Saturday, July 31, 2021




Gay abandon loiters beach attract,

Golden-and moist-air noises react,

Horizon afar blue-sea skies merge,

Overwhelms heart, thoughts surge, (1)


Eternity sketch canvass, intoxicate,

Salty wind, tingle noise promulgate,

Neither tells origin, nor destination,

Color-odorless invisible feel motion, (2)


Whispers, air inhale goes out clean,

Watch nourishes life wish void thin,

Invisible within, spirit manifest live,

Depth-of-thought match, ocean dive, (3)


Bottomless depth thought surprise,

Continues wave, after wave precise,

Crash, wave spread out beachfront,

Retreat merges to seas jewel I hunt, (4)


Memory resemble  picture-of-beach,

Thoughts trigger alive-memory each,

Raise thought n travel memory lane,

I pick up gravels shell, helluva hem, (5)


Tall-mountain soft-water run break,

Astonish rock change to sand wake,

Pick past experiences patience, look,

Efforts of water smooth n workbook, (6)


Workbook, detail stonewall crumble,

Work, overcome move match simple,

Walk further pick up beautiful-shell,

Wonderful-lessons shell teaches well, (7)


Remember shell drink dews n water,

Accept rain drops reject ocean sheer,

Purity shell chooses, deny salty water,

Pearl shell generate pearls metaphor, (viii)


Huge ocean water-world ah detaches,

Human-mind gets wild lusty attaches,

Detachment manifest pearl-awesome,

Detached-mind accumulates wisdom, (9)


Vast oceans merge, united borderless,

Aquatic-life move free no wall impress,

Wordless, thought access wall of rock,

Cast, creed, color, speech, faiths sock, (10)


Oceanic life little witness war carnage,

Peaceful life swims n human if savage,

Rise from oceans sun sinks at evening,

I pick up gravels thoughts enchanting, (11)


Endless sea beach I found gems bright,

Lifelong I walked perused, misses sight,

Search contuse persistent pearl collect,

Electric-moment unravel I often reflect, (12)


The beach, ocean, sky merge with soul,

Sojourn of life discover collect life-goal,

Nameless beginning end find unknown,

World resemble the beach, pearl shown, (13)


Listless human population like gravels,

Plunder the values collect pearl travels.

Memorizing-thought cast spell wonder,

Mysterious-world, jewel-strewn plunder. (14)









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