Showing posts with label EMANATE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EMANATE. Show all posts

Monday, October 24, 2022






Looking at immersive thoughts,

Ecstatic at the sight of light emanates,

Moonless night darkness rules,

Resembles ignorance occupied mind,

Eons the mind travels in dark probes,

The point of light missing within,

Blind, life moves ahead fearful,

Abyss in front, sense fails to detect,

The picture is drawn to reflect humanity,

Humans today facing a catastrophe,

Of own making, less aware of misdeeds,

Boasting the blind claims as a conqueror,

Controlling people to rule ruthless,

Gun answers protest choosing silence,

Never unfortunate life could fathom,

Death waits for him to be sure,

How many dictators and aggressors died,

Countless heads rolled by time,

Never these power-hungry rulers felt,

Behind the thick cotton curtains,

Death quietly watching time to kill,

Fallen suddenly to soil the empire lost,

Lost the golden palace, emanating fear,

Dance in joy subjects is free now,

Blind could never learn repeats mistake,

Blood spills again fight starts for the chair,

Betrayer stabs behind for gold women,

A long history of the human race murkier,

Cruel heart showed envy, greed, anger,

Hatred the demon control evil mind,

The presence of evil is undetectable,

Easily procreate actions in darkness,

Conscience, reason inborn imprisoned,

The dark world envelops open eyes,

Never could know the presence of light,

Physical sensations treat pleasure,

Drinks poison believes as if nectar,

How many lives drunk die early sadly,

Untimely death, precious is human life,

Forfeited life got the rarest mission,

Little could accomplish the objective,

The poem of blind human tragic song,

The dark kingdom where death rules,

Pain, torture, and sickness lead to the end,

Truth establishes the soul deathless,

Indweller in the human body a visitor,

The world is alien for learning the truth,

Truth is the unchanging eternity light,

A point source is enough to emanate,

Emanate knowledge pervading nature,

Dispels the existing darkness totally,

Within the human mind, life can watch,

A point source, life radiate at the top,

Illumines entire inner space bright,

A human can fathom wrongdoings,

Alarmed before committing a blunder,

Save precious human life, defeat death,

Removes untimely death prospers life,

Long life, jewels, discover easy,

Peace, happiness, love, and compassion,

Unearthly treasures find within the mind,

Festival of light denotes the oil lamp lit,

Wise ignites this lamp within lighted,

Emanate wisdom, an essence of life,

Focuses transiency nature of the world,

Celebrate the emanation metaphorically,

The festival of light provides vision,

Behold, bewitched the sight of life,

Emanate truth is the only truth that exists. 


@ Bijayananda Mishra