Showing posts with label HAPPY TEAR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HAPPY TEAR. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 19, 2021






Imagination breaks boundary,

A myriad of fantasy palace ivory,

Immaculate demeanor attract,

Beautiful people smile impact, (1)


Landscape unknown manifest,

Glass steal tower kiss sky best,

Highways in sky speed vehicle,

Floats spirit in the sky if simple, (2)


Misses violence, war n famine,

Lack sick poor rich, color fine,

Old, handicapped little visible,

Muse future of life, incredible, (3)


Astonish mind project curious,

Plant-animal bird little in rush,

Fresh wind, clouds, rain, water,

Search in vain a time, if queer,

Midnight strike recline, restful,

Watch if wink stars wonderful, (4)


A century must proceed ahead,

Men in the future live n spread,

Nature ever gets depleted total,

River lake dry bed earth brutal, (5)


Air toxic water scarce if pollute,

Future human survives tribute,

Factory bred child a generation,

Paradigm change of education, (6)

Unheard science technology nit,

Critical care health unique meet,

Family society custom food style,

Vanished all perplex if God smile, (7)


Abode of Lord least visible rattle,

A faith create a wall human battle,

Fail to guess the faith in a century,

A race settles in space if history, (viii)


Never sure time to unravel detail,

Self ponders, civilizations prevail,

Sink in dilemma negate my heart,

Picture of mind mere fantasy, art, (9)


The night ends thought continues,

Ever nature revive n earth refuse,

Refuse to act hostile human live,

Peace amity tolerance men believe, (10)


Reform society total erode conflict,

Heath conscious fit skilled if built,

Walls crumble total unite human,

Love share self knows help it can, (11)


Eradicate disease complete notice,

Fabulous fantasy a fiction, entice,

Millennium old family bond tight,

Festivals human nature is bright, (12)


Thought, emotion, art, literature lit,

Best creation in a universe, a light,

Felt tears trickle, why see oblivion,

Fake human a machine, a demon, (13)


Pyramid, Taj survive next century,

Indomitable human courage bury,

Bury agonies, misery, sorrow total,

Progresses strong, united a mortal, (14)


Convinced my heart future secure,

Conflict of mind ends, a happy tear. (15)