Saturday, June 5, 2021





Bemuse bridal dress etches nature,

Bewilder invitation, life treasure,

Blemish of recent time, tear trip,

Blame fearful mind tension grip, (1)


Break human spirit, disaster rip,

Bestow nature-recluse, pain clip,

Beacon of hope,, revives strength,

Beautiful verdure colorful length, (2)


Besmirch epidemic struggle soul,

Betray golden earth in ruin maul,

Believe, myself nature’s lap recall,

Between home future instinct roll, (3)


Resolve to end nightmares, search,

Renaissance amid nature n lurch,

Revolution takes place mind cool,

Reconnaissance of peril fade, full,(4)


Mesmerize spectral color blossom,

Crimson sky mirror brook motion,

Plunder rainbows color leaf entice,

Floral canopy meadows do justice, (5)


Wild mind self lose awareness all,

Misses past future, ecstasy enroll,

Part of earth beings, animal spirit,

Merge total with nature soul greet, (6)


Soul, I behold among verdant-field,

Tiny wildflower whisper queer lid,

Trees resemble chameleon nature,

Tremble by a gentle breeze, immure, (7)


Lost direction total overwhelm nit,

Tomb of dreamland, exist discrete,

Abode of eternal peace, happiness,

Paradise on golden earth, impress, (viii)


Spellbound incredible mirth savor,

Speechless eloquence of joys favor,

Thrills pulsate-emotions, wordless,

Eloquence etch nature ink express, (9)


White clouds of water mist waterfall,

Placid river water hues life enthrall,

Colorful leaves petal of flower prize,

Colorful birds decorate lure precise, (10)


Change scene serene at dusk cloud,

Dust cloud cover forest mist shroud,

Silence project eloquence song etch,

Dark sky star-stud milk way sketch, (11)


The eloquence of cosmos mystic claims,

Scintillate myth of void overwhelms,

The eloquence of solitude night allures,

After Earth! Solitary my soul cures, (12)


The eloquence of civilization home writ,

The eloquence of desires luxury all twit,

Surreal realm, eloquence etch only,

Miss my identity memory, solemnly. (13)

Friday, June 4, 2021




 Obeisance human spirit prefer,

Selfless serve lifelong all incur,

Compassion love care intimate,

Brick of civil society n replicate, (1)


Flutters flag of valor n courage,

Prime inspiration woman craze

Human glory, citadels crumble,

Equal free female men crumple, (2)


Education character she, teach,

Mother, wife, sis daughter each,

Innocence decency humility lit,

Feminine presence home sweet, (3)


Endurance n tolerance saturate,

A mighty nation woman correct,

Amazes society feel her inferior,

Dungeon of veil her spirit suffer, (4)


Confines free dove within, home,

Ego let blind faith eon gruesome,

Neglect education health myopic,

Prefer son languish, daughter, irk, (5)


Adolescence girl face curse more,

Child marriage in practice n lore,

Fate ruins young life tags, widow,

Husband‘s demise open window, (6)


Deny society rights luxury, wish,

Ill-omen symbol taunt n blemish,

Dowry deprive future perish, wife,

Humiliation abuse stalk hurt life, (7)


Bride burns society is shameless,

Conscience n heart mute depress,

Job for women deny men’s world,

Male supremacy tribune a herald, (viii)


Equal population cement strength,

Male hypocrisy ruins all at length,

Men dominate family motherland,

Guilt, sins, crime reigns fail remand, (9)


Peace progress bright future hope,

Emancipation empower, she, evolve,

Alters an ages view metamorphose,

Dogmas delve, bios preposterous, (10)


Frivolous female fountain species,

Prime cause, creation an exegesis,

Nine months in wombs, human rest,

Her blood life-source nourish best, (11)


Enters to realm n males dominate,

Feels superior molest her, predate,

Lust dominate, male ego raise war,

Insults womanhood savage scare, (12)


Realization retaliate, brutal perish,

Emancipation empower n cherish,

Cherish freedom equality a female,

Breaks chain of prejudice n inhale, (13)


Inhale wind of education skill best,

Sports defense leadership now test,

Lighthouse of civil society influence,

Diminish discrimination confluence, (14)


Mother n motherland rebuilds men,

Accord men respects protect women.

World empowers womanhood equality,

Her legacy laces civilized immortality. (15)








Thursday, June 3, 2021





Awaken soul to incredible-world,

Aware amaze event thrill herald,

Entourage adventure history nit,

Encounter miracle nature, depict, (1)


Mural of mankind mystic culture,

Mesmerize melodrama life suture,

Jolt civilization discovery surface,

Jewel of human mind pens grace, (2)


Ignorance fades ignite knowledge,

Immaculate write holy n sacrilege,

Ephemeral evolution n revolution,

Endeavor depiction details notion, (3)


Advent human sign communicate,

Admirable print preserve intimate,

Progress people at peace war ruin,

Project future human reform twin, (4)


Record manuscripts alluvial living,

Reads millennium-old living being,

Nectar of love care service all heal,

Nepotism doctrine nit book reveals (5)


Macabre of battle, violence, death,

Marvelous win peace, book-length,

Eulogize my relation with book nit,

Engross book enamor well imprint, (6)


Teenage I read Treasure Island all,

Plunder Hidden Treasure, enthrall,

Ornate my voice speech write free,

Embolden expression English glee, (7)


