Showing posts with label POSTMAN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label POSTMAN. Show all posts

Sunday, March 14, 2021





The saga of human life fascinates,

Decades pass time modulates,

Fails imagination rustic alters,

Quiet village fields miss nature,

Teenage fantasy hook postman,

Never forgets wild run kids can,

Letter bundles in a khaki dress,

Occasion, cycle moves, impress,

Hot summer rain winter, spring,

Intoxicate village postman ring,

Far off city elders live, work hard,

Village women seek fate reward,

A letter, money order, telegram,

Never guess telegram only warn,

Sick in city life transfer or birth,

Remote village a telegram worth,

Lacks telephone many travels long,

Postman n money order a song,

Mother looks eagerly few notes,

Holi nearer, festival crowd lots,

Desperate look for postman win,

Cry out loud family gather clean,

Nostalgic memory hunt in tears,

Tiny a letter brings joy n better,

College life village afar seek the post,

Joy n sorrow let postman secure, (1)


Young life, quit college, seeks a job,

Postman knocks run heart, throb,

Fountainhead of all dreams offer,

Courier of good news entice pure,

Modern time notices all hair gray,

Postman misses telephone is way,

Telephone vanish mobile bit hook,

Messages money transfer or book,

Book purchases house, vegetable,

Rustic life grew old search simple,

Occasional sight postman delight,

The remote village, the news brings right, (2)


Generation change urban life new,

Often visit sweet village home view,

Electricity, motorcycle, bus roads,

Cement home television water fan,

Ecstatic look a cycle calls postman,

Village bank savings all, post office,

Home collection of savings practice,

Village bank at the doorstep with loan,

Landlord perish no hand loan drown,

Enchants a khaki dress n cap smile,

Humble man serves people for miles,

Familiar face affection grace timeless,

Reads open letter to illiterate impress,

Life succeeds, self with name n fame,

The postman, never I know his name,

He got old knew people can call name,

Family job asset world n can’t be the same. (3)