs,

Killing people with new names tagged,

Urban-Naxalism terror militant threat,

Underworld parallel economy run,

How subjects controlled here,

Thank you, Ma’am English is the voice,

Cuttack my city, once a capital,

Ravenshaw College exists, now a university,

Stuart school is still prominent,

Raj, four centuries, remnants,

My country is free remembering,

Charming face, compassionate heart,

Your reign on the isle rebuilt, fabulous,

The world acknowledges reign majestic,

Thank you Ma’am adieus in honor.


@ Bijayananda Mishra





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