Tuesday, August 3, 2021





Hope aspiration plays in my mind,

Game of chances fruitful less find,

Minaret of desire crash unnoticed,

Procrastinate results, heart evince, (1)


Awake-nightlong alert mind probe,

Aches desperate suspicion disrobe,

Opaque future, lids Pandora’s Box,

Mind dissects possibilities nice fox, (2)


Cons spirit convinces success neat,

Complexity life witness sprouts wit,

Wait patiently, quiet less think tall,

Little, expect unrealistic accept fall, (3)


Moments of wait cast spells, mystic,

Second, seems hour endless caustic,

Nightmare suffocate, guess ill omen,

Scary-moments feel year-long oven, (4)


Result-day arrive, perpetuity scare,

Heartthrobs upbeat result declare,

Success superlative overwhelm nit,

Moment rapturous joy, fastest quit, (5)


Hours of reactions mind drink total,

Hours resemble split-seconds regal,

The second in-imprint, life preserve,

Cast spells joy lifelong, well deserve, (6)


Result of school, college, university,

Success reflects perpetual intensity,

Failure scary moment’s heart forget,

Memories fade quickly relatively net, (7)


Unhappy moment day month speed,

Survival instinct cast hypnosis need,

Wipe tear, bottom-up agony in, chest,

Aspires hope manifest rainbow best, (viii)


Dreamy nights wish never ends well,

Butterfly sensitizes bright dawn, nail,

Blank-page of life just open time roll,

Intense scrutiny pensive mind scroll, (9)


Hard work challenge, roadblock test,

Courage, ingenuity, wiser active best,

Dawn progresses, dusk arrive-quietly,

Twelve hours steal magic if minutely, (10)


Worry tension life, bristle thorns cut,

Colorful-night music, dance all avert,

Sensuous limbs catch rhythm drink,

Few hours memorizes endless, blink, (11)


Forgets spirit mysterious time stand,

Relativity soul unaware magic wand,

Ecstatic moment electric sparks joy,

Service, salary, marriage baby enjoy, (12)


Milestones unforgettable everlasting,

Relativity exhibits perpetuity casting,

Momentous period run in-flash miss,

Perpetual memories spirit want, kiss. (13)


Pain, sorrow, horror scary-past hide,

Forget tears bottle up lids tight pride,

Mystic-life play, time run-faster slow,

Stand quietly wait for perpetuity glow.  (14)










Sunday, August 1, 2021





 Awestruck decent people polite well,

Rational speak understanding swell,

Gentle behavior cooperate rules feel,

Obey passionately find mistake reel, (1)


Stubborn, keep ruled accept failure,

Teach parent, kid community allure,

Disciplines, social customs life best,

Reflects-peaceful prosperous, invest, (2)


Corruption-free integrity bold stand,

Utopian, concept touch magic wand,

Reflects rigidly, layers-of-population,

Systematic, mechanical lives motion, (3)


Reforms influence n alter prejudices,

Malpractice old blind faith practices,

Hunts evil social custom regular nit,

Performs people all offensive, exhibit,(4)


Sacrifice goats public celebrate holy,

Crowds defying pandemic bans only,

Faces disaster, unrepentant, sacred,

Iron-hand of crowd control betrayed, (5)


Illegal, transport drug gold currency,

Traffics child obscenity concurrency,

Concurrent consent, allow authority,

Corrupt meant gold, overnight gritty, (6)


Black market fuel, price hoarder bet,

Sad spectators public rule confiscate,

Malpractice examination delay result,

Teachers school blame summersault, (7)


Corrodes national life, anarchy trade,

Bargain every concession bribe head,

Astonish common people’s hypocrisy,

Silent, tolerate all endure supremacy, (viii)


Leader ruler business eminent fellow,

Commit mistakes, denies error follow,

Fragment peoples walls build suspect,

Boldly gloats proud, divide disrespect (9)


Disrespect constitution nation notice,

Transparency of life declines n suffice,

Lost-paradise utopian story submerge,

Disappoint future fear terror converge, (10)


