Showing posts with label INTRINSIC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label INTRINSIC. Show all posts

Friday, September 9, 2022






It was near midnight birthday,

Receiving hundreds of greetings,

Crestfallen at news spread wildfire,

British queen departed that night,

Ruled Her Majesty equal my age,

Indian prime ministers all, the present,

All duration queen interacted,

Host of the US presidents hosted,

Post world war her period began,

Mammoth construction world over,

From east to west, rebuilt endeavors,

Queen, citizens saw, London rebuilt,

War destroyed families, left remnants,

Consolidated England, India free,

Commonwealth nostalgic bond exists,

Queen graceful, enchanting travel,

People lovingly adored Her Majesty,

The smile, her address to the world,

Honored wholehearted respected,

New millennium, queen an enigma,

Proud English no more dominating,

War emptied the Chest, suffocating,

Monarchy steered her kingdom boldly,

Free crown of the jewel, commonwealth,

The Anglo-Saxon relationship grew stronger,

Majestic Buckingham palace sight,

Visitors of world trotters prized pictures,

Queen, the family, energized world media,

World over popular, the face, her crown,

Generations understood the queen historic,

Sun never sets in her territory, global,

Discussed, contested, admit grudgingly,

Humanity accepts the queen, a royal symbol,

Not for the British, all continents accord,

Impressed head of British race ancient,

The tall English man blue eyed travel,

Conquered the globe colonies sprout,

Travelers in ships spread far-flung,

Conquered pecans, Everest, Sahara,

Dauntless race challenged territories,

Where no human can dare, America,

Subjects of queen bear royal flag,

Flows world over their dress full pant shirt,

Speaks world,  their language English,

The world communicates travel,

Citadel of university dream of youth,

Never escape the myth of her majesty,

The royalty spirit of the past was admired,

Taught freedom parliament to all,

Oxford, Shakespeare, writer poets,

English literature, science, technology,

Industrial age for word born here,

Royal symbol worldwide impressive,

Accepts black, brown, from a colony,

Queen allowed citizenship or cross,

My nation watches students flock,

Think the face impressionable,

Dignified, respected by people,

Compassionate, kind, and motherly,

Fifty-four nations, commonwealth,

Linked to the queen, historical respect,

British-Isles so sad felt countries,

World over sends tributes somberly,

Seven decades of ruling a crucial period,

World transforming to a new horizon,

Her rule, the longest monarch, empire,

Once her ruling but linked visible,

India says the RAJ intrinsic values,

Speaks in English, dressed with a tie,

Polished boot, haircut, skirt, blouse, attire,

Living among billions, your memories,

Through generation values intrinsic,

English intrinsic is freedom and democracy.


@ Bijayananda Mishra