Language priceless assets acquire,

Arabian night weave world inspire,

Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Hamlet greats,

Oriya novels society canvas crests, (viii)


Gitanjali, Kabuliwala many stories,

I cried, smiled, silent mind queries,

Learned mythology Ramayan best,

Read Mahabharat Gita in interest, (9)


Adulthood read a Carpet Bagger all,

The adventurer emotion love recall,

Thrilled young hearts Perry Mason,

Once starts end complete awesome, (10)


Age descends to wise human nature,

Bible Quran Guru Granth Sahib ore,

Tripitaka Jataka Upanishad Vedant,

Widen God-realization Book Verdant, (11)


Thoughtful emotive ink all rekindle,

Teen life to age, my book re-bundle,

Reminiscence rescind self habit nail,

Recover treasure hunt passions trail, (12)


Relinquish lifelong habit recount all,

Engross book magnetic, life enthrall,

In between page lies mysterious self,

In-between lines lie depth of sea safe.  (14)

Wednesday, June 2, 2021





Macabre mural of landscape hunt,

Vulture, vagaries of fate, life blunt,

Flood of misery merciless time nail,

Night etch railway track specter ail, (1)


Silent township dark pyre burns lit,

Rows of fire swallow dying realm nit,

Departed corona patients cremated,

Human love for life desire cemented, (2)


Horror links speechless mute spirit,

Anxious to watch a dawn soul greet,

Amber, fire diminish fumes pervade,

Ocean of tear, pain suffering invade, (3)


Solitude desolate field darkness rule,

Melancholy night harden heart cool,

Pitiless to a loving heart tender soul,

Mind empties sorrows serves an ill, goal, (4)


Sanitize neighborhood road building,

A mask, polythene cover in shielding,

Night progress, tired limbs seek rest,

Back home hot bath fresh body best, (5)


Sleep takes over deep state dissipate,

Dissipates agony dream world create,

Macabre mural melts to purple-cloud,

Express train speeds, in night aloud, (6)


Rhythmic beat on railway track dwell,

Passengers unknown visible light well,

Speed fast into dark destination dare,

Runs life, intrepid human hope share, (viii)


Unknown time, people, place manifest,

Time eras cleanly a past surprise best,

Elegance-of-spirit ornate smile, leisure,

Peace prosperity promulgate life allure, (9)


Allure golden era, healthy frame mind,

Citadel of chime cipher, paragons find,

Unseen evil nature visible milieu love,

Love pristine nature earth-bound dove, (10)


Ocean of happiness children flourish,

Scars of nightmare memory all perish,

Unite people simple bond brotherhood,

Perils when visit, joint help share a mood, (11)


Dismantle border of nationality unique,

Outpour sympathy care empathy clique,

Battle mankind for saving nature, total,

Dream cast different time world mural, (12)


Morning train whistle, make me awake,

Rewind faint dream scenes mists flake,

Trickle a warm tear search misty dawn,

Bring up sunshine lighten life no moan, (13)


Console my heart paradise wait in time,

Melancholy night curtain dawn incline,

Blue sky lifts lockdown travel ban free,

Messages renewed hopes blooming tree. (14)







Tuesday, June 1, 2021




Overwhelms torpid thought,

Sleep, nice dreams wrought,

Year erases happiness, love,

Covers fear, breathless dove, (1)


Life fights bitter, long hours,

Dawn a healing limb cowers,

Fresh-air nay help body nit,

Oxygen mask nightlong writ, (2)


Ephemeral thought brew bit,

Time reach, end fight to quit,

Anxious eyes of nurses wait

Drip fluid cardiograph duet, (3)


Night’s end liner graphs miss,

Tear know survival win kiss,

Passion to dream create well,

Fade sad face aspiration nail, (4)


Pen nightmare in life n suffer,

Hope, prayer faith mix buffer,

Silver lines, a graph wavy fox,

Go straight-line fight end box, (5)


Bubbles of life burst fevers win,

Long to live quit hospital twin,

Dilemmas of elusive time wink,

Memory, plan future work link, (6)


Heartthrob survives complete,

Fears of death a survival delete,

Speechless to blooming smiles,

Happy tears hug tight n whiles, (7)


Rest complete, alone to confine,

Cares of doctors, nurse all refine,

Whisper tearful congratulation,

Floods heart gratitude emotion, (viii)


World’s love my life  feel content,

Never thought my world decent,

Struggle test spirit endure pain,

Bitter battles of evil nature vain, (9)


Lust temptation beehives inflict

Anger greed selfishness n indict,

Ramification ruins very root well,

Corrects instinct to survive swell, (10)


Hate pretentious realm, distrust,

Ink realized an experience, trust,

Negate my ugly ideas scare exist,

Self-committed, err crime explicit, (11)


Sob in repentance n people’s love,

Sacrifice, selfless defiance resolve,

Fearless to dreaded disease serve,

Not only duty humane still nerve, (12)


Reforms me in ICU bed surmise,

Paradise not in heaven here rise,

Pandemic brought battles lesson,

Survival selfless deed in infusion, (13)


End wonderful dream quarantine,

Sweet-home reborn new self refine.

Observe a world outside pour aura,

Incidents link n engross ephemera, (14)