Monday, May 10, 2021





Disbelief face lives happen,

Disturb heart, state shaken,

Never it occur busy life halt,

Nation’s standstill times jolt, (1)


Billion people in chain hope,

Bewilder a future year elope,

Crowds of railway station nil,

Longer platforms empty chill, (2)


Passenger luggage bus stand,

Gate in lock n no man’s land,

Forest parks san tourist dull,

Sparse marketers hunt mall, (3)


Great lake waits, visitors vain,

Incredible beauty alone wane,

Waterfalls sanctuaries vacant,

Ever people flood look distant, (4)


White, sea-beach summer nit,

Dilapidated beach n lights lit,

Florescence’s of wave sea wind,

Summer tourists full remind, (5)


Cinema auditoriums all dark,

Restless queue hospital hark,

People fry in summer vaccine,

Fear monster pandemic line, (6)


Canvas frightens detest omen,

Ill or good omen villages, oven,

Add misery of sickness suffer,

A disease confines n no cure, (7)


Lack of medicine people seek,

Accepts land indefinite meek,

Graveyard cremation ground,

Covid warriors busy do round, (8)


Sadden a heart to read a story,

Insane a time my nation worry,

Temple, Masjid, Church empty,

Lord mute n dumb miss gaiety, (9)


Dispirit news of people depart,

Over the world help pours well,

Airport busy medical good swell,

Army Air force Navy battle hard,

Transport equipment duty card,

Military railways corporate work,

Covid shelter center treat n bulk, (10)


United people, never before seen,

Social service medics student win,

Win heart of nation vaccinate all,

Serve patient fearless to live, real, (11)


Draw a grotesque picture in detail,

Cloud of sorrow, sadness prevails,

Confines a billion people at home,

Contemplate mind faith handsome, (12)


May in month spiraling rate retard,

Destiny, fortune, luck never regard,

Entire nation in vaccine learn alert,

Counter-measure is a preventive effort.   (13) 







Sunday, May 9, 2021





Immaculate her care love suture,

Teenage turmoil illness, nurture,

Nightlong awake alert n watchful,

Remember long service wonderful, (1)


Wider aspirations n foliage desire,

Grows youth her links least retire,

Tender advice, concern consoles,

Outward wild mind wish revolves. (2)


Mere two hands, thousand goods,

Devastate heart loses all n broods

Infinite pleasure nice toys permit,

Music, instrument, bike, car edit, (3)


Resounds new gadgets model tail,

Money, money sweeter honey nail,

Unreal agonies now how I realize,

Her soft assurance, patience size, (4)


Sizes my dreams spiral puncture,

Stands stubborn firm wise secure,

Her message crisp bring fact well,

Vagaries of voices of heart deal fail, (5)


Plum post precarious lust breeds,

Frequent flier wanderer bet heeds,

Savage curios earth under my feet,

Unknown cities people visits greet, (6)


Invisible bridle few talks recollect,

Often saves me from peril I detect,

Somber sense conscience confess,

Your promise promulgate impress, (7)


Distresses me ever repay your love,

Nostalgic invisible presence absolve,

Cleanse errand mind intimate life,

Secure your simple lap from strife, (viii)


Discover my nature I owe very late,

Integrity, boldness, fearless reflect,

Name people to know fame replicate,

But my credit promises promulgate, (9)

Mother your promises rely on my life,

Safe secure walls promiscuity knife,

With my love symbol of your image,

Executes her duty our kid envisage,   (10)


Stories never end honesty trust love,

Learn all kid imprint treasure trove,

Roots of the family n endurance idol,

Peace, happy progress prosper hall, (11)


Hall unique motherhood transcends,

Mighty people prime nation intends,

Intend to remove illiteracy illness right,

Future of motherland if a brick light, (12)


Your freedom flamboyance a candle,

Burns candle dispels poverty angle,

Silently tolerate labor hard work rise,

Your strength instill build future wise,

Mother’s day I bow surrender surmise,

Witness promises promulgate, precise.   (13)

Saturday, May 8, 2021






Exasperates, fail to communicate,

Hearts long comradeship intimate,

Lonely world tortures self remorse,

Complacence search all, of course, (1)


Unknown person stranger to spirit,

Gradual intimacy gestures discreet,

Strange river of life wider separate,

Separate people at a glance indicate, (2)


Ink my emotion, love, earnest wish,

Sharing pain, scars agony establish,

Search lifelong a spirit trustworthy,

Able to confide humiliations, filthy,  (3)


Life little a bed of roses thorns wait,

Language of eyes, fingers, tell hate,

Tell friend, a face how looks abuse,

To bridge the river of life I confuse, (4)


Approach few decent person smile,

Sad, feel aloof some look way, style,

Ignore outright or gesticulate, rude,

Bridging friendship daunting crude, (5)


Decency gentle heart civilized spirit,

Smiles replies smile bridge discrete,

Intimacy grows faster gesture right,

Both friends we meet n faces bright, (6)


Speechless to pen fail proper words,

Etche gesticulations hands forward,

A hug, kiss, pat I encounter visible,

Emotion happiness remorse simple, (7)


Bottled up for long empty my heart,

Body entirely express language art,

I miss friends receive messages bit,

Gesticulation a language prick wit, (8)


Ripe age find grandkid baby often

Life mingle with my love fascination,

Giggles baby, bewitch gesticulation,

Hard of hearing mother I converse,

Mostly gesticulate simple of course, (9)


My life my story never limit gesture,

Eon human communicate n secure,

The advent of language speech exist,

Gesticulate primitive tribe we desist, (10)


Sign of limbs transmit quick symbol,

Witness traffic police vehicles to roll,

Conclude memory of my college life,

Cement friendships later love strike, (11)


Nostalgic our communications best,

Never felt talking in, crowd intricate,

Messages of eyes essayed emotions,

Bewitch gesticulation stalk occasions, (12)


My gesticulations I pray divine truly,

Never see my face plead Him, unruly,

Words fail face eyes express emotion,

Silent by heat, bewitch gesticulation.

