Tuesday, May 18, 2021





Stormy sea waves rise high,

Boat of life face peril n sigh,

Miss shore beyond horizons,

Alone suffer no one caution, (1)


Long-life self-chosen recluse,

Melancholy separation muse,

Storm of thought raise nasty,

Well shaken life in sea hasty, (2)


Nostalgic events past rebuke,

Selfish mind left love n hook,

Family, friend, kin kid forgot,

Self-glory success spirit effort, (3)


Witness life poverty n hunger,

Wilderness weeds fry insecure,

Fries misery untold n helpless,

Faces sickness death distress, (4)


Hear cries night end n asleep,

Never dawn breaks least weep,

The heart turns cruel rock n resist,

Mind consoles, a world if exist, (5)


Years water run under bridges,

Faces of family in haze in a lease,

Sad faces acute plead to stay,

Left for a far city to work dismay, (6)


Nightmare dreams call a village,

Children sick wife suffers edge,

Meager money from cities in vain,

Dream sees villager call insane, (7)


City life tin shed box feel a pest,

Families here sure to perish test,

Fail to leave a job wait tragedy,

Sink in remorse retract remedy, (viii)


Boat of life tilts hunts dilemma,

Pens my heart uncover enigma,

Remorse so painful repent a lot,

Decides, pack up return almost, (9)


Village winks at horizons, chock,

Merciful in heaven if usher luck,

Tear roll disobey now heart melt,

How family will greet, miss duet, (10)


Oxcart slow tortures impatient,

A night will pass dawn face decent,

Villager welcome home n gossip,

Aromas of home food must creep, (11)


Wish again struggle hard landless,

Work in fields grows crop impress,

New life greet awesome kid grows,

We couple in age see future shows, (12)


Dark life of past if fades memories,

Dark past little visit with worries,

Slept on cart dream create impact,

Dawn ox-bell rings remorse retract, (13)


Cuckoo sings in a mango tree in love,

Hen on rooftop shouts feel dissolve,

Temple bell rings assure His grace,

Remorse retracts His will if impress. (14)






Monday, May 17, 2021




Intense pleasure youth give,

Matter manifest trap elusive,

Beauty, young body desires,

Temptation honey bee hires, (1)


Honey bee a mind let collect,

Collect thrill sensation relate,

Wild mind bull strength pull,

Rational wit friend wonderful, (2)


Wonderful night dance music,

Forget home time work exotic,

Squander precious time love,

Enjoy present future dissolve, (3)


Ego dictates fuel emotions nit,

Vagary of ill fate ignore meet,

Fearless spirit if a wind blows,

Emotions like a rapids flow, (4)


Impossible to dominate a life,

Hate violence cruelty n strife,

Wonderer aimless watch self,

Alone a solitary self act deaf, (5)


Deaf for advice wisdom dwell,

Distrust savage human nail,

Nail coffin for freedom equal,

Greed lust for power enthrall, (6)


Enthrall cruel people in guise,

Capture fellow human precise,

Teenage youth adulthood sink,

Family love bondage least wink, (7)


Know death hunt life succumb,

Bizarre to live eternal lit dumb,

Attitudes trap gratitude to express,

Reject askance in life n distress, (viii)


Conceive me a flowering tree,

Blossom comes in life vibrant free,

The fragrance will spread to the horizon,

Fall arrives, tree break no reason, (9)


Witness remorseless relief vision,

Shelter food cloth never caution,

Ink, the passage of life melancholic,

Agony breaks human hope tragic, (10)


Hunger poverty sickness if simple,

Citadels of happiness why crumble,

Nature invites fresh air blue water,

Rest amid shadows happy secure, (11)


Take last breath perhaps happen,

Smile greet, a realm little shaken,

Perplex mind eon human builds,

Build a castle in air crash if yields, (12)


Culprit mind cause havoc shatter,

Control mind n freedom if matter,

Free like butterfly metamorphose,

Burn like a candle soul of purpose, (13)


Light dispels the darkness of doubt,

Light is my spirit jovial I sprout,

Remorseless relief all I say about,

International Day for a light shout, (14)


Sunday, May 16, 2021





Watch eagle fly high hovers,

Landscapes all contour lures,

Knows in detail life intimate,

Far off mountains forest wait, (1)


Test freedoms of life, interest,

Predator deprive rest, bitterest,

A gorge, cavern, caves or cliff,

Travels easy nest none to tiff, (2)


Symbol of power strength lit,

Prey weak, wounded no guilt,

A tiny creature on a ground play,

Rabbit beautifully run in gay, (3)


A dark cloud hovers above well,

Swoops down instantly, quell,

Quell noisy bird silent n fear,

Creatures in groove hide sure, (4)


Rules earth an eagle fascinate,

Arrogates a freedom dominate

Alert on the domain lion roam,

Animal bird lives like freedom, (5)


Nature promulgates joy equal,

Supremacy of king force vocal,

Resound roars in forest, night,

Horror spreads fast stay fright, (6)


Contemplate if nature’s boon,

Arrogates freedom fateful doom,

Catch sight of lion eagle mimic,

Human owes endless yet tragic, (7)


Born free human spirit superior,

Freedom of voice lifestyle secure,

Freedoms to travel world explore,

Freedom to believe trust custom,

Freedom to practice will caution,  (viii)


Free for equal rights, knowledge,

Equal before people in privilege,

Amazes civilized society, power,

Wealth strength sees rest cower, (9)


