Showing posts with label TOILING. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TOILING. Show all posts

Monday, June 17, 2024





Dead of the night, stay awake,

Burdens crushing spine brake,

There will be tomorrow dawn,

Hardship the challenge frown, (1)


Faced problems, achieve breakthrough,

Success, human achieves view,

Uphill road the heavy baggage,

Toiling in the excess end is a message, (2)


Observed the forts, palace, a lot,

Pyramid messages toiling must,

Monstrous construction, reveal,

Carrying stone heavy atop a hill, (3)


Prick mind enough, humans like,

Toils tuff result marvel strike,

Focused point surprise critical,

Toiling requires lives essential, (4)


Run and hard breathing stay,

Sleeps humans unaware ways,

Toiling is slow breathing exist,

From point to monstrosity list, (5)


Nature, lion preys deer, search,

Deer scantly surrender touch,

Toiling marked lion has to run,

Bird spread wings rabbit in fun, (6)


Work is linked with living beings,

Human study, research inspiring,

 Burns the oil lamp night long,

The human mind probes toil song, (7)


Discovery society changes hail,

Behind the toiling, humans prevail,

Need writing, reading, thinking,

Continuous toiling life enabling, (viii)

Smile, thoughts on toil, lives require,

Slept forgot the aspect or inspire,

Inert, the body forgot the world,

Aspect of toiling hard reward, (9)


Dawn breaks, morning news,

There is flood, fire, accident, muse,

Rushing human help support,

Toiling life risks daring escort, (10)


Saving lives, prime factor, to toil,

Life becomes quiet, no turmoil,

Every walk of life reminds us to toil,

A toad never approaches a snake in a coil. (11)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Toiling

Themes: To work hard

Written: 17th June 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite