Thursday, October 21, 2021





Worlds ever cry ocean, tears,

Pain depth bottomless fears,

Silent night display remorse,

World disappear n of course,(1)


Pale moon glimmer laments,

Bird search nest lost talents,

Creation exotic marvel greet,

Reminds blue skies bird, nit, (2)


Blue seas green forest excite,

Spirit sing hypnotizes, recite,

Soul song, reverberate, entice,

Inept existence, watch notice, (3)


Excluded from mirth joviality,

Never could guess possibility,

Alone, quite alone feel reality,

Meets everyday lives insanity, (4)


Neglects society faces normal,

Humiliation hurts life, critical,

Modesty misses inept life feel,

Honor deserved deprives seal, (5)


Illiterate, unskilled soul, suffer,

Can’t protest, fail express tear,

Accept hunger sickness silent,

Struggle obvious expect relent, (6)


Neither luxury nor comfort nit,

Entire lives pass agonies greet,

Husband, parent, kid, all know,

Evade torture insult less show, (7)


Humanity acknowledge these,

Surprises attitude wish, cease,

Compare woman earth at par,

Sufferance service incurs scar, (viii)


Rot in ignominy inferior taunt,

Less freedom equality ill hunt,

Read knowledge study impart,

Ornate women spine, interact, (9)


Gives inheritor to human, race,

Obligation dries up, less trace,

Astonish husband kid behave,

Forgets contribution less save, (10)


Mute spectator elder, parent,

Suffer housewife less, warrant,

Intelligentsia feel-silent failure,

Society worldwide like feature, (11)


Write crestfallen refugee lives,

Mother with baby nit believes,

Survive, meet harsh-world will,

Beggary cruel roads fates seal, (12)


Begging bowl empty appear lit,

Lit to survive dusk to dawn fit,

Hunger, hunt down limb weak,

Cries loud for food appear sick, (13)


Feel warm tears home comfort,

God provides me, billion, escort,

How cruel humans force people,

Out of the own soil live, simple, (14)


Nation betrays, betray national,

Least, care for fellow emotional,

Widow, divorcee, old women ill,

Unlimited sufferance social evil, (15)


Helpless, family, citizen, nation,

Ridicule, salt to wound, notion,

Sad life, female face experience,

Inquire, saga, of inept existence. (16)









Mesmerizes peaceful country quiet,

Prevail amity bonhomie spirit, wait,

Understanding sparkle reciprocate,

Community build friendship relate, (1)


Festival occasions warmth ecstatic,

Nightly melody, orchestra hypnotic,

Youth participation add colors, nice,

Colorful night intoxicate life, notice, (2)


Length breadth, nation feel wonder,

Vanishes struggle disease n torture,

Families unite yearly once, pleasure,

Sweet disk cuisine food, steal sheer, (3)


Tradition cultural function glamour,

Festive season unforgettable secure,

Nice, autumn bumper crop hearten,

Good harvest bring solace brighten, (4)


Rural greenery magnetic attract all,

Vacation long bonus helps enthrall,

Busy urban life recuse hardship fit,

Prefer recluse midst of nature greet, (5)


Enchants springtime nature assure,

Profound peace, happiness capture,

Disappears noise, polluted air, dust,

Beautiful hill station get visitor, lost, (6)


Paradise earth display icy clad peak,

Sunrise turns gold tense mind leak,

Lustrous green carpet, valleys steal,

Tortured hearts wounded lives, heal, (7)


Beautiful season scares erupt fight,

Unfortunate incidents, pollute sight,

Feature of quarrel, myopic versions,

Sectarian tendencies hurt, cautions, (viii)


Villain media circulate attenuates it,

Rumors spread nation protest greet,

Power struggle search disturbances,

Divide state elections win enhances, (9)


Democracy pillar of equality n right,

Shrewd mind spreads lies, let incite,

Believe or reject daily volatile in air,

Ruin festive seasons no one to care, (10)