Colonial rule abolished freedom,

A people in slavery enjoy seldom,

Independence proclaims plethora,

Freedom lit life bask in the aura, (10)


Inheritor of exploitations appear,

Eagle in sky lions on land sheer,

Human natures ego, selfishness,

Turn predator freedom misses, (11)


Pretentious harmless n arrogates,

Steal voice right equality dictates

Witness revolts bitter fights hurt,

Society turbulent progress is lost, (12)


Peace security shelter education,

Halt eagle, lions in manifestation,

Dark valleys of anarchy transform,

Rabbit deer resembles spirit home, (13)


Focus within alarms mind rule,

Alert like eagle ego as lion mull,

Life enjoys peace happiness love,

Mind steals all tranquility dissolve, (14)


Spirit in chain cruel mind dictates,

Arrogates a freedom blame fates,

Nature balances lion eagle a rest,

Human nature mind capture best,

Mind realize self ruin lit reform,

 A seldom acts arrogate freedom. (15)


Saturday, May 15, 2021





Human dreams O’ Lord, build,

Build heaven on a realm yield,

Pyramid of peace n happiness,

Prosper civilizations n impress, (1)


Indomitable courage halt river,

Magnificent dams control here,

Expanses arid land turns to gold,

Bountiful earth toil spirit bold, (2)


Bridge unites chasm n a gorge,

Wide faith custom races merge,

Citadel of opulence luxury rest,

Myriad modern ideas manifest, (3)


Yearlong festive moments etch,

Celebrations wrought life fetch,

Jubilant heart, aspirant mind,

Weave intarsia of memory find, (4)


Unseen sick, soul, sorrows here,

Pain, troubles, greed, ego n fear,

Human-mind love live only short,

Reject evil nature freedoms most, (5)


Tolerance cooperation, build trust,

Endure difficulties little faith rust,

Human utopia exists in the world,

Deadly a disease no cure untold, (6)


Surreal existence creeps if mind,

Unaware self dark minds rewind,

Simple O’ Lord, human doubt all,

If, but, perhaps, I guess enthrall, (7)



Least, end discussion thought lot,

Grow suspicion doubt reject most,

City of distrust rules ego hideous,

Evil natures sprout let realm loss, (viii)


Loss, happiness, peace, joy health

Loss, truth, faith, amity love wealth,

Loss heaven’s paradise lives wreck,

Earthquake of epidemic sick break, (9)


Anarchy anger plot gruesome drama,

Answer Lord, your plays an enigma,

A mute spectator watches everything,

Deaf, lack listen to cries of help sing, (10)


A sea of prayers dries soon n tears,

Blind, ruinous precious life n fears,

Admit, the guilt of conscience bites,

Burns paradise tragic cremate rites, (11)


The mountain of mercy, melt heart,

Omnipresent of forgiveness do react,

Instill divine faith bridge trust solid,

Resurrect from dark mind in squalid, (12)


Surge wave of devotion surrender all,

Human life epitome of sacrifice enroll,

Life learn lessons renews dream full,

Abode of Your Lord, our heaven mull, (13)


Human utopia, your creations shout,

Help us mend by sequestering doubt.  

Godchild I am opens a doubtful mind,

Filter, if, buts mind betrays be kind, (14)


Friday, May 14, 2021





Unknown insipid wanderer pull,

Magnetic lullaby resound n cool,

Asleep the city night cast restful,

Dilapidated streets if sky tearful, (1)


Miss moonlit night star-studded,

Cold wind rain cloud, bit wicked,

Obscure figure roams free attract,

Infinite pains soak song, impact, (2)


Floats in a cold wind shiver heart,

The boat seems ghostly in a raft,

Hear a mysterious song resound,

Melt slow reappear depict wound, (3)


Reverberates thin air road gloom,

Listen to a melancholy song loom,

Wonder my heart if spirit a wreck,

Addresses a baby if miss to break, (4)


A tear trickles, my eyes wet, I think,

Yet fate bring human life to brinks,

Eon human sorrows let submerge,

Life, joy, love, bonds lack converge, (5)


Incomplete human dreams elope,

Crumple desires n crumble hope,

Baby doll face smiles giggle vanish,

Churn my heart late-night tarnish, (6)


Fulfills family life fantasy endless,

Father departs soon wife distress,

A lone woman, kids struggle a lot,

Harsh world, her bleak future rot, (7)


Destiny’s child forgets smile cry if,

Whispers life stories orphans brief,

Merciless fate ruins healthy sprout,

Admit, I cried, ever know why to doubt, (viii)


Divine grace allot fortune luck wait,

World in night sleep dreamland let,

A multitude of luxury comfort spread,

Wild mind, human restless if dread, (9)


Aspiration attach to thrills perverse,

Laugh heartily aloud alone remorse,

Very well life sizzles realize beneath,

Mirth hides agony pain underneath, (10)


Death exists sure snatch life sudden,

To survivors of time fate life burden,

Sigh on mysterious life if a fountain,

Struggle in faith trust face mountain, (11)


Mingle my laugh with a distant song,

Alone by now in street dreams I long,

Hay stranger friend saturates sorrow,

Look brother dawns bright tomorrow, (12)


Memory erases mesmerize the future,

Human spirit pyramids a world favor,

Citadel of hope, love care share bond,

Fountain of intense pleasures to fond, (13)


Tears like morning dews glisten short,

Melancholy song melt dews miss must.

Beacon of hope life intoxicates, surprises,

Nights of melancholy song melt sunrises, (14)