Monday, October 24, 2022






Looking at immersive thoughts,

Ecstatic at the sight of light emanates,

Moonless night darkness rules,

Resembles ignorance occupied mind,

Eons the mind travels in dark probes,

The point of light missing within,

Blind, life moves ahead fearful,

Abyss in front, sense fails to detect,

The picture is drawn to reflect humanity,

Humans today facing a catastrophe,

Of own making, less aware of misdeeds,

Boasting the blind claims as a conqueror,

Controlling people to rule ruthless,

Gun answers protest choosing silence,

Never unfortunate life could fathom,

Death waits for him to be sure,

How many dictators and aggressors died,

Countless heads rolled by time,

Never these power-hungry rulers felt,

Behind the thick cotton curtains,

Death quietly watching time to kill,

Fallen suddenly to soil the empire lost,

Lost the golden palace, emanating fear,

Dance in joy subjects is free now,

Blind could never learn repeats mistake,

Blood spills again fight starts for the chair,

Betrayer stabs behind for gold women,

A long history of the human race murkier,

Cruel heart showed envy, greed, anger,

Hatred the demon control evil mind,

The presence of evil is undetectable,

Easily procreate actions in darkness,

Conscience, reason inborn imprisoned,

The dark world envelops open eyes,

Never could know the presence of light,

Physical sensations treat pleasure,

Drinks poison believes as if nectar,

How many lives drunk die early sadly,

Untimely death, precious is human life,

Forfeited life got the rarest mission,

Little could accomplish the objective,

The poem of blind human tragic song,

The dark kingdom where death rules,

Pain, torture, and sickness lead to the end,

Truth establishes the soul deathless,

Indweller in the human body a visitor,

The world is alien for learning the truth,

Truth is the unchanging eternity light,

A point source is enough to emanate,

Emanate knowledge pervading nature,

Dispels the existing darkness totally,

Within the human mind, life can watch,

A point source, life radiate at the top,

Illumines entire inner space bright,

A human can fathom wrongdoings,

Alarmed before committing a blunder,

Save precious human life, defeat death,

Removes untimely death prospers life,

Long life, jewels, discover easy,

Peace, happiness, love, and compassion,

Unearthly treasures find within the mind,

Festival of light denotes the oil lamp lit,

Wise ignites this lamp within lighted,

Emanate wisdom, an essence of life,

Focuses transiency nature of the world,

Celebrate the emanation metaphorically,

The festival of light provides vision,

Behold, bewitched the sight of life,

Emanate truth is the only truth that exists. 


@ Bijayananda Mishra



Sunday, October 23, 2022






Eloquently fingers shaping life,

Revolving wooden wheel below,

Rotating wet clay slowly at the top,

Amazes fingers work surprisingly,

It was making clay pottery eons ago,

Ancient civilization certifies discovery,

Clay, porcelain, bronze, and silver,

The design for millennia continues,

Society has forgotten its intricacies,

Still, the potter failed to extinction totally,

Potter wheel is a village sight beautiful,

Human progressed, I was thinking,

Unstoppable spirit achieved many things,

Wonderful creations handcrafted,

With iron machines, threads, cloth,

With fibers carpets design noticeable,

Gold, silver, platinum, and diamond,

The crafty fingers create filigree, jewelry,

People perform for generations to get rich,

Compare village iron smith weaver,

The community still is found assuring,

Poor thatched cottages less changed,

Charcoals are burning, listen to sounds,

The hammer sharpens molten iron,

The lifeline keeps village activity alive,

Poor, bare chest, loincloth, rustic,

I learned at college, educated, skilled,

These men, women less educated,

Never have gone to college to learn,

Inheritance, my country may look to,

Century-old art and craft is valuable,

It carries inherent ancient culture,

Should not be lost at any cost supported,

Stay in these communities with peasants,

Their products are still prized by females,

Clay mug for tea stalls at rail platform,

Visible when plastic is prohibited,

Provides livelihood for potters, prosper,

Rural industry takes shape for youth,

A vast range of pottery items need homes,

Replacing plastic, iron, steel utensils,

Water coolers, clay idols perennial,

Potter mint a small business nicely,

Water cooler natural method cheap,

People buy in hot summer for home,

Idol-making shows potters' artisan fingers,

Goddess idol dressed with ornaments,

Colors natural ingredients prepared,

Paper, jute, aluminum foil crown,

Decorations created by an artistic mind,

Potter's life is linked to festival seasons,

Diwali time clay lamps million are sold,

Temples, thousands oil lit lamps lighted,

The potter wheel rotates, forming lamps,

Family do good business on Diwali,

 On occasion, homes in the street are bright,

Unique sight spreads happiness, joy,

I was thinking about immersive fingers,

Skill in the blood acquires ideally,

These fingers never read books studied,

Nondescript rural men do muddy work,

Inconspicuous their social presence,

Only for an ultra-modern person educated,

Vanity acquired from books digress,

Immaculately shines Indian potteries,

Questions civilization to rethink,

Look back to the past glorious shining,

Finger with clay creates an intricate product,

Immaculately arranged at the street, sold!


@ Bijayananda Mishra

Saturday, October 22, 2022





Divine purpose, love, and graceful,

Delicate fingers, Lord created soft,

Created muscular frames for a male,

Attractive, the feminine loves a face,

Feminine beauty is round and smooth,

Attractive, sight resembles a flower,

Divine wish flower is colored, fragrant,

From far honey bees detects the smell,

Searches male heart partner, a cycle,

Procreation, divine will, world exists,

Family in existence grows civilization,

Parents in generation forming a clan,

Children linking parents divide links,

Thread, a lineage of hierarchy distinct,

Link through marriage to a different one,

A daughter will be daughter-in-law,

Finds the girl child a heritage noble,

The mother of a family of her husband,

Sons continue with their families,

A girl, through marriage, gets her home,

How many events, functions passed,

Family remembers every detail,

Birth, death, and marriages  predominate,

Relationships widen through generation,

Find the thread entwined inter-mingled,

I was searching the silk thread sacred,

Relationship between a brother and sister,

Siblings, the same fruits of a branch,

A girl gets married, leaves her home,

Leave parents, parents-in-law is reality,

Brother stays, keeps the link alive,

Protects sister through up and down,

Attends her family ceremonies,

Uncle, a beautiful presence in respect,

Mother's brother still families linked,

A silk thread ties to the brother's hand,

The ceremony is an important festival,

Establishes sacred relationships,

Females think of a brother as a protector

Thread a woman's life in case of widowhood,

Untimely, the death of her husband happens,

The silk thread keeps sinking life afloat,

The softest feeling tying thread,

With oil-lit lamp sweets on a plate,

Worship sister, her brother, love in heart,

In return gets a new dress, sweets,

Taunts elder brother and demands money,

I have seen in life relationships,

Relationships with parents, elders,

Relationships with kin many,

Relationship with better half prime,

A bond between brother and sister,

A silk thread represents soft love,

True friendship growing to the age,

Memorable listless events or fun,

Countless cut-offs, friendships re-tied,

Fear sister to confess before a parent,

Easily confides to brother reminds,

Never to disclose her secrets a faith,

Reverse the story truth is kept secret,

His sister's heart stored his confession,

Note childhood pain, mistakes, love,

Innumerable desires, failure, sis knows,

Never let parents know to save punished,

Elder sister, a second mother guides,

Reminiscence of her departure, wedding,

Heartbroken a time, sis is missing,

Accompanies her to her in-law's home,

Heavenly love, a silk thread tied in hand.


@ Bijayananda Mishra




Friday, October 21, 2022






Disbelieve life is so mercurial,

Impossible to guess the direction,

Uncoiled time before me ecstatic,

I followed drunk whimsical happy,

Found unearthly treasure in me,

Discovered in my heart blossoming,

Red rose fragrant in vision, my love,

Budding youth saw the flowering,

Fascinated by feminine beauty,

Lost my time befriending girls,

University campus impetus really,

The campus canteen, garden,

The Interval at class lunch hours,

Passed with girlfriend in gossip,

Talks ever end, wait to be continued,

Examination arrival separates,

Quiet night alerted study remember,

Her face was floating on pages,

Closed books writings practiced,

Surprised it was ending in a letter,

Similar symptoms affected her,

We passed with success is the story,

Imprinted her presence in my heart,

Never could think of missing her,

The story of life ending is always tragic,

Friends in youth get separated,

Day in and day out occupied thoughts,

Time widens the distance sadly,

We were writing letters regularly, in love,

Waiting for marriage employment,

The home I saw in innumerous,

Couple with kids making fun,

Affected by envy was dreaming,

Salary of the first month I counted,

Home, marriage, child arrives,

A day came I decided to visit her,

Told her my arrival time date,

She was listening to me silently,

I didn't get her reply and failed to notice,

When knocking on her home, surprised,

She has gone to meet her parents,

Parents arranged a marriage proposal,

She never disclosed to me the fact,

The moment I surmised reality,

Rebellious in heart, I was shattered,

Felt the ground was moving under,

Imbalanced collapsed in a sock,

Disbelieve whom I once loved,

My soul revolted as if dying,

Thought earth was rotating fast,

I hold my head in both hands,

It was midnight alone on the road,

Could not recognize the place,

Shattered, careless sat on a bench,

The railway platform trains moving,

Saw people traveling, thought,

All of them have a destination,

Alone on a bench, I searched,

Where shall I go to die peacefully,

No more dreaming of a home, a couple,

Smiling at distant kids was unreal,

Miracle the incident calling mom,

How are you, dear child dad is sick,

Please come home and attend to him,

I found my duty and the destination,

The cold wind from an open window,

The train was moving fast, matched me,

Tears dried; I could see I was needed,

Not alone, my parent seeking me,

A sleep engulfing me, living worth,

Discovering for me the rebirth.