Autocracy demonic nature brutal call,

Weep motherland children betray fall,

Freedom equality sinks nepotism hail,

Crude selfish lust for power equal tail, (11)


Nation resemble occupied dependence,

Son of soil turn enemies rule influence,

Remember all yesteryear’s colonialism,

Nation gives in fear obstinate solecism, (12)


Election manipulated threats aversion,

Malignancy spread weaken direction,

Opposition defunct democracy dwindle,

People suffer most rebellions rekindle, (13)


Democratic right mightiest decide firm,

Miracle a myth electric result, affirm,

Destroys obstinate solecism iron hand,

Index finger inked, touch magic wand,  (14)


Clean transparency rules ballot select,

Obstinacy solecism bad honesty reflect,

Dark-cloud dissipate bright sun,, shine,

Independence true concept ballot define. (15)








Saturday, July 31, 2021





Inevitable happens in time, certain

Future invisible due block curtain,

Unfold events anticipate truly, rare,

Disappoint heart, aspirations dare, (1)


Miracles differ fascination myth all,

Future prediction well happen call,

Expectation forecast unpredictable,

Mysterious-event follows detectable, (2)


Wizards in action forecast event nit,

Occasion sequence match complete,

Hazard guesses situations improve

People never trust, assume approve, (3)


Intuitions, inner conscience guide,

Mind betrays inner voices override,

Prime attractions motive, get richer,

Share market, business all murkier, (4)


Hypnotize share values skyrocket,

Million-dollar pour overflow pocket,

Addiction differ dreams infect clear,

Tsunami, wipe income siphon sheer, (5)


Bourgeois class hanker fast income,

Share value fall, forces pay, ransom,

Huge asset catch fluidity lick total,

Bond of share values go waste fatal, (6)


Bond all wastepaper disappear fast,

Predictions unpredictable, Everlast,

Game-of-throne people play cherish,

Game-of-chance coincident flourish, (7)


Money bag matters little heart bear,

Stop heartbeats, socks mortal fear,

Rise fall share-markets bullish react,

The industry, corporate collapse fast, (viii)


Volatile-economy compute, calculate,

Panorama national hysterical dictate,

Catastrophe occurs, suddenly wreck,

crash family, business-houses break, (9)


Save urgently income today assures,

Uncertain future expenditure clears,

Confidence hope confluence safe life,

Check temptation, conserve to thrive, (10)


Tension, worry, life wakes night long,

Hope, desire, aspiration pollute song,

Divine gift hope desire aspire objects,

Gold, shine allure yet virtuous reject, (11)


Saves life need food, shelter, cloth all,

Savings safeguard well dice-game fall,

Precious life, squander time discover,

Helluva opportunity ask noble nature, (12)


Knowledge, vast kingdom sojourn nit,

Luxury comfort body pleasure dispirit,

Short life secure wisdom share openly,

Money befriend not saving help quietly, (13)


Watch wave surges high n fall abrupt,

Overnight richness temporary corrupt,

Decline wealth affluence transient all,

Squanderer ponder realizes enthrall, (14)


Face share price bullish frontal perish,

Bull mighty strikes, do avoid flourish,

No heart attack sock, live joy befriend,

Peace balances serene life, wise amend. (15)















Gay abandon loiters beach attract,

Golden-and moist-air noises react,

Horizon afar blue-sea skies merge,

Overwhelms heart, thoughts surge, (1)


Eternity sketch canvass, intoxicate,

Salty wind, tingle noise promulgate,

Neither tells origin, nor destination,

Color-odorless invisible feel motion, (2)


Whispers, air inhale goes out clean,

Watch nourishes life wish void thin,

Invisible within, spirit manifest live,

Depth-of-thought match, ocean dive, (3)


Bottomless depth thought surprise,

Continues wave, after wave precise,

Crash, wave spread out beachfront,

Retreat merges to seas jewel I hunt, (4)


