Friday, May 7, 2021





The universe exists, it amazes,

Expanse unknown transfixes,

Merges mind in the night sky,

Million Sun, planet, moon lie, (1)


Invisible to physical sight say,

Doubt life stay distant dismay,

Milkway attracts n mysterious,

Who inhabits well, get curious, (2)


Creator imposes vast creation,

Star moves to oblivion motion,

The contour of existence probe,

Who design merge within love, (3)


Love undefined play game best,

The diminishing contour quest,

Contours of living beings dwell,

Unknown planets, galaxy swell, (4)


Fails to grasp creation perplex,

Bewilder if the master does flex,

Play cycles of birth-death n face,

Deathless a soul, sojourn I trace, (5)


Ends night contours of life think,

Creator, His purpose, heart sink,

Ponder within focus in darkness,

Witness a sight universe impress, (6)


Dark space a void silent n quiet,

Glimmer dim lights, sound duet,

Fails again me contours of space,

Resemble both, inner-outer grace, (7)


The aura, luminance, energy mist,

Discover within n earth ink in gist,

Menace of destruction I astonish,

Demolish earthlings, nature miss, (8)


Rebirth resurrection restarts well,

River of time flows eternally quell,

Quell opposition, obstructions all,

Within creator, enact cleanses roll, (9)


Infinite love mercy purifies matter,

Savagery anger the fire egos tatter,

Act of sun moon earth, mountain,

Like picture roll see love fountain, (10)


Capture thought war raises often,

Cruelty rules ruin the life if soften,

Softens, conscience bite evil deed,

Illness nature's wrath hits indeed, (11)


Convince wisdom action, reaction,

Human deeds little mean creation,

Virus, health disease-prone nature,

Human suffers in cycle rises pure, (12)


Eons human discover death tools,

Puzzle, if wish creator, nails fools,

Pandemic, epidemic  sick life ruin,

Race, race to oblivion, divine clean, (13)


Watch inner nature, impure fight,

Battle of good nature n evil fright,

Replicate outer world looks exact,

Defeat noble nature death intact,

Win noble nature, life safe enact, (14)


Life enacts creator’s play in vain,

Blind  claim creator’s wished shame,

Actions of Lord pervades enamor,

A self deed is a diminishing contour. (15)
















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