Street violence stark reality motion,

Fade corona fears violence, caution,

People best confines security prime,

Goons prowl in cities darken define, (11)


Peace fraternity amity rumors steal,

Mistrust public news strangers feel,

Crowd paralyze crowd city business,

Jolts severe, life in speed, craziness, (12)


Cancel travel life feels disappointed,

Hill station forest cover dilapidated,

Misses melody nights, stalls empty,

Pervade melancholy police on duty, (13)


Silence rule noisy street feels tragic,

Politics cons disavow rumor allergic,

Root-cause of social tragedy pretend,

Portrays ignorant of rumors yet fend, (14)


Anarchy resides in heart utter polite,

Bewitch happiness fades anger, fight,

Bewilder arms of law disavow rumor,

Waits complaints to knock bit humor.   (15)









Life feels dreary desert alone walk,

Thirsty parched throat water lack,

Blister bright sun merciless burn,

Solitary frighten lost spirit mourn, (1)


Horizon sky merges feel notorious,

Bleak future hopeless, end serious,

Limbs tired, lifeless sprawl, dictate,

Busiest life affluence writ, indicate, (2)


Qualification prized possession fit,

Highest profession experience feat,

Name fame or influence intoxicate,

Darkroom n empty office intricate, (3)


Shadow great-spirit watch shaken,

Work, work alone night ill frighten,

Challenge life face schedules mock,

Runs mind-superfast pending joke, (4)


Threat huge-loss project in failure,

Staff colleague boss trusts assure,

Late-night world sleep office snore,

Perplexes mind thoughtful, ignore, (5)


Deprives children company n wife,

Solitary fight with files, clear, strife,

Unknown result n life hopes strive,

Fluctuate fortune, success deprive, (6)


Avalanche strikes glories feel, past,

Underneath abuse criticism to last,

Ignominy hurts misses repute feel,

Existential crisis covers never heal, (7)


Sinks pride, confidence energy fails,

Express engine abrupt halts derail,

Dark office room dedicates lifelong,

Shake melancholy sense soul song, (viii)


Realize wife waits night after night,

Know sure his presence no delight,

Children took wings, less connects,

Crime self-committed ethic defects, (9)


Private life lost years stares cruelly,

Nostalgia brings remorse lives silly,

Resound empty dark hall strike nit,

Modern life affluent senior post hit, (10)


Cry aloud tormented hearts tearful,

Temptation only mirages wonderful,

Experiences soul feels midst desert,

Blister heart feels sensation impart, (11)


Fail conscience clueless less escape,

Fold life automatic inward in shape,

Sleep, take rest human life precious,

Never forfeit life, less surrender toss, (12)


Fight later seek recluse n disappear,

Enjoy with family n pretend secure,

Merges your soul with nature skies,

Soul acquire fiery wing spread flies, (13)


Life offer, not dark room empty hall,

Green forest n blue oceans enthrall,

Children love your presence dearly,

Follows wife shed tear smile merely, (14)


Existential crisis transpires, mirage,

Effulgent spirit resurrects, envisage.

Discover O’ soul, bright days invite,

Escape root heal nature marvel excite (15)






Tuesday, October 19, 2021






Mesmerizes peaceful country quiet,

Prevail amity bonhomie spirit, wait,

Understanding sparkle reciprocate,

Community build friendship relate, (1)


Festival occasions warmth ecstatic,

Nightly melody, orchestra hypnotic,

Youth participation add colors, nice,

Colorful night intoxicate life, notice, (2)


Length breadth, nation feel wonder,

Vanishes struggle disease n torture,

Families unite yearly once, pleasure,

Sweet disk cuisine food, steal sheer, (3)


Tradition cultural function glamour,

Festive season unforgettable secure,

Nice, autumn bumper crop hearten,

Good harvest bring solace brighten, (4)


Rural greenery magnetic attract all,

Vacation long bonus helps enthrall,

Busy urban life recuse hardship fit,

Prefer recluse midst of nature greet, (5)