@ Bijayananda Mishra

Theme: Fiction





Thursday, October 20, 2022






Writes about the expressive heart,

Heart mercurial reflects feelings,

Silent introvert observes minutely,

Life prefers seclusion, thinking intensely,

Focus mind eyesight distant analyses,

A spirit so passionate chooses a pen,

Deep within experiences soul mirror-perfect,

The mind projects a colorful world, changing,

Time is the player changes course of life,

Shifts goal of a person plays cruelly,

Little understood rule of the game,

Destiny deviates, progress, fate, finish,

Failure turns to success luck decides,

Life plays dramas, tragic to climax,

A trillion human stories in paints,

Each painting is a life story, gets famous,

People engrossingly discuss events,

Surprises, turn of life twists intricate,

Succulent parts of a story capture the mind,

Reader hooked, addicted to thrills,

Landscapes provide background,

Horror interlaces with fear socks,

A sudden change of ground lightens,

Lightens a human heart with the dawn,

Glorious moments life sparks touching,

Adulated with love, kindness, care,

The author devastates the reader's heart,

Anticipations killed brutally linked,

Sadness grips life tension clad story,

Life, if ever can escape from the nightmare,

Night covers pages patience on trial,

Inks morning glories wink smiles to read,

Page after page, a book hooks with interest,

Curious about outcomes, life in the end,

Hello reader, halt here, please, look at,

A writer's mind catches those reflections,

Reflects mind myriad such mirrored,

Ink flows mirrors images perfectly,

The intensity of thought mind concentrates,

Finds suitable words coined to please,

Pleasant reading, every word chosen,

Lines carry meanings life reflected,

Here the great writers send messages,

Message to humanity provides solutions,

Studies social evil, prejudices, wolves,

In between lines of the pages hidden,

Deep analysis of writing projects,

Each heart understands differently,

The fact negated diverse opinions,

Ultimately a book is understood,

It becomes famous wins time reprinted,

Book in several languages printed,

The world community finds the story,

Surprising it matches social issues,

Ideal solutions life depicts as shared,

People love to view cine motion,

Life, written by a pen fictional only,

Actors portray a lively real-life story,

The world community gives standing ovations,

The writer in a dark room once wrote,

Looked at urban life, rustic people,

Mingled in nature, experienced in detail,

Crossed oceans toured continents,

People before his telescope noticed,

Human emotion reactions searched,

Under microscopic scrutiny remembered,

Natures vagaries, panorama puzzling,

Ink reflects duly, the book is transparent,

Ink is a mirror that captures life in images.


@ Bijayananda Mishra.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022




The day I was a witness, observed,

Imprinted in my heart is a tragic event,

Brokenhearted, I couldn't withstand,

A young girl in our neighborhood,

Deceived by her lover, fled from a locality,

Pregnant, she was condemned by the public,

Females were beating her mercilessly,

Scolding, addressing, lowly character,

Her mother was slapping her own forehead,

Scornful, men were looking angry,

Her father was sitting on the road,

Holding his head, looked down,

I wondered if he was crying in shame,

She was thrown out of her home,

She sat under a nearby tree,

Next dawn, she vanished totally,

No one could see her in the town,

I remember that evening starkly,

The event churned my heart,

A young girl, pregnant, is missing,

No one is concerned about her,

Her parents tried to forget her,

She was the point of gossip, nasty,

Even young women criticized her,

Elderly persons called her a prostitute,

The topic came to my home, heard,

My wife and daughter were commenting,

Felt extremely bad for society, then,

What should we teach my daughter,

Never love a young man in life,

In a split second, I knew paralyzing,

Tell daughter to keep disciplined,

Truth, humanity faced, a reality,

Unwanted pregnancy, killing fetus,

To save dignity from a failed marriage,

Murder a life in the womb innocent,

I dignified the girl in my heart,

A mother in the future protects her child,

Betrayed her lover, her cruel life revealed,

The soul of an unfortunate girl loved,

Trusted a human, I contemplated,

Who exhibits love and care, cheated,

We loved university campus girls,

Dared to express a loving heart, knew,

Many friends stamped their affairs,

To love-marriage resulted in a relationship,

How many boys had gone to prison,

Tell my turbulent thoughts, so natural,

Simple a Youngman loves a girl,

Naturally, human nature exhibits,

A thousand Novels the motion picture,

Applauded by viewers, a box office,

The man, who made his girl pregnant,

Fled, the cowardly act, a serious crime,

He gets married, gets prestige a lot of,

The hypocrisy of civil society is bare,

A shelter home philanthropic helped,

Funded by my capability to search,

They found her begging and admitted her,

Took care of the baby and the mother,

A year after, I visited her, enquired,

How are you feeling, dear child?

Her answer was crisp and touching,

Reborn, sir, I never believed.


@ Bijayananda Mishra