Showing posts with label REMORSE RETRACTS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label REMORSE RETRACTS. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 18, 2021





Stormy sea waves rise high,

Boat of life face peril n sigh,

Miss shore beyond horizons,

Alone suffer no one caution, (1)


Long-life self-chosen recluse,

Melancholy separation muse,

Storm of thought raise nasty,

Well shaken life in sea hasty, (2)


Nostalgic events past rebuke,

Selfish mind left love n hook,

Family, friend, kin kid forgot,

Self-glory success spirit effort, (3)


Witness life poverty n hunger,

Wilderness weeds fry insecure,

Fries misery untold n helpless,

Faces sickness death distress, (4)


Hear cries night end n asleep,

Never dawn breaks least weep,

The heart turns cruel rock n resist,

Mind consoles, a world if exist, (5)


Years water run under bridges,

Faces of family in haze in a lease,

Sad faces acute plead to stay,

Left for a far city to work dismay, (6)


Nightmare dreams call a village,

Children sick wife suffers edge,

Meager money from cities in vain,

Dream sees villager call insane, (7)


City life tin shed box feel a pest,

Families here sure to perish test,

Fail to leave a job wait tragedy,

Sink in remorse retract remedy, (viii)


Boat of life tilts hunts dilemma,

Pens my heart uncover enigma,

Remorse so painful repent a lot,

Decides, pack up return almost, (9)


Village winks at horizons, chock,

Merciful in heaven if usher luck,

Tear roll disobey now heart melt,

How family will greet, miss duet, (10)


Oxcart slow tortures impatient,

A night will pass dawn face decent,

Villager welcome home n gossip,

Aromas of home food must creep, (11)


Wish again struggle hard landless,

Work in fields grows crop impress,

New life greet awesome kid grows,

We couple in age see future shows, (12)


Dark life of past if fades memories,

Dark past little visit with worries,

Slept on cart dream create impact,

Dawn ox-bell rings remorse retract, (13)


Cuckoo sings in a mango tree in love,

Hen on rooftop shouts feel dissolve,

Temple bell rings assure His grace,

Remorse retracts His will if impress. (14)