Friday, June 4, 2021




 Obeisance human spirit prefer,

Selfless serve lifelong all incur,

Compassion love care intimate,

Brick of civil society n replicate, (1)


Flutters flag of valor n courage,

Prime inspiration woman craze

Human glory, citadels crumble,

Equal free female men crumple, (2)


Education character she, teach,

Mother, wife, sis daughter each,

Innocence decency humility lit,

Feminine presence home sweet, (3)


Endurance n tolerance saturate,

A mighty nation woman correct,

Amazes society feel her inferior,

Dungeon of veil her spirit suffer, (4)


Confines free dove within, home,

Ego let blind faith eon gruesome,

Neglect education health myopic,

Prefer son languish, daughter, irk, (5)


Adolescence girl face curse more,

Child marriage in practice n lore,

Fate ruins young life tags, widow,

Husband‘s demise open window, (6)


Deny society rights luxury, wish,

Ill-omen symbol taunt n blemish,

Dowry deprive future perish, wife,

Humiliation abuse stalk hurt life, (7)


Bride burns society is shameless,

Conscience n heart mute depress,

Job for women deny men’s world,

Male supremacy tribune a herald, (viii)


Equal population cement strength,

Male hypocrisy ruins all at length,

Men dominate family motherland,

Guilt, sins, crime reigns fail remand, (9)


Peace progress bright future hope,

Emancipation empower, she, evolve,

Alters an ages view metamorphose,

Dogmas delve, bios preposterous, (10)


Frivolous female fountain species,

Prime cause, creation an exegesis,

Nine months in wombs, human rest,

Her blood life-source nourish best, (11)


Enters to realm n males dominate,

Feels superior molest her, predate,

Lust dominate, male ego raise war,

Insults womanhood savage scare, (12)


Realization retaliate, brutal perish,

Emancipation empower n cherish,

Cherish freedom equality a female,

Breaks chain of prejudice n inhale, (13)


Inhale wind of education skill best,

Sports defense leadership now test,

Lighthouse of civil society influence,

Diminish discrimination confluence, (14)


Mother n motherland rebuilds men,

Accord men respects protect women.

World empowers womanhood equality,

Her legacy laces civilized immortality. (15)








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