Request watch dance sequence lyrical,

Bewitch gesticulation surely enthrall. (13)

Friday, May 7, 2021





The universe exists, it amazes,

Expanse unknown transfixes,

Merges mind in the night sky,

Million Sun, planet, moon lie, (1)


Invisible to physical sight say,

Doubt life stay distant dismay,

Milkway attracts n mysterious,

Who inhabits well, get curious, (2)


Creator imposes vast creation,

Star moves to oblivion motion,

The contour of existence probe,

Who design merge within love, (3)


Love undefined play game best,

The diminishing contour quest,

Contours of living beings dwell,

Unknown planets, galaxy swell, (4)


Fails to grasp creation perplex,

Bewilder if the master does flex,

Play cycles of birth-death n face,

Deathless a soul, sojourn I trace, (5)


Ends night contours of life think,

Creator, His purpose, heart sink,

Ponder within focus in darkness,

Witness a sight universe impress, (6)


Dark space a void silent n quiet,

Glimmer dim lights, sound duet,

Fails again me contours of space,

Resemble both, inner-outer grace, (7)


The aura, luminance, energy mist,

Discover within n earth ink in gist,

Menace of destruction I astonish,

Demolish earthlings, nature miss, (8)


Rebirth resurrection restarts well,

River of time flows eternally quell,

Quell opposition, obstructions all,

Within creator, enact cleanses roll, (9)


Infinite love mercy purifies matter,

Savagery anger the fire egos tatter,

Act of sun moon earth, mountain,

Like picture roll see love fountain, (10)


Capture thought war raises often,

Cruelty rules ruin the life if soften,

Softens, conscience bite evil deed,

Illness nature's wrath hits indeed, (11)


Convince wisdom action, reaction,

Human deeds little mean creation,

Virus, health disease-prone nature,

Human suffers in cycle rises pure, (12)


Eons human discover death tools,

Puzzle, if wish creator, nails fools,

Pandemic, epidemic  sick life ruin,

Race, race to oblivion, divine clean, (13)


Watch inner nature, impure fight,

Battle of good nature n evil fright,

Replicate outer world looks exact,

Defeat noble nature death intact,

Win noble nature, life safe enact, (14)


Life enacts creator’s play in vain,

Blind  claim creator’s wished shame,

Actions of Lord pervades enamor,

A self deed is a diminishing contour. (15)
















Thursday, May 6, 2021





Wanderlust amid a wilderness,

Life disgust a mind if depress,

Far from home, family recluse,

Enamor forfeiting bond refuse, (1)


Distance from humdrum spirit,

Smear scar of death cries greet,

Encounter agonies fear reign,

Crumble all hopes desire wane, (2)


Depart your friends undone ill,

Dumb is divine you pray kneel,

Bustling cities amuse no more,

Remorse humanity n insecure, (3)


Behind masks frighten eyes lit,

Safe home near stare metro bit,

Under lock hospital school total,

Temple closed Lord Fear mortal, (4)


The village, elder gets, remote lot,

Bleak a future waits worse most,

Overwhelm you, battle of life rule,

Ambulance sirens in search cool, (5)


Shortage of medicine oxygen raid,

People wait, gloom future foresee,

A depleted dream misses your glee,

Amidst nature, a stranger lament, (6)


Listens, big forest animal decent,

Share your sorrows bird riverine,

Comforts cool wind console fine,

Conveys Sun midday shines fate,

Assure moonlit night joy dictate, (7)


Morning mist ever hides miseries,

Frustrate you deny peace series,

Realize mystery of realm in cycles,

Fate time ruin fortune unshackles, (8)


Return soon O’ soul wait, family,

Eager to unite body n mind, fully,

Let all thoughts leave a wilderness,

Wilderness-of-anxiety, worry press, (9)


Shed wanderlust spirit within find,

Sharing pain sorrows family remind,

Wonderful nature of human endure,

Devastated even serve dear sufferer, (10)


Never will please a silent verdure,

Least help today, pristine nature,

Never search temple divine mercy,

Time need help volunteer courtesy, (11)


Watch patient recover smiles all,

Tearful you greet, peace enthrall,

Serve your people participate full,

Your scar, wound, agony erase cool, (12)


Watching happiness of recovered,

Know your help, you shouldered,

Notice tearful family wait patient,

Fully recover unite a sight decent, (13)


Wonderful wanderlust starts jobs,

Wilderness-of-thought distant sobs,

O’ spirit serving life you serve God,

Conjuring your peace if rest absurd.  (14)