Showing posts with label PRIMATURE CRITICISM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PRIMATURE CRITICISM. Show all posts

Saturday, September 25, 2021






Inexhaustible energy shapes dream,

Rome never built in a day effort win,

Endless contemplations accrue well,

Idea solidify timeless qualities dwell, (1)


Huge country people contribute like,

Plurality-of-life manifest values hike,

Decades pass witness disunity most,

Sectarian attitude foment hates cost, (2)


Selfish motives hideous exploit, trust,

Innocent people get trapped, distrust,

Casteism ancient pungent acts hurt,

Vice prejudices pollute practices rot, (3)


Controversy divine path disarray nit,

Thousand paths destination one wit,

Forget innocent people yet righteous,

Betray simple belief net-mischievous, (4)


Corruption corrode social lives, total,

Fragmentation inevitable leads, fatal,

Great enlightened soul, soil discover,

Heart golden vision, cast long future, (5)


Travel length n breadth, the country,

Learn well from poor freedom sentry,

Perfect picture panoramic lives incur,

Pearl of wisdom transcend n recover, (6)


Cure animosities long illness decent,

Flow smooth leadership acts lenient,

Crumble concrete walls unite people,

One address to nation inflame ripple, (7)


Quit sacred soil reject foreign salt all,

Adopt million hearts instantly install,

Centuries-old subjugation mist fades,

Light of freedom torch burns invades, (viii)


Vast-country witness death-imprison,

Turmoil torturous, treachery caution,

Imperialism ends Dark Tunnel bright,

Symphony, of independence nit sight, (9)


Unfurl national flag dream revelation,

United ancient culture, end kingdom,

Permanent dissolution reign override,

Freedoms, single people races joyride, (10)


Heartening news, midnight broadcast,

National flag rise free flutters on-mast,

Jubilations nascent scintillate spread,

Taste newborn free lives trust pervade, (11)


Shock billion heart cruel news follows,

Brutal act, kill father-of-nation sorrows,

Billion-tears merge to acrimony-ocean,

Brainwashed youth commit fire frown,  (12)


Premature criticism, poison youth net,

Heinous crime against the people bet,

Shot father of nation, stillbirth action,

Great, national loss irks manifestation, (13)


Independence Day bring thought well,

Premature criticisms stalk youth hell,

Intemperate decisions still visible fire,

Burns nation kill people innocent ire, (14)


Silent billion-heart tearful unite, land,

No premature criticisms, understand.

Dedicate life surrender serve freedom,

Premature resilience deceives awesome. (15)