Tuesday, June 1, 2021




Overwhelms torpid thought,

Sleep, nice dreams wrought,

Year erases happiness, love,

Covers fear, breathless dove, (1)


Life fights bitter, long hours,

Dawn a healing limb cowers,

Fresh-air nay help body nit,

Oxygen mask nightlong writ, (2)


Ephemeral thought brew bit,

Time reach, end fight to quit,

Anxious eyes of nurses wait

Drip fluid cardiograph duet, (3)


Night’s end liner graphs miss,

Tear know survival win kiss,

Passion to dream create well,

Fade sad face aspiration nail, (4)


Pen nightmare in life n suffer,

Hope, prayer faith mix buffer,

Silver lines, a graph wavy fox,

Go straight-line fight end box, (5)


Bubbles of life burst fevers win,

Long to live quit hospital twin,

Dilemmas of elusive time wink,

Memory, plan future work link, (6)


Heartthrob survives complete,

Fears of death a survival delete,

Speechless to blooming smiles,

Happy tears hug tight n whiles, (7)


Rest complete, alone to confine,

Cares of doctors, nurse all refine,

Whisper tearful congratulation,

Floods heart gratitude emotion, (viii)


World’s love my life  feel content,

Never thought my world decent,

Struggle test spirit endure pain,

Bitter battles of evil nature vain, (9)


Lust temptation beehives inflict

Anger greed selfishness n indict,

Ramification ruins very root well,

Corrects instinct to survive swell, (10)


Hate pretentious realm, distrust,

Ink realized an experience, trust,

Negate my ugly ideas scare exist,

Self-committed, err crime explicit, (11)


Sob in repentance n people’s love,

Sacrifice, selfless defiance resolve,

Fearless to dreaded disease serve,

Not only duty humane still nerve, (12)


Reforms me in ICU bed surmise,

Paradise not in heaven here rise,

Pandemic brought battles lesson,

Survival selfless deed in infusion, (13)


End wonderful dream quarantine,

Sweet-home reborn new self refine.

Observe a world outside pour aura,

Incidents link n engross ephemera, (14)







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