Wednesday, March 17, 2021





Life never means leisure idle,

Work uplifts life inertia riddle,

School, college studies needle,

Examination results in the middle,

Food shelter needs job bridle,

Luxuries comfort need fiddle,

Award rewards in knowledge,

At least life opts seeks privilege,

College degree, bachelor title,

Claim proudly passes n smile,

Apply n apply no reply, a job,

Fruitless to plead one in sobs,

Harsh a life family hurt many,

Money is sweeter than honey,

Discover a vendor’s life sweet,

Carry goods to villages, meet,

Meet people bargain at cheap,

Simple folk buy benefits reap,

Vendor’s life a meager income,

Confess canvasser works won,

Election time candidate offers,

Distribute voter list vouchers,

Voucher lists candidate party,

Canvassing vending is beauty,

Life acquired villager address,

Name age family member yes,

Welcome election good income,

Confess a canvasser handsome, (1)


The story does not end shortly here,

Rose from grassroots in a year,

A familiar face in a rural region,

People trust mix in years own,

Political life influential benefit,

Convey people information wit,

Bring rural people information,

Canvasser’s life bridle wisdom,

Electoral success or defeat lace,

Confess a canvasser win a race,

Victory bring power to a leader,

Canvasser life meant a lot secure,

Political ladder step luck n fate,

Destiny work, friendly helps vet,

Gossip-rumor create-negate mix,

Local leadership mass base fix,

Less education career, life open,

Grow canvasser leader newborn,

People’s love faith life turns pink,

Confess a canvasser betrayal sink. (2)

Tuesday, March 16, 2021





Behold dreary desert in desolation,

A grace cactus blooms among thorn,

Placid lake mirrors blue skies n sun,

Lotus blooms at shore beautiful mum,    

Rocky, mountain slopes flowers pink,

Amazing places nature smile n wink,

Summer arrives; I sit under a shade,

I sink into thought, a solitude invade,

Lifeless a blue sky, the sun blazes down,

Pale n dry earth meadows are brown,

Windswept dry grassland recalls rain,

Animal bird in a shelter, sightless again,

Cool shade under a tree, I fell asleep,

Peaceful my soul lost in nature deep, (1)


Bird chirp got me awake homebound,

The sun was sinking in west resound,

Resound bell of cowherd n dust cloud,

Dust was setting in a haze evening set,

A night sky n glittering stars is in wait,

Alone in the wilderness, I wait moon to rise,

Gentle breeze cool touch bit surprises,

Silence let nice music melt all thought,

An unforgettable night if had wrought,

Moon vanished down the horizon sad,

Stars were pale n fields stardust clad,

Darkness disappears dawn unshackle,

Crimson eastern sky birds a spectacle,

Heavy in heart I returned back to home,

Intoxicate nature summer writ awesome (2)


Vacation over begins city life heat, dust,

Working hours busy among files almost,

Interaction with visitors, colleagues, boss,

Enchanting afternoon summer night loss,

Traffic, crowd, noise and pollution cover,

Family home unique cocoon sweats over,

Summer morning school kid early get up,

The wife will prepare breakfast and teacup,

Peace, tranquil, silence forgotten I watch,

Getting fresh up I dress n run for a catch,

Bus or metro, taxi if late, office time wait,

Run hasty limbs, runs mind, life in a duet,

A reclined limb in leisure relax under a tree,

Summer afternoon cool shade tension-free,

Time never recall drowsy eyes n solitude,

Human life, do or die, head to tail attitude, (3)


Office hour darkens, halt a thunderstorm,

A dark cloud, cold wind, weathers reform,

Steal a glance; look outside, all handsome,

Blazing sun no more torture act gruesome,

Trickle thoughts rain in forest brook swell,

Season arrive evergreen nature fresh well,

Animal, bird, dry earth soak drenches hell,

Aromas of wet earth, unique nature smell,

Forget I quick in office, work, lifestream,

I slept, calls wilderness, a summer dream. (4)

Monday, March 15, 2021





Midday sun misses in a dark sky,

Windless landscape tranquil lie,

Miss horizon dark clouds erase,

Slowly spreads to overcast haze,

Heart shrinks let unknown fear,

Mirth, peace, safety all disappear,

Mind eclipse, worry, anxiety rule,

Apprehend destruction wait cool,

The bird spread homebound, in silence,

Humanity guess ill omen intense,

Lighting n thunder strikes proud,

East-west equals gathering cloud, (1)


Thunderstorm rain, cat n dog pour,

Earth submerges life under, water,

The water of pain, misery, hunger, death,

Sweep neat human life cruel length,

Clouds of greed, ego, anger ruthless,

Jealousy evil desire hatred distress,

Blinds inner conscience reason lit,

No more bright vision future delete,

The mind is greatest power of universe,

Intelligence, intuition add of course,

Devise weapons of annihilation lot,

Obliterate living being earth, argot,

Eon human search peace security,

Yet human search, erase humanity,

Human least fear space, time, earth,

Deters air, water, fir,e weather, birth,

Power, gold, supremacy, race crowd,

Shivers mankind to gathering cloud, (2)


Burn cities, life cries out loud help,

Ruins civilization n future to delve,

Wife widows, child motherless prowl,

Homeless sick starve graveyard role,

The milling crowd busy traffic, land n air,

Empty road, dark night ghostly stare,

Dies love, kindness, compassion, care,

Survival instinct turns to beast bare,

Trust friendship amity dissolves lost,

Enmity deception cover blunts almost,

Mysterious creation act manifestation,

Hopes witness gathering cloud motion,

Unite mankind gathers bone to stand,

Stand brave with courage understand,

Ocean of love trust amity consolidate,

Voices of peace friendship promulgate,

Immeasurable strength of mind build,

Love of life let a gathering cloud shield, (3)


Never seen a war cry thunders future,

Never future generations feel insecure,

Warcry against illiteracy, health, cruel,

Warcry to rebuild nature, earth a swell,

Warcry to save living being land water,

Warcry to demolish den of devil clear,

Within the mind evil hidden listens in fear.