Enchants springtime nature assure,

Profound peace, happiness capture,

Disappears noise, polluted air, dust,

Beautiful hill station get visitor, lost, (6)


Paradise earth display icy clad peak,

Sunrise turns gold tense mind leak,

Lustrous green carpet, valleys steal,

Tortured hearts wounded lives, heal, (7)


Beautiful season scares erupt fight,

Unfortunate incidents, pollute sight,

Feature of quarrel, myopic versions,

Sectarian tendencies hurt, cautions, (viii)


Villain media circulate attenuates it,

Rumors spread nation protest greet,

Power struggle search disturbances,

Divide state elections win enhances, (9)


Democracy pillar of equality n right,

Shrewd mind spreads lies, let incite,

Believe or reject daily volatile in air,

Ruin festive seasons no one to care, (10)


Street violence stark reality motion,

Fade corona fears violence, caution,

People best confines security prime,

Goons prowl in cities darken define, (11)


Peace fraternity amity rumors steal,

Mistrust public news strangers feel,

Crowd paralyze crowd city business,

Jolts severe, life in speed, craziness, (12)


Cancel travel life feels disappointed,

Hill station forest cover dilapidated,

Misses melody nights, stalls empty,

Pervade melancholy police on duty, (13)


Silence rule noisy street feels tragic,

Politics cons disavow rumor allergic,

Root-cause of social tragedy pretend,

Portrays ignorant of rumors yet fend, (14)


Anarchy resides in heart utter polite,

Bewitch happiness fades anger, fight,

Bewilder arms of law disavow rumor,

Waits complaints to knock bit humor.   (15)









Monday, October 18, 2021






Visionary mind introspect detail,

Underdeveloped land nit prevail,

Countryside remote no progress,

Communication absent distress, (1)


Lack, road travel, painful trouble,

Less electricity hospital solvable,

Distant school college n dropout,

Childhood cursed lives blackout, (2)


Illiteracy child labor n migration,

Looms dark future, lives caution,

Least, opportunity, for job, visible,

Poverty stinks, rural life horrible, (3)


Lack, education, skill, life endure,

Women-folk children a lot suffer,

Miseries increase depletes forest,

Fertile land erode waste soil rest, (4)


Unpredictable weather, frequent,

Failed monsoon, dry rivers scent,

Scarcity tortures drinking water,

Village folks travel miles procure, (5)


Dirty water cause, fevers ill child,

Lack, treatment, weak lives yield,

Early deaths sad picture hurtful,

Paradise rural hinterland tearful, (6)


Decades past n hopes disappear,

Industries growing cities prosper,

Population rise, reason job acute,

Mar national scope crime repute, (7)


Educated jobless surrender neat,

Crime terror wrought horror writ,

Siphon national resource corrupt,

Check progress land halt abrupt, (viii)


Dramatize crusade serve to poor,

National planning betrays suffer,

Curse of modernization migrant,

Sock child labors traffic vagrant, (9)


Human-right flagrant violate, tell,

Perplex nation cross fingers yell,

Fight, for rightful cause, crusade,

Drives for literacy, rural pervade, (10)


Targets female child education fit,

Skill supports livelihood life greet,

Supports rural income cultivation,

Poor peasant add price promotion, (11)


Bulk national incomes invest nit,

Critical-period feel treat objective,

Save vanishing green cover tirade,

Foremost need-of-hour a crusade, (12)


Save earth resurrects nature tall,

Crusade humanity declares, troll,

Critical necessity crusade strives,

Critical, reason effective n thrives, (13)


Reason freedom equality absolute,

Miss both wings intention pollute,

Crusade acquire color anarchy fit,

Dictatorial arm n stronger defeat, (14)


Black painted crusade destroy all,

Fine noble intention less enthrall

Story; crusade, human, feel n wait,

Conserve water now or never late, (15)


Famine water scarcity causes end,

Death never ends, begins, pretend,

Time only whispers crusade cause,

Wake modern world, socking pose. (16)