Monday, May 17, 2021




Intense pleasure youth give,

Matter manifest trap elusive,

Beauty, young body desires,

Temptation honey bee hires, (1)


Honey bee a mind let collect,

Collect thrill sensation relate,

Wild mind bull strength pull,

Rational wit friend wonderful, (2)


Wonderful night dance music,

Forget home time work exotic,

Squander precious time love,

Enjoy present future dissolve, (3)


Ego dictates fuel emotions nit,

Vagary of ill fate ignore meet,

Fearless spirit if a wind blows,

Emotions like a rapids flow, (4)


Impossible to dominate a life,

Hate violence cruelty n strife,

Wonderer aimless watch self,

Alone a solitary self act deaf, (5)


Deaf for advice wisdom dwell,

Distrust savage human nail,

Nail coffin for freedom equal,

Greed lust for power enthrall, (6)


Enthrall cruel people in guise,

Capture fellow human precise,

Teenage youth adulthood sink,

Family love bondage least wink, (7)


Know death hunt life succumb,

Bizarre to live eternal lit dumb,

Attitudes trap gratitude to express,

Reject askance in life n distress, (viii)


Conceive me a flowering tree,

Blossom comes in life vibrant free,

The fragrance will spread to the horizon,

Fall arrives, tree break no reason, (9)


Witness remorseless relief vision,

Shelter food cloth never caution,

Ink, the passage of life melancholic,

Agony breaks human hope tragic, (10)


Hunger poverty sickness if simple,

Citadels of happiness why crumble,

Nature invites fresh air blue water,

Rest amid shadows happy secure, (11)


Take last breath perhaps happen,

Smile greet, a realm little shaken,

Perplex mind eon human builds,

Build a castle in air crash if yields, (12)


Culprit mind cause havoc shatter,

Control mind n freedom if matter,

Free like butterfly metamorphose,

Burn like a candle soul of purpose, (13)


Light dispels the darkness of doubt,

Light is my spirit jovial I sprout,

Remorseless relief all I say about,

International Day for a light shout, (14)


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