Showing posts with label LAUGHTER. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LAUGHTER. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 6, 2021





Illusive realm steals everything,

Destitution, craze mesmerizing,

Shortest-life euphoric slaughter,

Fear, anger, decimates laughter, (1)


Unknown-stranger gets identity,

Born equal socks caste insanity,

Looks tense n darkness distinct,

Acquire baby color creed meant, (2)


Grows aware soundly n division,

Name of God differ, link illusion,

Birthday celebrates first n name,

World fractured millions n same, (3)


Titles surname tail bars freedom,

Homogenous mixture school con,

Quota reservation n differentiate,

Divisiveness breeds life, fascinate, (4)


School lessons child knows caste,

Religion segregates, admire haste,

World change quickly, youth feel,

Community separates wall whirl, (5)


Book ethics morality teach unity,

Human races blood equal sanity,

Attribute birth-death nit happen,

All face same-fate reality shaken, (6)


Language region culture taste all,

Anonymous youth answers recall,

Segregate community wall nation,

World several rooms big mansion, (7)


No permission trespass crime nit,

Word human utters freedom feet,

Enormous fallacy humans caged,

Quarrel eon bitter fights enraged, (viii)


Dogmas mean education degrees,

Notions prejudices master agrees,

Research fundamental theory nit,

Less, teach one race one world lit, (9)


One action mother gives child dot,

Across races nations, same-effort,

New-born baby indoctrinated well,

Cast gender color nation title yell! (10)


Exist, illusion separates till death,

Under grave on pyre burn, length,

Length lifespan cage invisible full,

Flesh bones merge with soil mule, (11)


Illusive identity so real on, ground,

No course of study teaches sound,

Body, soil water fire air void unite,

Merge back with elements insight, (12)


Lose, caste, creed, color, nationality,

One human race fail acceptability,

Laughs spirit human-wisdom fire,

Lunch destruction devastates ire, (13)


Savage, mind begs for peace total,

Deceive evil knowledge die mortal,

Fail to notice bird with wings free,

Animal living species equal n tree, (14)


Borders education, school, college,

Absent for living form get privilege,

Nature accommodates well, subtle,

Faces human race oblivion, nestle, (15)


Laughter satires moronic n realize,

Sink realization n laughter, precise.

Laughter acknowledges survival lit,

Unite,  human race save earth greet. (16)