Brilliance of sun and moon pretty,
Dispels darkness, thrills beauty,
A sunrise every day nourish light,
Life upon earth survives waits sight,
Moon raises tidal wave n regular,
Marine life extends, fade circular,
Climate, weather, wind, rain dance,
Mother earth green ocean trance, (1)
Mountain pours water river speed,
Animal, bird, fish, plant, nice indeed,
Never accidental happen n rotate,
Eon ruin, rebuild crisp promulgate,
Time wrought intricate query come,
Mysterious n checks phenomenon (2)
Manifestation automatic, invisible,
A phenomenon means little viable,
Conspicuous designs in darkness,
Divine glory not unusual impress,
Creation creator least understood,
Tags mind as a phenomenon stood, (3)
Jesus forgave human cruelty, love,
Buddha quit wife, kid crown above,
Mahatma Gandhi left food water lot,
Fasted few weeks brutal killings halt,
Peace non-violence defeat the queen,
A bare human without arms win clean, (4)
Checks apple ripe if drops to ground,
The human mind discovers gravity sound,
Relativity split-atom energy computer,
Mind explores within wins rest failure,
Truth is a treasure trove of knowledge,
Discard as phenomenon or privilege, (5)
Prayer n touch heals wound a puzzle,
Lives few spare save dying love drizzle,
Life gifted for peace amity n friendship,
Brutal wars dissipate lead leader whip,
Innovates scientist, medic cure disease,
Malaria, smallpox, flu, polio n plague,
Wealthiest donates everything in vogue
Humanity, courage, quest shines bright,
Checks phenomenon yet brilliance right, (6)
At the advent cosmos was the only fireball,
Air, water, fire n soil homogeneous roll,
No life in universe seen n comes to light,
Once the earth was a fireball, lifeless, in,
The creation of life happen sudden gradual,
Life upon earth, seed sprouts phenomenal,
The tiny seed contains every detail to reveal,
True phenomenon yet manifest His will, (7)