Memory resemble  picture-of-beach,

Thoughts trigger alive-memory each,

Raise thought n travel memory lane,

I pick up gravels shell, helluva hem, (5)


Tall-mountain soft-water run break,

Astonish rock change to sand wake,

Pick past experiences patience, look,

Efforts of water smooth n workbook, (6)


Workbook, detail stonewall crumble,

Work, overcome move match simple,

Walk further pick up beautiful-shell,

Wonderful-lessons shell teaches well, (7)


Remember shell drink dews n water,

Accept rain drops reject ocean sheer,

Purity shell chooses, deny salty water,

Pearl shell generate pearls metaphor, (viii)


Huge ocean water-world ah detaches,

Human-mind gets wild lusty attaches,

Detachment manifest pearl-awesome,

Detached-mind accumulates wisdom, (9)


Vast oceans merge, united borderless,

Aquatic-life move free no wall impress,

Wordless, thought access wall of rock,

Cast, creed, color, speech, faiths sock, (10)


Oceanic life little witness war carnage,

Peaceful life swims n human if savage,

Rise from oceans sun sinks at evening,

I pick up gravels thoughts enchanting, (11)


Endless sea beach I found gems bright,

Lifelong I walked perused, misses sight,

Search contuse persistent pearl collect,

Electric-moment unravel I often reflect, (12)


The beach, ocean, sky merge with soul,

Sojourn of life discover collect life-goal,

Nameless beginning end find unknown,

World resemble the beach, pearl shown, (13)


Listless human population like gravels,

Plunder the values collect pearl travels.

Memorizing-thought cast spell wonder,

Mysterious-world, jewel-strewn plunder. (14)









Thursday, July 29, 2021






Fascinate imagination blood toil,

Hard work tames hazardous soil,

Arid, barren field rock-strewn nit,

Cultivate farmland strength n wit, (1)


Agrarian-life ignore predicament,

Stubborn mind block derailment,

Segregates rock boulder manure,

Miraculous, strong-hand capture, (2)


Capture successful harvest raise,

Peasant endeavors, unique craze,

Vagary of weather vanquish mind,

Praiseworthy accommodates find, (3)


Find solution sustains population,

Feed, bountiful harvest promotion,

Sacred land feed children nourish,

Drink river-water her milk, flourish, (4)


Land satiates thirst plants animal,

Her milk food create blood, normal,

Minerals, inconspicuous adds salt,

Her children built with muscle cult, (4)


People prosper with her gift serene,

Harsh world human struggle n win,

Nature helpful grace profusion nit,

Bridal dress of motherland explicit, (5)


Mountain her head hills are breast,

Flow her milk like a river feed crest,

Blood and salt strengthen iron fist,

Pull juggernaut rolls nation n wrist, (6)


Loud thunderous hail her supreme,

Save her sovereign, defend extreme,

Face voluntarily, supreme-sacrifice

Mingle children’s blood, salt suffice, (7)


Accept salt mother’s, in blood relief,

Faithful serve motherland spare life,

Patriotism wail myth service, dictate,

Leader commoner scholars dedicate, (viii)


Compensation insignificant live free,

Share affluence joy gold care, agree,

Dismantle wall, break mistrust well

Fraternity bonhomie tolerance quell, (9)



Quell inequality discrimination total,

Radiate democratic rights n enthrall,

Corruption crimes surrender patriot,

Sacred-oath with constitution parrot, (10)


Clean life industrious strengthen nit,

Selfless, dedicated success, nail grit,

Civilization monumental well inspire,

Record human history neat transpire, (11)


Astonish people civilizations crumble,

Discovers blood salt in veins, grumble,

Sacrifices motherland her vanity loot,

Treachery fuel greed selfish-act brut, (12)


Motherland in chain victorious enemy,

Blood n salt disappears left company.

Blood n salt revolts true children fight,

Battle cry thunderous might lead right, (13)


Sacred secret destroy sacrilege in a jolt,

Decimate own enemy alien, blood n salt,

Eon witness independence beacon again,

Flows blood n salt, mother graces vein. (14)