Evict racism, fundamentalism n hatred

Imperialism, aggression crumbles dead,

Warcry favor new world borderless will,

Warcry favor the human race braves thrill,

Peace,, jovial,, faith,, love serves all aloud,

Warcry in hope raises a gathering cloud. (4)


Sunday, March 14, 2021





The saga of human life fascinates,

Decades pass time modulates,

Fails imagination rustic alters,

Quiet village fields miss nature,

Teenage fantasy hook postman,

Never forgets wild run kids can,

Letter bundles in a khaki dress,

Occasion, cycle moves, impress,

Hot summer rain winter, spring,

Intoxicate village postman ring,

Far off city elders live, work hard,

Village women seek fate reward,

A letter, money order, telegram,

Never guess telegram only warn,

Sick in city life transfer or birth,

Remote village a telegram worth,

Lacks telephone many travels long,

Postman n money order a song,

Mother looks eagerly few notes,

Holi nearer, festival crowd lots,

Desperate look for postman win,

Cry out loud family gather clean,

Nostalgic memory hunt in tears,

Tiny a letter brings joy n better,

College life village afar seek the post,

Joy n sorrow let postman secure, (1)


Young life, quit college, seeks a job,

Postman knocks run heart, throb,

Fountainhead of all dreams offer,

Courier of good news entice pure,

Modern time notices all hair gray,

Postman misses telephone is way,

Telephone vanish mobile bit hook,

Messages money transfer or book,

Book purchases house, vegetable,

Rustic life grew old search simple,

Occasional sight postman delight,

The remote village, the news brings right, (2)


Generation change urban life new,

Often visit sweet village home view,

Electricity, motorcycle, bus roads,

Cement home television water fan,

Ecstatic look a cycle calls postman,

Village bank savings all, post office,

Home collection of savings practice,

Village bank at the doorstep with loan,

Landlord perish no hand loan drown,

Enchants a khaki dress n cap smile,

Humble man serves people for miles,

Familiar face affection grace timeless,

Reads open letter to illiterate impress,

Life succeeds, self with name n fame,

The postman, never I know his name,

He got old knew people can call name,

Family job asset world n can’t be the same. (3)


Saturday, March 13, 2021





The advent of youth mix mainstream,

Social fiber rejuvenate in essence win,

Win flamboyance service immaculate,

Crystal clear speech nice promulgate,

Influence a people talks in fire n fume,

Eminence on, rise as leader right tune,

Maddening crowd applause roars loud,

Unknown spirit a face impact n proud,

People presume impeccable character,

Their leader is honest hard work clear,

Clever as a crow, selective, wise, choice,

Amass followers, moral policy all rejoice,

Prevent corruption, clean n great vision,

A leader today rules a people root action,

A person in need friend indeed do care,

Help people in peril support well share,

Peace prosperity progress people watch,

Worshipped as benevolent Godly match,

Command over people trust total, party,

The story ends in time rule crumbles empty, (1)


Behind trust treachery grows with greed,

Power affluence position corrodes a creed,

Plunder power-drunk spirit, people a sock,

Ignorant the ruler coteries exploit n mock,

Corruption a curse on people erode ethic,

Public life clean image turn dirty pathetic,

Bribe, cheat, siphon public property, loot,

Empty treasury, the law fails, rule under a boot,

Collapse system people betrayed in anger,

Yesterday’s mighty at road sweeps beggar,

Disenchanted followers today hackle ruler,

Reverently plead to rise again, grab clever,

Grab power position rule again leader miss,

Lifelong soul serves, loved people, fate kiss,

Hurt, people look down today, ruler guess,

Adopt, resign from public life quit a mess,

Wise a chosen reclusion past won’t invade,

Unknown insignificant life silent no tirade,

Erase repentance, overlooked once brigade,

No tear, pain dried, remembers a renegade, (2)


Happy today with new chapter nature laps,

Family, friend, known forgot total perhaps,

A friend is a bird animal, plant whispers entice,

Pure O’ soul love nature get simple practice,

A fresh breeze will refresh the mind satiate brook,

Meadows allow you to sleep bed soft to hook,

Tree shade will be your shelter fruit nourish,

Bird chirping leaf flutter brook murmur wish,

Wish O’ soul, forget unreal reel in motion all,

Our music is eternal listen to wind n enthrall,

Nostalgic feel world unknown once came slow,

Transient power wealth age fame not gold glow,

Your sojourn means learn creation pervade,

Speechless listens, remembers a renegade, (3)


 (Author: The poem is fictional, philosophy

        does not resemble any character.)